info-mac@uw-beaver (info-mac) (10/09/84)
From: Werner Uhrig <CMP.WERNER@UTEXAS-20.ARPA> Entered by hand, reflects personal view of contents. File is straight text. While uploading, text was mangled by bugs in MacTERM 0.5x - hope I saw and corrected all signs of violence done to it. This is NOT a flame against MacTERMINAL; I am sure that the final product will be COMPLETELY bug-free. Of course, that might be a long time from now ((-: Once, I get myself oriented on using macput/get, I'll upload it in MACWRITE format (don't hold your breath, please). I hope, I'll be able to keep this file updated as new releases of MACWORLD come out. I've also started keeping an index of Mac-Books which I am making available; no guarantees on keeping that one up, though. Now I only hope, that someone has already collected similar data on the status of available software, and the contents of St. MAC (R.I.P.) - or thinks it's such a great idea doing it, that there will be no stopping him/her from doing so immediately. Cheers, Werner [Editor - These files are available under {SUMEX}<INFO-MAC>INDEX.MACWORLD and INDEX.MACBOOKS] -------