[fa.info-mac] Problems with MacTerm 1.1

info-mac@uw-beaver (01/11/85)

From: Don Lanini <Us.Dcl%CU20B@COLUMBIA.ARPA>

Has anyone noticed a problem with MacTerm's VT102 terminal emulation?
I have a handout from Apple about MacTerm stating that it would
support the nicer features of the VT102 (above and beyond the VT100),
like INSERT LINE and INSERT CHARACTER.  But when I tried it, I found
that only INSERT LINE worked properly and INSERT CHARACTER only made a
mess of the screen.  I waited patiently for version 1.1, but the
problem has been consistent in every version since -0.5.  Has anyone
else had this problem?

Don Lanini
User Services

info-mac@uw-beaver (01/14/85)

From: edmoy%ucbopal.CC@Berkeley

I've also noticed problems with the "above and beyond VT100" features.
With the termcap for the mac that was distributed over the net awhile
back, I noticed that the insert character messes up badly at 9600 baud,
and the delete character doesn't quite work without padding.  A test
at 1200 baud worked better, but not without padding. So I took
out the insert character stuff and padded the delete character and my
quick test with "vi" seemed to work, though "more" is still having problems.
I'll be continuing to work on the termcap, as time allows.

Edward Moy
Computing Services
University of California
Berkeley, CA  94720


info-mac@uw-beaver (01/17/85)

From: Reed.SoftArts@MIT-MULTICS.ARPA

Original-Date:  13 JAN 1985 12:38:04
Resent-Date: Thu 17 Jan 85 00:01:24-PST
Resent-To: ;@info-mac

The problem you are having may be due to the fact that the
"insert character" command that MacTerminal clains to emulate
is one that I don't find anywhwere in my VT102 manual... the
command they interpret is the esc-...-@ command which they
claim inserts n spaces.  My VT102 manual does not document such
a command, but does documnet various ways to go  into an insert
mode (as opposed to overwrite mode).  Perhaps VT102's have such
a command, but I suspect it is not there but does exist in
other ANSI terminals.

info-mac@uw-beaver (01/17/85)

From: Reed.SoftArts@MIT-MULTICS.ARPA

Original-Date:  13 JAN 1985 12:38:04
Resent-Date: Thu 17 Jan 85 00:10:39-PST
Resent-To: ;@info-mac

The problem you are having may be due to the fact that the
"insert character" command that MacTerminal clains to emulate
is one that I don't find anywhwere in my VT102 manual... the
command they interpret is the esc-...-@ command which they
claim inserts n spaces.  My VT102 manual does not document such
a command, but does documnet various ways to go  into an insert
mode (as opposed to overwrite mode).  Perhaps VT102's have such
a command, but I suspect it is not there but does exist in
other ANSI terminals.

info-mac@uw-beaver (01/18/85)

From: Randy Schulz <lcc.randy@UCLA-LOCUS.ARPA>

I have MacTerminal 1.1 and cannot get satisfactory performance with
any termcap entry I'v gotten, found or tried to modify from an
existing vt100 entry (on 4.1bsd Unix system running `vi').  However,
it works beautifully under terminfo vi on a AT&T 3B2 running 5.2 Unix.
I might therefor suspect problems with termcap entries, or with the
applications using termcap to MacTerminal.

					Randy Schulz
					Locus Computing Corp.
