[fa.info-mac] ram repair

info-mac@uw-beaver (info-mac) (11/16/84)

From: George Schnurle <GFS@SU-AI.ARPA>
My Mac died last week. It would clear the screen, put up a dead Mac, and
give the error code 040800. Well, the 04 means a ram error, and Bill Croft
said the 0800 meant ram "11". I took the Mac apart and lo and behold, there
were no indications of which ram was number "11". So, I checked for continuity
between the 68000 and the 16 rams and came up with the following table:

Code	Data Bit	Ram		Code	Data Bit	Ram
*	0		F5		*	8		G5
*	1		F6		*	9		G6
*	2		F7		*	10		G7
*	3		F8		0800	11		G8
*	4		F9		*	12		G9
*	5		F10		*	13		G10
*	6		F11		*	14		G11
*	7		F12		*	15		G12

I replaced the ram at G8 and my Mac is back. I put a socket in just case I
ever decide to get Fat. If someone would like to add the error sub-codes to
this table and resend it, we would have all the necessary info in one place.

The following was sent to INFO-MAC from ERIK at SRI:
The codes under the Sad Mac correspond to a class code (2 hex digits) and
sub-codes.  The class codes are:

01= Rom Test Failed         (subcodes meaningless)
02= Memtest (bus subtest)   (subcodes correspond to bad RAM chips)
03= Memtest (bytewrite)     (")
04= Memtest (mod3test)      (")
05= Memtest (addr. uniqueness)  (")
0F= Exception:

0001 = Bus error
0002 = address error
0003 = illegal instruction
0004 = zero divide
0005 = check instruction
0006 = trapv instruction
0007 = privilege violation
0008 = trace
0009 = line 1010
000A = line 1111
000B = other exceptions
000C = ?
000D = NMI