[fa.info-mac] Tricky Problem

info-mac@uw-beaver (12/18/84)

From: Gavin_Eadie%UMich-MTS.Mailnet@MIT-MULTICS.ARPA

Here's a tricky problem we've run into ... can anyone help?

---(Forwarded from: J._David_Velleman@UMich-MTS.Mailnet, Dated: Wed, 12 Dec 84 10:55:24 EST
Here is a report of the problem I discussed with you this morning.  Let me
begin by describing how I replaced Chicago 12.  Then I'll
describe the problem I subsequently encountered with the Finder.
     I found that Chicago cannot be removed directly; the way to remove it
is to renumber it, and then assign its ID numbers (i.e., 0 and 12) to
another font.  Furthermore, Chicago cannot be assigned just any ID numbers --
even some numbers of the form (N*128, N*128+12), when assigned to Chicago0
and Chicago12, cause the Resource Mover to freeze.  However, Chicago0 and
Chicago12 can be assigned the ID's 512 and 524 (which belong to Monaco).
(Perhaps the numbers belonging to Geneva would work as well.)  I therefore
proceeded in the following steps:@
           (1) Clear Monaco0 and Monaco9 from the system
           (2) Assign the ID's 512 and 524 to Chicago0 and Chicago12
           (3) Assign the ID's 0 and 12 to Seattle0 and Seattle10
           (4) Clear Chicago0 and Chicago12 from the system
           (5) Clear Geneva (and any other fonts) from the system
           (6) Rename Seattle0 as Chicago0
           (7) Mark the (new) Chicago0 'unpurgable' and 'system heap'
     The system now recognizes Seattle as the System Font.  The Finder, lacking
a version of Geneva for labelling icons, scales down the System Font for that
purpose.  Everything seems to run smoothly, until...
     When I then try to use the Finder to copy files larger than about 40K, I
hit a system error (ID=2).  The sequence of events is this:
           (1) I eject the startup disk (which contains the altered System)
           (2) I insert another disk (the 'destination disk)
           (3) I move the icon of a 40+K file from the startup to the
                  destination disk.
           (4) The Finder requests the startup disk, and reads
           (5) The Finder requests the destination disk, and writes
           (6) System Error 2 occurs.
I assume that this error is occurring at the point when the Finder is
about to ask for the startup disk again, in order to read the rest of
the file.  When I try to copy a file smaller than 40K, the error doesn't
occur.  Steps (1) - (5) occur as above, but instead of step (6), the
following occurs:
           (6') The Finder requests the startup disk, and the copying is
     I have two questions to ask about this problem.  First, can it be
fixed?  Second, if it can't be fixed, will it occur with other applications
or only with the Finder?
     Thanks for your help.