info-mac@uw-beaver (12/13/84)
From: Mike Caplinger <mike@rice.ARPA> This is a program to convert MacWrite files to troff input files. It is rather limited, but I am unlikely to work on it further, so perhaps someone else can go farther with it. I've found this version useful. The main problem is that it doesn't run on VAX byte-ordered machines. There are also other problems mentioned below. Oh well, here it is, such as it is. - Mike [Find this program in <info-mac> -jma ]
info-mac@uw-beaver (01/24/85)
From: ihnp4!mgnetp!ltuxa!tty3b! Would you mail the "" to me via { ucbvax,decvax }!ihnp4!tty3b!mjk Thanks a lot. Mike Kelly AT&T Teletype (312) 982-3282