psuvm%iks (05/09/83)

         I wonder if any of the net readers sent me a
         response to my item. Unfortunately there appears
         to be a big problem about incomming mail at the
         PSUVM node.

         If any of you get to read this memo again will you
         please post your reply on the net. Coz I cannot
         get mail in.

         The TUFOIL which I added to my 1980 Toyota Corolla
         has begun showing results. My last tank of gas
         (GULF NO-LEAD) showed a definite improvement of
         about 10 % in local driving. I would however, still
         hesitate to say it is because of the additive. I shall
         post my final verdict when I get to it.

         If any of you in net.land have used such additives
         please post your experience in net.auto,net.misc.

                   read you...           Singhal (IKS@PSUVM)