[fa.info-mac] MacForth Level II, First impressions

info-mac@uw-beaver (info-mac) (10/15/84)

From: Piersol.pasa@XEROX.ARPA
I have just recieved my copy of Level 2 MacForth from Creative
Solutions, and I must say I'm pleased.  The new version appears to be
well worth the extra money, and has several goodies included which were
not in my Level 1 package.

Among these extras were:  An in-line 68000 assembler package, a
debugger, full support of Quickdraw, full support of the serial ports,
full support of the TE package (the standard Mac text editing routines),
and an overall improvement in the quality of documentation.

With the support of TE and the serial ports, some basic examples and
sources are given for building text editor windows. A simple terminal
emulator is also included, and looks to be nicely expandable.  Not only
are these useful in themselves, but they also give some good insights
into writing MacForth code.

The expanded QuickDraw support includes creation and manipulation of
Regions and Pictures.  From the documentation, it's easy to see why
Alice appeared so early on the Mac.  Quickdraw supports marvellous
facilities which allow the kind of animation used in the Alice game, and
MacForth has a good interface to them.  A marvellous demo and example
portrays a running four-stroke engine, with variable speed.  The speed
is controlled with a standard Toolbox slide control, and serves as a
nice example of how to interface with the Mac Control Manager.

In the expanded documentation, a translation table is given relating the
Toolbox names given in 'Inside Macintosh' to the MacForth words which
perform these functions.  In all cases, there seemed a much better
attention to detail than in the Level 1 product.  A large number of
Toolbox routines are supported, including heap and object management.

As you can see, I was most impressed.  Demo's appear clear and concise,
the documentation is adequate to good, and the new features look
excellent.  I have not spent enough time with it to give any information
on reliability, robustness, etc.  However, the patches which came with
Level 1 are incorporated into Level 2, so it looks like Creative
Solutions has been working on fixes. For those interested in Forth,
Level 2 is a more mature and complete Forth environment than Level 1.
It has, I feel, arrived as a full Mac programming environment.

Kurt Piersol