[fa.info-mac] Interesting bug

info-mac@uw-beaver (12/16/84)

From: olson@harvard.ARPA (Eric Olson)

I have an application that uses the SFPutFile save box.  It works fine if
launched from the finder, but if you make it the startup application (so the
finder does not run before it or launch it), it bombs with System Error 02
when you try to save.  This is the only thing that doesn't work in the 
program when used as the Startup application.  

The same thing happens in mFinder (which is mostly a call to SFPutFile) if
it is used as the Startup application.

Puzzle:  What is the finder initializing that makes SFPutFile work?

Not the Answer:  InitGraf, InitPort, InitWindows, InitDialogs, InitAllPackages,
                 InitMenus, InitFonts-- These are all either done by the system
                 or by my application.


P.S.  MacTerminal, which also uses SFPutFile (presumably), works as the 
      startup application.