[fa.info-mac] Software review: Sargon III

info-mac@uw-beaver (info-mac) (10/15/84)

From: mclure@sri-prism
I have received my copy of Sargon III (finally) and have checked
it out. Not bad! It certainly beats out all previous micro-computer
chess programs in styling due to the bit-mapped nature and higher
resolution. Also, there are quite a few more features.

	o choose from 9 different levels of play
	  A special switch boosts this to 18

	o plays has an opening library of 68,000 moves

	o Sargon III has beaten a chess master rated over
	  2200 in tournament time limits [I think only
	  one other micro-computer program can make this claim.]

	o winner of the 1984 PC World Magazine micro-chess tournament
	  [Never heard of this tournament.]

	o Probably rated around 1800 (private communication
	  with Sargon III's authors)

... and so forth. A friend and I played a quick game against it
and liked what we saw, generally. There are three displays. One
is the main board. The second is the current game listing (updated
dynamically) and the third is the 'window into the search', 
a way of reading variables as they are modified by the underlying
assembly language program.

You use the mouse to move the pieces on the board.  A 'replay' feature
is amusing.  It plays over the just-played game, graphically, at
blinding speed as it moves all the pieces.

All in all an excellent buy for $50.
