[fa.info-mac] Journal gotchas

info-mac@uw-beaver (info-mac) (12/03/84)

From: (Neil Groundwater [stug]) npg@lbl-csam
I sent off my instructions on how to get yourself a Journal
without much experimentation in its USE.  Now that I've had
a few minutes experience, I will pass that along, too.

My sample:  MacPaint.
Start the Journal, turn on Record.  Start up MacPaint and draw
some stuff.  Leave MacPaint.  Stop the recorder.

Now for the glitches...
Don't turn on the Journal menu while in MacPaint.  If already 
started from without, touching the Journal in the menu-bar
will cause a crash (not reentrant?).  I tried to start recording
while in MacPaint, but I lost control of MacPaint.

Journalling writes to the disk frequently.  Anything you do
while the disk is being accessed will cause a lurch when
it comes back to you.  (remember the glitches in Guided Tour?)
Move fairly slowly if you want it to look nice.  Perhaps
it would work nicely when running RamDisk or MacWorks with
HardDisk.  I will leave those exercises to the reader.