info-mac@uw-beaver (info-mac) (10/11/84)
From: Dick Kalagher <kalagher@mitre> The scrapbook seems like a ideal place to store a library of Pascal procedures. Then when a procedure is needed, it could be easily pasted into the program at the proper place. However, Apples decision to copy protect Macpascal puts a damper on this scheme. Since the active scrapbook is the one on the startup disk, you will need to write to the valuable copy protected disk. When the scrapbook gets large, you cannot eaisly switch to another disk. One workaround is to delete the finder from the original disk and startup with another disk containing the scrapbook of interest. On a single disk system, this would, I imagine, lead to a disk swapping nightmare since I assume Pascal would need to go to its disk for its library and the system disk for system resources. It might work OK on a two disk system, but again, you have to be brave and delete files from a copy protected disk. A similar problem occurs with fonts. I can easily imagine wanting to use other than the minimal fonts with Pascal. To do so, I have to modify the orginal disk some way(Font mover, deleting finder, etc.). Does anyone have any solutions to these issues? It's really a shame that Apple did not try making this a very low price, unprotected product along tfhe lines of Turbo-pascal. That is certainly the wave of the future.