info-mac@uw-beaver (01/25/85)
From: Ron Thielen <SYSTEMS.RJT%UChicago.BITNET@WISCVM.ARPA> Deep Throat called me this afternoon with a sixth row synopsis of the Apple shareholder's meeting. The highlights as given me from a phone booth somewhere in Funnyvale are as follows: - Appletalk (nee AppleBus) is a reallity. Imagine, John Sculley is editing a document. He wants to send it to Steve Jobs. He selects "send" from the Appletalk menu. The document folds itself into the shape of an envelope and mails itself to Steve's Mac where it unfolds. Once at the destination, it can be cut, pasted, etc. - DealerTalk was announced. This is supposed to be 24 hour dealer support via a G.E. information systems supplied online system. Consortium members may have access to DealerTalk, but that was unclear. - 20mb and 40mb Appletalk file servers will be available 2nd quarter. - An AppleTalk interface card for PC and PC/XTs was announced. - Sculley and Jobs swore up, down, left, and right that there would be no changes in the Macintosh hardware during 1985. All of their development plans are timed for '86 and '87. However, the Apple II group may do something new this year (seems I've heard this before). - Andy Hertzfeld's Application Switcher was demoed. This product was reviewed on page 9 of the January Club Mac News. It allows 512K Mac owners to flip between multiple applications in memory in 1/10th of a second. It sounds basically like a Ramdisk which discards the artificial construct of a "disk" in memory. This soon-to-be-in-the-public-domain program may be the best reason yet for fattening your Mac. - Apple will provide support for Sunol, IOmega, Tecmar, and one other hard disk. (I didn't get the name of the fourth company, but it wasn't Corvus or Davong.) I interpret this support to mean a new Finder which we've all been waiting for anyway. The four companies named are the ones which have agreed to support Appletalk by the end of 2nd quarter. Apple will support other hard disk manufacturers as they commit themselves to Appletalk. - Microsoft Word will be out this week. (seems I've heard this before) - Lotus Jazz will be out by the end of 1st quarter. - Ashton Tate will be bringing out a package for the 512K Mac. - All three of the above will be shipped with support for the Laserwriter. - Typesetting software for the Laserwriter will be available by the end of the year. Over 85% of Apple's stock was represented at the meeting. Only 10% of that by proxy. They filled one large auditorium and two movie theaters which TV hookups to the auditorium. If any contributors to the b-board attended the meeting, I would appreciate verification and/or amplification of any of the info presented here. Thanks, Ron Thielen <Systems.RJT%UChicago.Bitnet@WISCVM.ARPA> ------- -------