[fa.info-mac] MacPascal Disk

info-mac@uw-beaver (12/22/84)

From: Paul R. Johnson <PRJohnson@MIT-XX.ARPA>

I bought MacPascal recently.  It comes with two identical, copy
protected disks that contain the MacPascal application (and other
stuff).  Unfortunately, in the process of using it on a Lisa 2/10
running MacWorks one of my two disks has become unusable;  I'm
asked if I want to initialize it whenever I stick it in a drive.

Three questions:

1) Does anyone know how I might be able to recover the contents of
the diskette?  I've had no luck with all the tricks I've tried.

2) Can I get a replacement from Apple?

3) Is this a general problem with MacWorks?  Certainly MacWorks is
fragile enough that I have often gotten a DS system error window and
had to reboot the machine with the reset button.  Since you can't eject
a diskette manually (no little hole for a paper clip) this may have
happened when the MacPascal disk was in the drive.  I've also had other
diskettes go bad on me which makes me suspicious of the Lisa.

One last question:  I've run into some bugs in MacPascal and would like
to report them, but could not find any address to send bug reports to.
Does anyone know where they could/should be sent?

Thanks for your attention.

---Paul Johnson, MIT LCS