[fa.info-mac] FEDIT

info-mac@uw-beaver (info-mac) (10/03/84)

From: Thomas.Newton@cmu-cs-spice.arpa
FEdit is a program which will allow you to examine and modify any block on
a diskette.  It was written by John Mitchell [Compuserve ID 75126,3533] and
has a special icon designed by one of the MAUG sysops.  The assembly language
sources (for the beta-test version of the Apple Assembler) are in database XA4
of the Micronet Apple Users Group (MAUG) on Compuserve.

When you run the program, it presents a dialog box asking which file to open.
Most of the commands are fairly obvious.  The "File Finder Attributes" menu
item will let you examine and modify the attribute bits and the type/creator
fields in a fashion similar to SET FILE.

Two "bugs" have been found so far.  The first "bug" is really a feature --
FEdit will scroll through *all* the blocks allocated to a file (sometimes the
physical EOF is one block past the logical EOF. . .).  The *real* bug:  when
the program shows the "disk header information," it gives a bogus value for
the decimal version of the number of free blocks.

To convert the hex version of FEdit (below) into an application, you must run
it through BinHex version 3.0 (archived on sumex-aim in <info-mac>binhex.bas).
NOTE:  The FROMHEX program on the SUMacC disks WILL NOT WORK for BinHex files.
Go into Microsoft BASIC and type "CLEAR ,25000" followed by "RUN BINHEX.BAS".
After an eternity has passed and BinHex has converted FEdit, go back to the
desktop.  Run FEdit, have it open itself (the executable version), select the
"File Finder Attributes" menu item, set the bundle bit, confirm the change,
and quit.  You should now see FEdit's special icon.

[Editor: File is on {SUMEX}<INFO-MAC>FEDIT.HEX]

info-mac@uw-beaver (info-mac) (10/04/84)

From: Kenneth Clark <clark@AEROSPACE>
  Would someone please  put the assembler SOURCE for FEdit in info-mac? This
would provide an ideal starting point for Mac assembler hackers. Thanks!

info-mac@uw-beaver (info-mac) (10/31/84)

From: Rich Cower <COWER@COLUMBIA-20.ARPA>
Anyone have the souce to FEDIT in a FTPable spot?
