[fa.info-mac] Mac Music

info-mac@uw-beaver (info-mac) (07/06/84)

Mark of the Unicorn, makers of Mince and Final Word amoung other things,
have ads in all the latest MacIntosh Rags, page 113 of July/August MacWorld,
for a music composition system.  I heard someplace that the demo version
is supposted to be released July 15th, but maybe it was June 15th.
These people are real professional programmers, there other products are
a pleasure to use.  To connect a MIDDI interface (MIDI?) you need to
be able to run at the rate standardized by the MIDDI people, this require
external clocking of the serial port, I gather that a source for such 
interfacing hardware hasn't been found yet.  You now know everything I know.
				Ben Hyde

info-mac@uw-beaver (info-mac) (11/16/84)

I just saw a pre-release copy of Hayden's Musicworks.  It produces 4 voice
scores and music froma choice of 10 instruments.  It costs $79.95
(ad on page 80 of Macworld).

I didn't have long enough to play with it, but it was neat -- (you can
sketch out music and have the computer write a proper score, scroll bars
for tempo and volume, etc., bass and treble staves.)  It comes with a bunch
of songs to play with.

I figure that this may not replace Mark Of The Unicorn's Professional Composer,
but it will sure be worth the $80 bucks! (Plus, the Apple guy mentioned that
there might be a MIDI-interface version next year)


info-mac@uw-beaver (info-mac) (11/21/84)

From: Jerry E. Pournelle <POURNE@MIT-MC>
atkinson and capps had a music program--maybe the hayden?--at
hackercon.  It was loverly.