[fa.info-mac] 512K Mac problem

info-mac@uw-beaver (info-mac) (11/14/84)

From: Ron Thielen  <SYSTEMS.RJT@UChicago>
A friend of mine with a 512K Mac is having the following problem:

When quitting Multiplan, he consistently gets a system error id=02.  It can be
reproduced by simply launching Multiplan and immediately quitting.  After
taking his Mac into a dealer,  we tried several off the rack copies of
Multiplan in his Mac, all with the same result.  We then tried his Multiplan
in every Mac in the store, and were unable to reproduce the problem in any
Mac other than his.  With the isolation and reproducibiltiy it sounds like a
hardware problem to me.  Currently, Apple has his Mac and is looking into it.

We'd like to know if anyone else has had similar problems.  We're also curious
about the fallout rate for 128K and 512K Macs.