info-mac@uw-beaver (info-mac) (11/20/84)
From: Bill Croft <croft@safe> SUMacC ORDERING INFORMATION (Version 2.0, 11/84) WHAT YOU GET SUMacC is the Stanford / UNIX Macintosh C development environment, a collection of programs that allows you to "cross-develop" Macintosh applications on your UNIX system and then download them to the Mac for execution. Some advantages of this approach: (1) The per-programmer cost for using SUMacC is almost zero; other systems require per person, a Lisa ($4000), or a Mac stand-alone C compiler plus 2nd disk drive ($500 + $300). (2) You program in a full Bell Labs PCC C compiler with all the UNIX support tools: emacs, make, cshell, lint, lex, yacc, grep, diff, lpr, etc. (3) The large disks and memory on your UNIX system result in faster editing and compilation. (4) When applebus / ethernet connections become available, executing a file directly from your UNIX 'file server' should take no longer than loading it off a SONY disk. Included with the package are Macintosh library / header / lint files, UNIX commands (such as rmaker, macget/put, mac-to-laserprinter), example / test programs, workshop header files (for reference), manual pages, and documentation. Source is included for all of the above. Since the compiler / loader is derived from the Bell Labs PCC, only binaries are provided for these. Example / test programs in C include: macscrawl (sketcher), grow (from the workshop), insane (float test), alert (tests alert-dialogs), calendar (desk accessory), ramdisk, hangman, kermit, mini-finder, printspooler (desk accessory). WHAT YOU NEED Your UNIX should be a VAX running 4.1 or 4.2 BSD, or Eunice (UNIX under VMS). SUMacC has also been "ported" (by others) to a number of different UNIX systems (Pyramid, SUN, Metheus, System V, etc.) While we do not provide compiler binaries for systems other than the VAX, a list of sites (including those with ports) and porting hints are included. [See <info-mac>sumacc.sites on host SUMEX]. You also need a Mac disk containing MacTerminal (.15 or later; 1.1 seems to be the latest). Your RS232 serial connection between the Mac and UNIX should be 9600 baud with a full 8 bit transparent data path. I.e. terminal switchers or "network" connections may interfere with the "modem7" protocol used in downloading. Lower baud rates will work, but are not recommended. Buy Inside Mac ($100) plus updates and supplement ($100) from Apple. Handy but not required: occasional access to a Lisa, since Apple currently only releases new code in Pascal; for example you may want to translate a new header or interface file into C on your own if you need it desparately. WHAT'S NEW SUMacC was originally released in June 84. This release incorporates all bug fixes since then, new contributed programs, header / interface file changes including Apple's revised name upper/lower case conventions, new workshop reference files, vms eunice binaries, and an increased C compiler symbol table size. CAVEAT EMPTOR The package is under a Stanford copyright which must be retained on all copies of this software. Any fixes or enhancements made to the package should be reported back to us, for incorporation into future releases. While we will attempt to fix bugs and provide new features, no warrantee is expressed or implied. You are basically on your own. SUMacC currently does not support segmentation, so on a 'thin' Mac you are limited to about 80K bytes of program. There are no restrictions on the size of SUMacC programs, other than the available physical memory. (The Apple Workshop pascal compiler generates PC-relative code, so its segments are limited to 32K bytes each. SUMacC dynamically relocates the program at run-time, by following relocation chains run-length encoded though the "unused" high order byte of long word addresses.) Some esoteric features of the official Apple Mac Workshop environment (a moving target) have not yet been tested (or converted): Graf3D, rare rmaker types, new imagewriter / laser printer support, Applebus, etc. C library and header files will always be somewhat behind in tracking the Pascal versions since Apple only releases code in Pascal. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The 68000 C compiler used by SUMacC is the Bell Labs (Johnson) portable C compiler, ported by Chris Terman of MIT and used in the MIT NU project and the Stanford SUN system. The assembler is by Mike Patrick, also of MIT. This same compiler / assembler / loader is used in many of the 68K UNIX boxes currently on the market. Many modifications and bug fixes have been applied by folks at Stanford, MIT, and Lucasfilm: Jeff Mogul, Bill Nowicki, John Seamons, Vaughan Pratt, Eric Ostrom, and a cast of thousands. Dave Johnson of Brown Univ. contributed the excellent macget/macput programs that make downloading painless. Among the many people contributing improvements, new example programs, and bug fixes are: Mike Schuster of CALTECH, Dan Winkler and Steve Engle of Harvard, Bill Schilit at Columbia, Joe Pallas and Steve Gross at Stanford, John Seamons at Lucasfilm, John Peterson at Utah, Ben Hyde of Intermetrics, Bruce Horn of Apple/Adobe, Van Jacobson at LBL, and many others. Thank you all! TO ORDER A MAGNETIC TAPE The tape duplication company below will send a 1600 bpi, UNIX tar tape (1200 feet) for $65. This includes the reel of tape and surface (book rate) postage. They will accept checks or PO's (payable to Data Processing Services). Maria Code Data Processing Services SUMacC distribution tape 1371 Sydney Drive Sunnyvale, CA 94087 (408) 735 8006 You may wish to include more money for postage to get faster delivery: Additional postage rates. US only. $2.50 airmail outside US. $2.50 surface (2 months to Europe!) $4.00 airmail North America (Canada/Mexico) $7.00 airmail Europe $10.00 airmail elsewhere (Africa, Asia, etc.) FTP INSTRUCTIONS For those with ARPANET access, the package is also available as a tar file located on <info-mac>sumacc.tar. Since the tar file has become so large, it is in two pieces. sumacc.tar contains the main package, and ws.tar contains the workshop reference files. It is stored both on SUMEX-AIM (California) and COLUMBIA-20 (New York), so you should pick the host closest to you. It would be appreciated if you performed the file transfer during off hours as it takes about a half-hour under best conditions. At two in the afternoon it would take much more time than this and be an annoying additional load on our systems. If more than one group in your area wants a copy, please try to coordinate things so you only get it from us once. The hosts mentioned above are not UNIX hosts, so you must be extra careful in performing the file transfer to ensure you get all eight bits. On your side you must set the transfer mode to 'TENEX' or 'TYPE L 8' (ask your FTP guru if unsure). We picked these distribution hosts because they happen to have direct Arpanet connections (as opposed to routing through gateways). If you take a copy, please send me (croft@sumex) a note so I can maintain a list of users.
info-mac@uw-beaver (info-mac) (12/06/84)
From: decvax!decwrl!sun! (Stephen Page) some questions. How do I access SUMEX to do the ftp? (I can gateway through "sun" here but where do I go from there)? Does Stanford have a Macintosh Users group? Is it open to outsiders? How do I access <info-mac>sumacc.sites on SUMEX to find out what sites are running SUMEX on Suns, or could you possibly tell me. Congratulations on the Whole SUMacC project. It seems like the Apple University Consortium really paid off. Thank you so much for any help you can give. =Stephen Page ???? ucbvax, decwrl??}!sun!polar!ssp ??? I think.