[net.misc] More on SubGenius

stone (05/03/83)

Since there seems to be so much interest in the Church of the SubGenius,
I can't resist sending this in.  Here is a SubGenius sticker as rendered
for the CRT, great to leave on your screen when you logout; it was kicking
around the system here for just that purpose.  Enjoy!
							   -- Larry Stone

-----clip here & save-------------------------------------clip here & save------
		      B R A I N    G R O W T H

	     T h r o u g h   R a d i c a l   I n s a n i t y

		     (This is no occult garbage)

	   Face the hard facts with morbid humor and your own
	      inherent strangeness.  Psychaiatry, positive
		   thinking, blind faith:  ALL BUNK.

   S t a n d   u p   f o r   y o u r   o w n   a b n o r m a l i t y

	      Become a doctor of the forbidden sciences!
		  Make religon a kick-ass adventure!
		    Self-help through raising hell!

		Bogus ordination, crazed booklet, $2

		      The Church of the SubGenius
		      PO Box 140306
		      Dallas, TX  75214