info-mac@uw-beaver (12/21/84)
From: Mark Zimmerman <mex101@mitre> I had some funny trouble installing desk accessories, using RMOVER and the DAS file from the SUMEX <info-mac> archive ... when I tried to transfer a resource, it would show up in the system file as a 0-length thing with ID=-1. I finally cured everything by throwing away that system file and replacing it with a fresher copy. I noticed that there were many bizarre resources hanging around in the old system file, from icons of transient applications to old fonts, etc. Is there a limitation on what the system file can hold? Is there an easy way to clear out old garbage from the file, or is it best to throw it away and start afresh occasionally? The offending system file is on a disk I use for terminal emulation, BINHEX conversions, etc., so it gets a lot of use.... DAS now seems to be fine except for missing the JOURNAL accessory (which I can get from the other guided tour disks anyway).... -- Z