[fa.info-mac] smoothtalker demo

info-mac@uw-beaver (info-mac) (10/11/84)

From: Bill Croft <croft@safe>
------- Forwarded Message

Date: Wed, 10 Oct 84 18:36:44 edt
From: winkler@harvard.ARPA (Dan Winkler)
Subject: Smooth Talker

We got a very cute demo of the Smooth Talker speech synthesizer a couple
of days ago.  In case you haven't seen it yet, I sent you a copy of it and
its file of screen images.  If the files got there alright, and if you
like the demo, you should archive them on info-mac.  (They are freely
distributable.  The disk in fact was labeled "copy me.")


P.S.  SmoothTalker is the executable file.  The other file (SmoothPics)
just holds MacPaint images that it flashes on the screen.

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These files will be stored on SUMEX <info-mac> for a couple weeks, then
deleted (due to size).  The files are smoothtalker.rsrc and smoothpics.rsrc.
The total size is roughly 130K bytes.

If you are fetching these from a UNIX, be sure to use 'tenex' or
'type l 8' mode for the FTP transfer.