[fa.info-mac] Missing Music font on Mac Fonts disk

info-mac@uw-beaver (12/13/84)


Where did you get the Music font?

It looks great.  I'd REALLY like to use it in completing my AI/music
thesis, but a crucial part of it is MISSING!

I suspect noone else has looked at the Music font carefully, or one
would have noticed.  It is evidently organized as follows: there is
really just one SIZE for the music font, and Mac "Font Size"
operations actually change the duration of the note:

9  pt -> whole note
10 pt -> half note
14 pt -> 8th note
18 pt -> 16th note

Now we see it's quite significant that there was no 12 pt font on the
disk - you can't make any quarter notes!  (Of course, the "12 pt" menu
option appears unoutlined, and when you use it you get squished 8th

I also suspect that other characters (like the clefs) are hidden in
the missing, default-"size" 12 pt music font.  Why is it missing?  Can
I get it some how?

David Levitt