majka (04/27/83)
Here is a summary of the mnemonics (acronymics?) I have received to date. My thanks to those who contributed to this list. A few mnemonics, such as the "Bad Boys..." resistor colour code list, were so popular that I only kept the longest version (below). Others appear in several versions. I am still collecting these things, so if you remember a new one, please send it along to me. I will post updates to the net as new ones appear. Marc Majka UBC Lab for Computational Vision (ubc-vision!majka) __________________________________________________ King Phillip came over for good soup King Phillip come out for god sake King Phillip ? ordered five greasy steaks Kingdom Phylum Class Order Family Genus Species (Taxononic classification) __________________________________________________ Toronto girls can flirt and only quit to chase dwarves. Talc Gypsum Calcite Flurite Appetite Orthoclase Quartz Topaz Corumdum Diamond (Hardness scale 1-10 for minerals) __________________________________________________ Father Charles Goes Down And Ends Battle Reading from left to right, it tells you the order in which sharps occur in major scales. That is, the scale with one sharp has F sharp, the scale with two sharps has F sharp and C sharp, and so on. Also, the name of the scale is the note immediately following its last sharp in the list. For example, the scale with four sharps -- F, C, G, and D -- is E major. Reading the sentence backwards Battle Ends And Down Goes Charles Father gives you the order in which flats occur in major scales. You can tell the name of the scale by using the list entry just to the left of the last flat, wrapping around if need be. For example, the scale with four flats -- B, E, A, and D -- is A-flat major. __________________________________________________ Oh, Be A Fine Girl, Kiss Me Right Now Sweetheart Only Beer And Fine Grass Keep My Rattled Nerves Sane. OBAFGKMRNS (Star classes on a stellar evolution diagram) __________________________________________________ My Very Educated Mother Just Served Us Nine Pickles Mercury Venus Earth Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune Pluto (Planets) __________________________________________________ Mother Very Thoughtfully Made A Jelly Sandwich Under No Protest Mercury Venus Terra Mars Asteroids Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune Pluto (Planets) __________________________________________________ All cows eat grass All cars eat gas ACEG are the staff space notes for bass clef from bottom to top __________________________________________________ Every Good Bird Does Fly Every good boy does fine Every Good Boy Deserves Fudge EGBDF are the line notes for treble clef __________________________________________________ King Hector died miserable death caught measles Kilometer Hectometer Decameter Meter Decimeter Centimeter Millimeter (Metric prefixes) __________________________________________________ Some old hen caught another hen taking one away S(in) = O(pposite)/H(ypotenuse) C(os) = A(djacent)/H(ypotenuse) T(an) = O(pposite)/A(djacent) (Trigonometric equations) __________________________________________________ Bad boys rape our young girls but Violet gives willingly - get some now. black brown red orange yellow green blue violet grey white gold silver none 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 5% 10% 20% (Resistor colour codes) __________________________________________________ can dead men vote twice at elections. which stands for the transformation from compass reading to true compass + deviation = magnetic; magnetic + variation = true; add east(ie subtract west) also in the other direction the slightly sexist. true virgins make dull companions which was true + variation = magnetic; magnetic + deviation = compass (and in this direction easterly variation and deviation is subtracted) __________________________________________________ Camels often sit down carefully. Perhaps their joints creak. Possibly early oiling might prevent premature rhumatism. Cambrian Ordovician Sirillian Devonian Carboniferous Permian Triassic Jurrasic Cretatious Paleocene Eocene Oligocene Myocene Pileocene Pleistocene Recent (Geolocical ages) __________________________________________________ Practically every old man plays poker regularly. Paleocene Eocene Oligocene Myocene Pileocene Pleistocene Recent (Geolocical ages) __________________________________________________ Roy G. Biv Red Orange Yellow Green Blue Indigo Violet (Rainbow colours in order) __________________________________________________ May I have a large container of coffee? ... How I want a drink, alcoholic of course, after the heavy chapters involving quantum mechanics. One is, yes, adequate even enough to produce some fun and pleasure for an instant, miserably brief. pi = 3.1415926535897932384626433832795... (Word lengths are digits) __________________________________________________ Old people from Texas eat spiders Occipital parietal frontal temporal ephnoid sphenoid (Bones of the skull) __________________________________________________ Every Bible Gets Dusty After Easter E B G D A E (Standard guitar tuning) __________________________________________________ Prime Minister - a toad! Prophase Metaphase Anaphase Telophase (Stages in cell division) __________________________________________________ Oh my, such good apple pie, sweet as sugar. Oh my sagging gonads, aching, pulsating, sore as shit. oxalic, malonic, succinic, glutaric, adipic, pimelic, suberic, azelaic, sebacic - the (alpha, omega) dicaarboxylic acids from C2-C10. __________________________________________________ Spring forward - Fall back Tells you how to adjust your clock for standard and daylight saving time. __________________________________________________ MeDiCaL The roman numerals for 1000 500 100 and 50 --------------------------------------------------
mjb (04/29/83)
HOMES Huron, Ontario, Michigan, Erie, Superior (Great Lakes) -Mike
minow (05/02/83)
Kind Souls Never Judge Fair Ladys KSNJFL The order of the hexadecimal digits (K == 10, ... L == 15) on Illiac I. (The reason had to do with the mechanics of Illiac I five-channel paper tape -- be happy you're too young to remember.) Martin Minow decvax!minow
mabgarstin (05/04/83)
Another for the sharps and flats: Father Charles Goes Down And Ends Battle (sharps) Battle Ends And Down Goes Charles Father (flats) A double wammy, you get two for the price of one. MAB