[fa.info-mac] Lock bit.

info-mac@uw-beaver (info-mac) (10/26/84)

From: "David H M Spector" <SPECTOR@NYU-CMCL1.ARPA>
Unfortunately the lock bit just means the file cannot be deleted, other than
that, you may do anything in creation to it.  Maybe the new finder, when it
comes out, will make things better...perhaps the bozo bit will/could be used 
as a secondary lock bit??
On a completely different subject...

.. I was thinking the other night, what in the *world*  is Apple gonna do with
all those pages in Newsweek???  Hmmm, somehow I don't think we're gonna
see lots (43 pages did someone say a while ago?) of cutsie Mac & Apple //e
ads.  I know I will get ill if I see that many of'em.  Since there's only
a week and a half till the 7th, wanna start some hopeful speculation/guessing/
etc and so forth?  BTW, Assimilation said that Apple asked them not to release
their spelling checker for another 2 weeks, as of this monday, sooo..


(I hope they at least announce the new finder and a hard disk, I have been
looking for justification to drop some bucks on a new toy...and Tecmar doesnt
yet cut it...)