info-mac@uw-beaver (info-mac) (11/16/84)
From: INTMET@BBNA.ARPA In the monday, Nov. 12, 84 Electronic Engineering Times, page 108 an article reports that for ten dollars Douglas Electronics Inc. (415) 483-8770 will sell you a program to do pc board layout. You can then send them a disk and they will make up your art work or boards. My favorite part of the article follows: First, the user calls up the Douglas Electronic facility -- on the telephone -- and then places the mouthpiece of the telephone handset near the loudspeaker inside the Macintosh. The program then produces a series of tones and data bursts corresponding to the complexity of the printed circuit-board design, and within a few moments, a price quote is given back to the user by a Douglas employee. Gee wiz, I've got half a modem and I never knew it! ben hyde, cambridge -------