[fa.info-mac] FAST version of BinHex

info-mac@uw-beaver.UUCP (11/02/84)

From: Bill Croft <croft@safe>
[sumex]<info-mac> now contains the following binhex files:

	binhex.bas	the old basic version
	binhex.hex	the new version in it's own binhex format
	binhex.dl	in 'fromhex' format
	binhex.rsrc	the 8-bit resource file

After getting a running copy of binhex on your Mac, you may want to run
it on itself (binhex.hex) or use the macput '-a BNHX' switch;  this
will set the 'created by' field to 'BNHX' so that the icon shows up
correctly (cute: shows a document 'turning into' an application).

This does look like a superior format for 'mailable' Mac files.
Perhaps someone will feel motivated to modify macput, macget, kermit,
or modem so that they can recognize these files and do the proper
protocol with MacTerminal to automatically send each component of the
Mac file.

info-mac@uw-beaver.UUCP (11/02/84)

From: Thomas.Newton@cmu-cs-spice.arpa
Recently Yves Lempereur of Mainstay (the company that puts out MacASM) wrote
an assembly-language version of BinHex and placed it in the public database
section of Compuserve.  This new version has several major advantages over
the BASIC version:

    (1) It runs MUCH faster
    (2) It takes up less space on a Mac disk
    (3) It can handle data and resource forks longer than 64K
    (4) It can handle files with both data & resource forks
    (5) It can save and restore finder attributes like the bundle bit
    (6) It can produce & decode special "condensed" hex files which
        are about 30% shorter than "normal" hex files.

The new version of BinHex is itself encoded in BinHex format.  To convert it
back to normal format, you should:

    (1) Use the BASIC version of BinHex to convert the upload document
        BinHex.Hex into the application document BinHex.Tmp,
    (2) Use BinHex.Tmp to convert BinHex.Hex into BinHex, and
    (3) Throw away BinHex.Hex and BinHex.Tmp

My next message will contain BinHex.Hex.  I assume that it will be intercepted
and stored on [sumex-aim]<info-mac>.