[fa.info-mac] MacTerminal file that MacWrite can't handle

info-mac@uw-beaver (info-mac) (12/05/84)

From: Michael Rubin <RUBIN@COLUMBIA-20.ARPA>
The MacTerminal file may be too big.  Use Edit instead of MacWrite, get the
current version of MacWrite that can swap to disk, find the Basic program
floating around that cuts large files into pieces, or write your own.

It might also be that the MacTerminal file contains some odd characters that
freak out MacWrite.  I don't know if MacWrite is sensitive to garbage; Edit
certainly is.  Again you could write a program to read the file and
delete any bizarre characters (anything <32 except CR, and anything >= 127)
or convert them into something printable.

info-mac@uw-beaver (12/07/84)


I don't recall the details of the original question, but if the problem file
was cut out of a pre-1.1 release of MacTerminal, it is possible that the file
contains some trash.  I have seen pieces of MacTerm's resources in stuff I
cut out of MacTerm 0.5.  The bug appears to have been fixed in 1.1.  (Moral:
buy the released version.)
 -- Paul Velleman