info-mac@uw-beaver (info-mac) (11/14/84)
From: mazur@harvard.ARPA (Eric Mazur) Can anybody explain how one can assign a certain icon, e.g. one designed with the Icon Editor on one of the Macstuff disks, to a file. I have tried several things (on the Macintosh, I don't have a Lisa), but so far I haven't had any success... Eric Mazur mazur@harvard.ARPA
info-mac@uw-beaver (info-mac) (11/16/84)
From: cornell!kevin@lasspvax (Kevin Saunders) This ought to work, though I've not done it: using the Resource Mover (I assume you've got a copy of this) open the document created by the Icon Editor, copy it into the clipboard, and then paste it into the target file. There! The spirit of *simplicity*. How utterly Macish. . . Hope it works, Kevin Eric Saunders
info-mac@uw-beaver (info-mac) (11/16/84)
From: Hmmm. I don't know (yet) how to do that with a Mac only. However here is how the Finder knows what icons to use for an application and/or file. There are 3 resource types used in this, all are originally specified in the application, then copied into the Desktop file when the application is installed (More about this later). 1) BNDL (Bundle) This contains the application's signature (4 characters) and maps the local IDs of the FREFs and ICN#s with their actual resource IDs. 2) FREF (File REFerence) Contains the file type (4 characters) that this refers to, the local ID for the ICN#, and an optional filename for a file that needs to accompany the application wherever it goes. You use an FREF for each icon you want tied to the application and/or documents created by the application (1 FREF for each). 3) ICN# (Icon list) This consists of TWO icons. The first is the pattern used to draw the icon. The second is the same thing but filled with black. This one is probably for clearing what's under the icon destination on the desktop before drawing the icon itself (since what used to be there would show through the white parts of the icon). Now, somewhere with the application, there's a Bundle bit that tells the Finder to look at the Bundle in the application's resource section when the application is first moved to your disk. The Finder then pulls out the BNDL, ICN#s, and FREFs, and copies them into the Desktop file. NOTE: if you move a document with an icon that's known on one disk to another disk that has never had the document's creator on it, the document will have the standard Mac document icon. To illustrate this, try the following: Use SetFILE to change the creator of the fonts file. Leave the file type the same. When you go back to the Finder, the icon for fonts has changed to the default Mac document. This is what I suspect happens when the Finder draws the desktop: 1) The Finder looks to see if it has a BNDL entry for the file's creator in the Desktop file (All of these steps are done with the Desktop file). 2) Looks to see if there is a map for type FREF. 3) For each FREF map, looks up the FREF and sees if the file type in the FREF matches the file type being looked. 4) If so, gets the local ID of the ICN# from the FREF 5) Looks up the actual resoure ID in the BNDL map using the local ID. 6) Gets the icon patterns and uses them. What this means to people creating their own icons: It seems that the only way to do it is to replace the ICN# for the file type in the BNDL for that particular application. How? I don't know yet. I suspect that there may be a way to do it with RMover. I will try this tonight.
info-mac@uw-beaver (info-mac) (11/16/84)
From: > What this means to people creating their own icons: > > It seems that the only way to do it is to replace the ICN# for the file > type in the BNDL for that particular application. How? I don't know yet. I > suspect that there may be a way to do it with RMover. I will try this tonight. No, I haven't tried it yet (I'll be going home REAL SOON NOW). However, I just wanted to mention that the above might be possible ONLY if the there is a BNDL in the Desktop for the application that created the file. If not, the only way I see is to fake a BNDL, FREF, and ICN# and use RMover to get it into the Desktop. Ahhh! But how do you fake all that? I MAY try it, but no promises.
info-mac@uw-beaver (info-mac) (11/20/84)
From: T.DI9J-DAVENPORT-DOUG%CRNL20A.BITNET@Berkeley I will post one method of creating icons for Mac files in the next few days. The method I use uses Mac develop system tools & other utilities to create and install the icons. As soon as I get time to write the process down I'll send across Info-Mac. DJD ------- -------
info-mac@uw-beaver (info-mac) (11/21/84)
From: c55-dx%D.CC@Berkeley I don't have much knowledge about the inner workings of a Mac but my experiences seem to support the explanation of icons seen here. The file Creator and the contents of the DeskTop seem to have the most bearing. I am describing my exploits in the hope that they will be useful to some of you out there. I have successfully changed a file's icon using the Icon Editor and FEdit. Be sure you do all of the work on a separate, trashable disk (yes, I screwed up desktops in my first attempts). Use snapshots, MacPaint, and the Icon Editor to get hex representations of the icon and its inverse. Then use FEdit on the file whose icon you want to change. Search for the hex representations of the the icon and substitute it with the new icon (designed using the Icon Editor). Do the same for the new inverse. (The inverse should simply be the icon filled in with black. The desktop seems to 'or' the inverse with the icon on the screen to invert it and use the fill the area defined in the inverse with gray patterns when the disk is ejected, etc. The inverse also seems to define the area where the mouse pointer will be able to select the icon. Interesting inversions can be formed by playing with the inverse but if it has 'holes', it is hard to use. e.g. Sargon III). After doing this, the icon will not change in appearance. The new icon can be obtained by changing the file's Creator (be sure to change any references to the Creator inside the file). The new icon can also be changed by playing DeskTop file. (I don't think it is possible to have two files with the same Creator and two different icons.) The DeskTop files on disks which have seen the icon before will have to be patched. Just use FEdit on the DeskTop file and remove any references to the Creator of the file. Using this method, the Creator doesn't have to be changed. References to the Creator can be removed by simply replacing the four letters with four blanks. (I think this makes the desktop use the icon representations in the file itself instead of the old ones stored in the DeskTop. WARNING: Putting blanks in the file may have an adverse effect. I have not noticed any though. Does anyone know if this quick fix is okay?) Fidgetting with the DeskTop also helped me in another situation. I got a disk from a local users group with public-domain MS-BASIC programs. The program icons were generic document icons instead of MS-BASIC program icons. When I put MS-BASIC on the disk, the MS-BASIC icon disappeared and MS-BASIC took on a generic application icon. By blanking out references to MSBA and MSBB in the DeskTop, I got the correct icons to appea. Well, that's it. This method should work for almost anything if you know what to search for and are willing to go through tedious hex representations. I would be glad to hear of any more elegant methods that you uncover. Lastly, apologies to other readers if this is too long, confusing, or uninteresting. Lloyd Lim c55-dx @d (@ UC Berkeley) P.S. Does anyone know of a fix to the Missile Command MS-BASIC game written by Steven Weintraut? It bombs quite often with a subscript out of range error in line 2040.
info-mac@uw-beaver (info-mac) (11/22/84)
From: decvax!genrad!mit-eddie!godot!harvard!gcc-opus! (Brad Parker) In article <2239@uw-beaver> you write: >From: cornell!kevin@lasspvax (Kevin Saunders) >This ought to work, though I've not done it: using the Resource Mover (I >assume you've got a copy of this) open the document created by >the Icon Editor, copy it into the clipboard, and then paste it into >the target file. There! The spirit of *simplicity*. > >How utterly Macish. . . > >Hope it works, >Kevin Eric Saunders I think this is a bit simplistic. You have to create an icon list resource with the resouce compiler (RMAKER?) - this is a list of two icons (Type ICN#) the first of which is the icon, the second is a mask the finder uses to "gray out" the icon. Then, you have to place the icon list resource into the application the the rmover. Some fun huh? ----- J Bradford Parker uucp: siesmo!harvard!gcc-opus!brad "Their is no language in our lungs!"
info-mac@uw-beaver (12/10/84)
From: The following text (edited) comes from a public domain disk. It explains how to edit icons. About Icons Including Icon Manipulator, Icon General Theory, and the Clipboard Special Property In order to explain Icon Manipulator, I gotta tell you about some other 'features' of the Mac system as a whole and go into some information on icons themselves first. This will be pretty informative and will give you an insight into some 'sneaking around' that you can do. Part 1: Icons. Icons, like all other pieces of an application reside in the application's resource fork. If you use Resource Mover, you can actually look at the icons in a resource fork. (Resource Mover displays the actual data for resources with types STR, ICON, MENU, CURS, and PICT.) Just pick an application, (Slots is good....) and open any of the ICON resources with Resource Mover. See the nice little Icon? You might notice in some resource file the type ICN# and think that it refers to icons. Resource Mover won't display them, though. The reason for this is that ICN# is the type for an icon list. There may be two or more icons in the list, and Resource Mover isn't equipped to handle this. Icons, in reality, are 32 by 32 bit images. Since a byte is eight bits, that is 4 by 32 bytes. (No, you can't divide both dimensions by four.) This totals to 128 bytes per icon. (You can use this fact to see how many icons are in an icon list. Just divide the size by 128.) Now you know how icons are stored. Now I will sidetrack a bit and talk about the scrapbook. The scrapbook is really nothing more than a resource fork. It contains one fixed entry of type SMAP (Scrapbook MAP) that tells it what all of the Scrapbook's entries are. All scrapbook entries are resources and reside in the scrapbooks resource fork. Nothing resides in its data fork. (Getting some ideas......?) It is interesting to note here that you can make a picture with MacPaint, cut or copy it to the clipboard, and then use Resource Mover to move the picture from the scrapbook into any other resource file. Some files that have pictures (type PICT) in their resource forks are System, Finder, etc.Back to icons. Since our general goal is to be able to manipulate, edit, add, and delete icons from resource files, we have to be able to work with them. Well, with few exceptions, there are no appications to edit anything in the resource forks of a file. On the other hand, MS-Basic, Icon Edit, and most other things work with data in the data fork of a file.Icon Edit was designed to let developers make icons for their applications. The instructions from Apple tell the developers to design their icon with Icon Edit, then display the hex data and type it into the Lisa. How barbaric: retyping something that is already in computer format.Well, anyway, it should be getting clear now that if we could move things between the two forks that lots of problems would clear up. But Resource Mover only moves things within the realm of the resource fork, MS-Basic only manipulates things in the data fork, and Examine FIle displays both forks but will edit neither.Which brings us back to the discussion of the scrapbook. Recall that the scrapbook is all resource fork. Also realise that MacPaint documents are all data fork. (Hmmm.....) What did we do to move the pictures to and from the scrapbook and to and from the MacPaint documents. We used the clipboard.The clipboard has the unique feature that it moves data across the two forks. You've seen that it can move picture resources, and can probably assume that it will handle strings (text), but what about icons and other stuff? Well, it will move them, but getting to them is not straight forward. Both the clipboard and the scrapbook will display text and pictures and nothing else, but both will accept just about anything.To see this, use the Note Pad to enter some random text, cut it to the clipboard and paste it to the scrapbook. All looks normal. Next, use Resource Mover to copy an icon from some file to the scrapbook. Then clear the latest scrapbook entry. (The latest entry has the highest valued number. That is, -32758 is higher than -32762 because both numbers are negative. If you ignore the negative sign, you can look for the smallest number.) Select it, then choose clear from the edit menu but remember the number! Next, select the icon that you added earlier. Choose Set ID from the edit menu and set the id to the number of the entry that you deleted.The reason for going through all of this is pretty clear. The resource SMAP contains a list of id numbers that are currently in the scrapbook. If you want to add something, sonce there is no way to modify SMAP, you have to replace something that was already there. That's all we're doing. If you exit back to the Finder, you can call up the scrapbook and look at the first entry. That little message is the Mac's way of saying it isn't a normal entry. The clipboard doesn't care, though, and will copy (or cut) from it with no problem. The clipboard will also show a message indicating that you've done something unusual to it. Don't worry. This is great.Now we have succeeded in getting the icon onto the clipboard. But how do we get it off the clipboard and into a data fork of a file? Remember that MS-Basic interacts with data forks? Good. Here we go. Part 2: The basic solution. The clipboard is in many places at once. For small entries, it is all in memory. For larger entries, it is in memory, on the disk, or wherever the Finder has room. This will be important later. Right now, just realise that an icon is a small entry and resides in memory. MS-Basic recognises the clipboard as a device called Clip: with chich it can communicate. This device mechanism, though, only supports text. If you try to open the Clip: device for input while it has something other than text in it, you'll get a device I/O error. But before Ms-Basic checks the data on the clipboard, it stores the clipboard onto the disk as file Clipboard File. The reason for this is that MS-Basic is used to dealing with files, not data in memory. Although the Clip: device check the data type, if you try to read directly from the Clipboard File, you won't get any errors. Therefore I set up the basic program to read from Clipboard File. But first I had to attempt a read from the Clip: device. If I didn't, no Clipboard File would have been created and I would have gotten an File Not Found error when trying to read from it. I trapped out the Device I/O Error with a simple On Error Goto. There we have it, the data from the clipboard in a Basic-readable file. This file is an exact copy of the clipboard area in memory. The first four bytes are the type. For text, they are the ascii values of the letters T, E, X, and T respectively. For icons, the letters are I, C, O, and N. (Surprise, surprise.) It is these four bytes that MS-Basic checks when opening the Clip: device. The next four bytes are the length of the data. For an icon, they are $00 $00 $00 $80. (128 bytes). To get the icon data into memory, all we have to do is read 136 bytes and discard the first 8. That's all I do. It is a trivial matter, then, to save the 128 bytes to a normal file. In fact, doing that would create a file that is compatible with Icon Edit. An Icon Edit file is just 128 bytes of icon data. Reading the 128 bytes from a normal file would also be trivial, so we can get an icon into memory easily. The hardest part of all is getting the con data from memory back to the clipboard. If you open the Clip: device, it automatically sends 'TEXT' a the first four bytes. If we write to the Clipboard File directly, it doesn't affect the real clipboard which is in memory. The only solution available to us from basic is to poke the information directly into memory where the clipboard resides. There are two problems with this. First, how do we make the clipboard expect 136 bytes exactly of data? Second, how do we find in memory where the clipboard resides? The solution to problem one is simple. All I did was open the Clip: device and write out a string of 128 characters, then close the Clip: device. Closing the Clip: device copies the Clipboard File into the clipboard in memory. (But we can't open Clip:, write to the Clipboard File, then close Clip: to copy it into ram because Basic won't let you open Clipboard File for output while Clip: is using it. Oh well.) Anyway, we now have a clipboard in memory that has exactly 136 bytes. How do we find it? Well, I look for the string 'TEXT' in memory. Unfortunately there are more than one occurances of 'TEXT'. No problem. When I send the 128 character string to the Clip: device, the first four characters are random letters. I then look for these same random letters to be in memory 8 bytes after the start of 'TEXT'. It works fine. Then, to get the icon onto the clipboard, I poke 'ICON' $00 $00 $00 $80 followed by the 128 icon data bytes. After that, it is a simple matter of pasting from the clipboard to the scrapbook. You can then use Resource Mover to put the icon into any resource file. In order to speed things up, I use a 68000 machine language subroutine to find 'TEXT' and the four random letters. If you write a loop in MS-Basic to peek memory until you find it, it takes about 1/2 hour. My machine language subroutine finds the clipboard in under a minute. Look for later documents concerning machine and assmebly languages on the Mac. Part 3: Using Icon Manipulator. The best way to use Icon Manipulator is to put it on your MS-Basic disk. If you didn't boot with MS-Basic, and you run Icon Manipulator, all the text comes out screwed up. Other than that, the whole program is mouse driven and a piece of cake to use. It won't let you accidentally write over an existing file, and won't crash if you try to load something that isn't there. The current disk name has to match a known disk, or you'll generate File Not Found errors. The file name can be just about anything. The current icon is actually displayed in the upper left corner of the screen. To go from the clipboard to a file, do the following: 1 - Get the icon you want into the scrapbook using Resource Mover. 2 - Copy or cut the icon into the clipboard. 3 - Run Icon Manipulator, load from the clipboard, save to a file. To go from a file to the clipboar, do this: 1 - Run Icon Manipulator, load from a file, save to the clipboard. 2 - Paste immediately to the scrapbook. 3 - Use Resource Mover to put the icon where you want it. Icon Manipulator, like all the MS-Basic applications I write, is 100% listable and copyable. Go through the code if you like. If you have any questions about it, I'll be happy to answer them. Another backdoor utility from SIMON JESTER -----------------------Icon Manipulator Program ------------------ 10 REM Now you can actually move icons to where you want them! 20 REM 30 REM 40 REM Simon Jester! 50 REM 60 CALL TEXTFACE(0):CALL TEXTFONT(1):CALL TEXTSIZE(0) 70 CLS 80 RANDOMIZE TIMER:DEF FNR(X)=INT(RND(1)*10)+65:GOSUB 1240 90 PRINT:PRINT SPC(22);:CALL TEXTFACE(5):CALL TEXTFONT(10):CALL TEXTSIZE(20):PRINT"ICON Mover" 100 CALL TEXTFACE(1):CALL TEXTFONT(1):CALL TEXTSIZE(0) 110 PRINT" For moving icons from files to the clipboard and vice versa." 120 CALL TEXTFACE(0):PRINT" Another utility from: ";:CALL TEXTFACE(5):PRINT"SIMON JESTER!":CALL TEXTFACE(0) 130 CALL MOVETO(213,125):PRINT"CONTINUE"; 140 X1=205:X2=285:Y1=110:Y2=130:GOSUB 1110 150 IF MOUSE(0)=0 THEN 150 160 IF MOUSE(3)<205 OR MOUSE(3)>285 OR MOUSE (4)<110 OR MOUSE(4)>130 THEN 150 170 REM Set up the interaction screen 180 CLS:CALL TEXTFACE(1) 190 PRINT"Current Icon";:LINE (15,20)-STEP(42,42),,B 200 PRINT" Current disk name:":PRINT:PRINT TAB(15);"Current file name:" 210 CALL TEXTFACE(0) 220 PRINT:PRINT TAB(35);"Load Icon from a file." 230 PRINT TAB(35);"Load Icon from the Clipboard." 240 PRINT:PRINT TAB(35);"Save Icon to a file." 250 PRINT TAB(35);"Save Icon to the Clipboard." 260 PRINT:PRINT TAB(35);"Change the current disk name." 270 PRINT TAB(35);"Change the current file name." 280 CALL MOVETO(80,100):PRINT"Messages" 290 LINE(15,85)-(200,200),,B:LINE(15,105)-(200,105) 300 FOR I=1 TO 6:READ Y1:GOSUB 1150:NEXT I 310 DATA 67,82,115,130,163,178 320 DSK$="MS-BASIC Master":FI$="hand icon":DIM D%(80) 330 IF MOUSE(0)<>0 THEN 330 340 REM Main Loop 350 IF MOUSE(0)<>0 THEN 350 360 LINE (270,2)-(490,60),30,BF:CALL MOVETO(270,12):PRINT DSK$ 370 CALL MOVETO(270,44):PRINT FI$ 380 IF MOUSE(0)=0 THEN 380 390 IF MOUSE(3)<255 OR MOUSE(3)>265 THEN 380 400 IF MOUSE(4)>177 AND MOUSE(4)<189 THEN 470 410 IF MOUSE(4)>162 AND MOUSE(4)<174 THEN 490 420 IF MOUSE(4)>129 AND MOUSE(4)<141 THEN 770 430 IF MOUSE(4)>114 AND MOUSE(4)<126 THEN 510 440 IF MOUSE(4)>81 AND MOUSE(4)<93 THEN 670 450 IF MOUSE(4)>65 AND MOUSE(4)<77 THEN 730 460 GOTO 380 470 MSG$="Enter a new file name:":GOSUB 1160:GOSUB 1170:GOSUB 1180:IF IN$="" THEN IN$=FI$ 480 FI$=IN$:GOTO 340 490 MSG$="Enter a new disk name:":GOSUB 1160:GOSUB 1170:GOSUB 1180:IF IN$="" THEN IN$=DSK$ 500 DSK$=IN$:GOTO 340 510 ON ERROR GOTO 640:TFI$=DSK$+":"+FI$ 520 OPEN TFI$ FOR INPUT AS #1 530 CLOSE #1:MSG$="That file exists!":GOSUB 1160 540 CALL MOVETO(25,180):PRINT" Abort Overwrite":LINE(15,105)-(200,200),,B 550 X1=27:Y1=167:X2=75:Y2=185:GOSUB 1110 560 X1=110:X2=185:GOSUB 1110 570 BEEP 580 IF MOUSE(0)<>0 THEN 580 590 IF MOUSE(0)=0 THEN 590 600 IF MOUSE(4)<Y1 OR MOUSE(4)>Y2 THEN 590 610 IF MOUSE(3)>=X1 AND MOUSE(3)<=X2 THEN GOSUB 1180:GOTO 650 620 IF MOUSE(3)>=27 AND MOUSE(3)<=75 THEN GOSUB 1180:GOTO 340 630 GOTO 590 640 CLOSE #1:RESUME 650 650 OPEN TFI$ FOR OUTPUT AS #1 660 PRINT #1,B$;:CLOSE #1:GOTO 340 670 ON ERROR GOTO 690 680 B$="":OPEN "Clip:" FOR INPUT AS #1: CLOSE #1 690 CLOSE #1:RESUME 700 700 ON ERROR GOTO 720 710 TFI$=DSK$+":"+"Clipboard File":GOTO 940 720 MSG$="Error loading icon...":GOSUB 1160:GOSUB 1190:GOSUB 1180: RESUME 340 730 ON ERROR GOTO 760 740 B$="ICON"+CHR$(0)+CHR$(0)+CHR$(0)+CHR$(128) 750 TFI$=DSK$+":"+FI$ : GOTO 940 760 MSG$=" No such file!":GOSUB 1160 :GOSUB 1190:GOSUB 1180:RESUME 340 770 A$=CHR$(FNR(0))+CHR$(FNR(0))+CHR$(FNR(0))+CHR$(FNR(0)) 780 WHILE LEN(A$)<128 790 A$=A$+"X" 800 WEND 810 TEMP=ASC(MID$(A$,1,1))*256+ASC(MID$(A$,2,1)):IF TEMP>32767 THEN TEMP=TEMP-65536! 820 CODE%(12)=TEMP 830 TEMP=ASC(MID$(A$,3,1))*256+ASC(MID$(A$,4,1)):IF TEMP>32767 THEN TEMP=TEMP-65536! 840 CODE%(13)=TEMP 850 OPEN "Clip:" FOR OUTPUT AS #1:PRINT #1,A$;:CLOSE #1 860 TEMP=VARPTR(CODE%(0)) : CALL TEMP : PTR = CODE%(24) + CODE%(23) * 65536! 870 IF CODE%(24)<0 THEN PTR+CODE%(24)+65536!+CODE%(23)*65536! 880 B$="ICON"+CHR$(0)+CHR$(0)+CHR$(0)+CHR$(128)+B$ 890 FOR I=0 TO LEN(B$)-1 900 POKE PTR+I,ASC(MID$(B$,I+1,1)) 910 NEXT I 920 CLS:SYSTEM 930 END 940 OPEN TFI$ FOR INPUT AS #1 950 WHILE (NOT EOF(1)) AND (LEN(B$)<=136) 960 A$=INPUT$(1,#1) 970 B$=B$+A$ 980 WEND 990 CLOSE #1 1000 IF LEFT$(B$,4)="ICON" THEN 1020 1010 MSG$="Not an Icon file!":GOSUB 1160:GOSUB 1190:GOSUB 1180:GOTO 340 1020 D%(0)=32:D%(1)=32 1030 FOR I=0 TO (4*32)-1 STEP 2 1040 TMP=ASC(MID$(B$,I+9,1))*256+ASC(MID$(B$,I+10,1)) 1050 IF TMP>32767 THEN TMP=TMP-65536! 1060 D%(I/2+2)=TMP 1070 NEXT 1080 LINE(16,21)-STEP(40,40),30,BF:PUT (20,25),D% 1090 B$=RIGHT$(B$,LEN(B$)-8) 1100 GOTO 340 1110 REM RoundRect subroutine 1120 RECT%(0)=Y1:RECT%(1)=X1:RECT%(2)=Y2:RECT%(3)=X2 1130 CALL FRAMEROUNDRECT(VARPTR(RECT%(0)),18,18) 1140 RETURN 1150 LINE(255,Y1)-(265,Y1+10),,B:RETURN 1160 CALL MOVETO(20,120):PRINT MSG$:RETURN 1170 CALL MOVETO(20,150):INPUT IN$:RETURN 1180 LINE(16,106)-(199,199),30,BF:LINE(15,105)-(200,200),,B:RETURN 1190 CALL MOVETO(100,180): PRINT"Okay":X1=90:Y1=167 :X2=140 :Y2=188: GOSUB 1110:BEEP 1200 IF MOUSE(0)<>0 THEN 1200 1210 IF MOUSE(0)=0 THEN 1210 1220 IF MOUSE(3)<X1 OR MOUSE(3)>X2 OR MOUSE(4)<Y1 OR MOUSE(4)>Y2 THEN 1210 1230 RETURN 1240 DATA "X","207C0000D6D843FA002622880C9054455854660E" 1250 DATA "4E71" 1260 DATA "0CA800000000000866024E755448B1FC0001ADB0" 1270 DATA "66DE60F200000000" 1280 DATA "FFFF" 1290 REM Fill machine language data 1300 DIM CODE%(36) 1310 CPT=0:READ CD$:IF CD$<>"X" THEN 1310 1320 READ CD$:IF CD$="FFFF" THEN RESTORE:RETURN 1330 CODE%(CPT) = VAL("&H"+LEFT$(CD$,4)) : CPT=CPT+1 : CD$=RIGHT$(CD$,LEN(CD$)-4) 1340 IF LEN(CD$)>0 THEN 1330 ELSE 1320