[net.misc] Taking the cure . . . for hiccups

trc@houti.UUCP (06/03/83)

OK, here's a "sure-fire" method - or at least it has worked for me
EVERY time I used it.  Try pressing in and up (NOT TO HARD!) just below
the center of your ribs while holding your breath and tightening your stomach,
as if trying to force out a bubble of air.  If it works right, you'll (burp!),
and that'll be that.

I note that most all of these methods have to do with tightening the
diaphragm - holding breath, getting scared, blowing up bags, running,
etc.  Hiccups seem to be related to eating or breathing to fast, so
there might actually be an air bubble trapped somehow? After all, the
cough, and sneeze are autonomic reactions to foreign matter; so why not the

	"The Craver Maneuver!?"
	Tom Craver