info-mac@uw-beaver (01/25/85)
From: edmoy%ucbopal.CC@UCB-VAX Here is a new version of rmaker that supports dynamic relocation for drivers and window, menu and control definition procedures. It's in shar format. This dynamic relocation scheme was needed, above the existing self relocating scheme because desk accessories created by sumacc have a nasty bug in them. If you run one, the crtdrvr routine will relocate the driver as needed. If you close this desk accessory and open another, then while the second is still open, try to reopen the first (sumacc) desk accessory, the Mac will most certainly bomb. This is because the desk accessory has been moved in memory when the second was started up, the the summac desk accessory can't then relocate itself again. My method of dynamic relocation causes the size to increase as relocation info has to be kept around. But other than that it seems to work. Also included in this file are a crtdrvr.s and crtwdef.s that implement the dynamic relocation. (Currently, the code segment is not dynamically relocating as normally it is locked in memory when used and when the application is over, the heap is cleared.) Edward Moy Computing Services University of California Berkeley, CA 94720 edmoy@ucbopal.APRA ucbvax!ucbopal!edmoy ----- cut here -------------------------------------- cut here ----------- #! /bin/sh : This is a shar archive. Extract with sh, not csh. echo x - rmaker.c cat > rmaker.c << '28336!Funky!Stuff!' /* rmaker.c 1.0 04/11/84 */ /* * Resource compiler. */ /* * Copyright (C) 1984, Stanford Univ. SUMEX project. * May be used but not sold without permission. */ /* * history * 04/11/84 Croft Created. * 04/16/84 Croft Reloc info now imbedded in long addresses. * 06/18/84 Schilit Added DITL and ALRT. * 07/06/84 Croft Added DLOG WIND MENU CNTL ICON ICN# CURS PAT. * 07/21/84 Croft Added DRVR; multiple code segs (jks). * 07/26/84 Schuster Added resource names. * 01/10/84 Moy Implement [CMW]DEF. These and DRVR use dynamic * relocation scheme. */ #include <stdio.h> #include "res.h" #include "b.out.h" #include "quickdraw.h" #include "toolintf.h" #define bh filhdr struct bhdr bh; /* b.out header */ char *malloc(); char *index(); char *rindex(); unsigned short htons(); /* host to "net" byte order, short. */ unsigned long htonl(); char seg0[sizeof(struct jumphead) + sizeof(struct jumptab)] = { 0,0,0,0x28, 0,0,2,0, 0,0,0,8, 0,0,0,0x20, 0,0, 0x3F,0x3C, 0,1, 0xA9,0xF0 }; /* "standard" segment 0 jump header/table */ char seg1[sizeof(struct codehead)] = { 0,0, 0,1 }; #define CRTMAGIC 0x602C /* jump at beginning of crtmac.s */ #define CRTLEN 10 /* length of relocation table in crtmac.s */ #define RELMAGIC 0x6034 /* jump at beginning of crt*.s */ #define RELLEN 12 /* length of relocation table in crt*.s */ #define NRESCOMP 50 /* max number of resources per compile */ struct rescomp { /* resource being compiled */ char rc_type[8]; /* resource type (e.g. "CODE") */ char *rc_name; /* resource name */ int rc_id; /* resource id number */ int rc_att; /* attributes */ int rc_length; /* length in resource file */ char *rc_data; /* pointer to data */ int rc_datalen; /* length of data */ FILE *rc_file; /* file to read data from */ int rc_filelen; /* length of data in file */ int rc_bss; /* number of zero pad bytes */ char *rc_rel; /* relocation info */ int rc_rellen; /* length of relocation info */ } rescomp[NRESCOMP], *rcp; struct resfile rf; /* compiled resource file header */ struct resmap rm; /* compiled resource map header */ struct restype rt[NRESCOMP]; /* compiled resource type list */ struct resid ri[NRESCOMP]; /* compiled resource id list */ #define NAMELEN 1024 char rn[NAMELEN]; /* compiled resource name list */ char debugtype[8]; /* debug type switch */ FILE *fout; /* file for compiler output */ FILE *fin; /* file for compiler commands */ char fineof; /* true after all commands read */ char line[256]; /* line buffer */ char *lp; /* current position in line */ int linenum; /* line number in command file */ char *relpnt; /* current position in longrun area */ char *relrel; /* current position in reloc area */ int rellen; /* length of longrun area */ int reloff; /* current relocation offset */ char token[128]; /* current token being parsed */ char data[8*1024]; /* area to build simple resource data */ char *datap; /* pointer to data area */ /* type format handlers */ extern handstr(), handhexa(), handcode(), handdrvr(), handxdef(); extern handdlog(), handalrt(), handditl(); extern handwind(), handmenu(), handcntl(); struct typehand { /* type string to handler table */ char th_type[8]; /* e.g. "CODE" */ int (*th_handler)(); /* format handler function */ } typehand[] = { "STR ", handstr, "HEXA", handhexa, "CODE", handcode, "DRVR", handdrvr, "ALRT", handalrt, "DITL", handditl, "DLOG", handdlog, "WIND", handwind, "MENU", handmenu, "CNTL", handcntl, "ICON", handhexa, "ICN#", handhexa, "CURS", handhexa, "PAT ", handhexa, "CDEF", handxdef, "MDEF", handxdef, "WDEF", handxdef, 0, 0 }; main(argc, argv) char **argv; { for (argc--,argv++ ; argc > 0 ; argc--,argv++) { if (argv[0][0] != '-') break; switch (argv[0][1]) { case 'd': argc--,argv++; if (argc < 1) abort("syntax: -d TYPE"); strcpy(debugtype,argv[0]); break; } } if (argc != 1) abort("usage: rmaker commandfilename"); if ((fin = fopen(argv[0], "r")) == NULL) abort("can't open commandfile"); rmaker(); buildrf(); /* build resource file from rescomp */ exit(0); } rmaker() { register i; char infile[32], *ip; struct typehand *thp; int haveoutfile = 0; int items, id, att; char littype[32], type[32], format[32]; rcp = &rescomp[0]; while (fineof == 0) { if (getline() == 0) continue; /* skip blank lines */ if (haveoutfile == 0) { /* if output file not yet open */ if ((fout = fopen(lp, "w")) == NULL) abort("can't open output file %s", lp); haveoutfile++; continue; } littype[0] = type[0] = 0; items = sscanf(lp, "%s %s = %s", littype, type, format); if (items < 2 || strcmp(littype, "Type") != 0) abort("bad Type line"); checktype(type); strcpy(rcp->rc_type, type); if (items == 3) { checktype(format); strcpy(type, format); } if (getline() == 0) abort("bad id"); if (skipsp() == 0) abort("bad id"); for (i=0 ; *lp != ',' && *lp != 0 ; lp++,i++) infile[i] = *lp; infile[i] = 0; if (*lp != ',') abort("bad id"); lp++; id = att = 0; items = sscanf(lp, " %d(%d) ", &id, &att); ip = index(infile, '|'); if (ip) { *ip++ = 0; if ((rcp->rc_name = malloc(strlen(ip) + 1)) == 0) abort("name malloc"); strcpy(rcp->rc_name, ip); } else rcp->rc_name = 0; if (items < 1) abort("bad id"); if (strlen(infile)) { if ((rcp->rc_file = fopen(infile, "r")) == NULL) abort("can't open input file %s", infile); } else { rcp->rc_file = 0; } rcp->rc_id = id; rcp->rc_att = att; /* search for type handler */ for (thp = &typehand[0] ; ; thp++) { if (thp->th_handler == 0) abort("type %s not implemented", type); if (strcmp(thp->th_type, type) == 0) break; } datap = data; (*thp->th_handler)(); if (datap != data) { int len = datap - data; if (len & 1) { len++; *datap++ = 0; } if ((rcp->rc_data = malloc(len)) == 0) abort("data malloc"); bcopy(data, rcp->rc_data, len); rcp->rc_datalen = rcp->rc_length = len; } if (strcmp(type, debugtype) == 0) printrcp(); rcp++; if ((rcp - &rescomp[0]) > NRESCOMP - 3) abort("too many resources"); } if (rcp == &rescomp[0] || fout == 0) abort("nothing to do"); } /* * Build resource file output from incore rescomp structure. */ buildrf() { register struct rescomp *rcpp; register struct resid *rip; register struct restype *rtp; register char *rnp; struct restype *rtpp; int offdata, roundtomap, sizetypes, sizemap; register i; register char *cp; numtypes_t numtypes; lendata_t lendata; /* XXX TODO: before scanning, sort rescomp by type/id */ rtp = &rt[0]; rip = &ri[0]; rnp = rn; rcpp = &rescomp[0]; offdata = 0; /* * Scan through the resources making type and id lists. In this * 1st pass, the rt_offids field is set to the offset from the * start of the id's list. Below, the 2nd pass adds the size * of the type list to this field. */ bcopy(rcpp->rc_type, rtp->rt_type, 4); /* preset 1st type */ for ( ; rcpp < rcp ; rcpp++) { if (strncmp(rcpp->rc_type, rtp->rt_type, 4) != 0) { rtp++; /* we've found a new type */ bcopy(rcpp->rc_type, rtp->rt_type, 4); rtp->rt_offids = (rip - &ri[0]) * sizeof *rip; } rtp->rt_numids++; rip->ri_id = htons(rcpp->rc_id); /* ensure final byte order */ if (rcpp->rc_name) { rip->ri_offname = htons(rnp - rn); i = strlen(rcpp->rc_name); if (((rnp - rn) + i + 2) > NAMELEN) abort("namemap exhausted"); if (strncmp(rcpp->rc_type, "DRVR", 4)) *rnp++ = (char) i; else { *rnp++ = (char)(i + 1); *rnp++ = 0; } bcopy(rcpp->rc_name, rnp, i); rnp += i; } else rip->ri_offname = htons(-1); rip->ri_att = rcpp->rc_att; rip->ri_offdata = htons(offdata & 0xFFFF); rip->ri_offdatahi = ((offdata >> 16) & 0xFF); rip++; offdata += (rcpp->rc_length + sizeof lendata); } rtp++; /* * Write the file header and pad it out. */ rf.rf_offdata = htonl(OFFDATA); offdata += OFFDATA; roundtomap = (offdata & (ROUNDMAP-1)); if (roundtomap) roundtomap = ROUNDMAP - roundtomap; /* # of pad bytes */ rf.rf_offmap = offdata + roundtomap; rf.rf_lendata = htonl(rf.rf_offmap - OFFDATA); rf.rf_offmap = htonl(rf.rf_offmap); sizetypes = ((numtypes = rtp - &rt[0]) * sizeof *rtp); if ((rnp - rn) & 1) /* to be conservative */ *rnp++ = 0; sizemap = sizeof rm + sizetypes + sizeof numtypes + ((rip - &ri[0]) * sizeof *rip) + (rnp - rn); rf.rf_lenmap = htonl(sizemap); fwrite(&rf, sizeof rf, 1, fout); i = OFFDATA - sizeof rf; do { putc(0, fout); } while (--i); /* * correct type list. */ for (rtpp = &rt[0] ; rtpp < rtp ; rtpp++) { rtpp->rt_offids = htons(rtpp->rt_offids + sizetypes + sizeof numtypes); rtpp->rt_numids = htons(rtpp->rt_numids - 1); } /* * For each resource, write data, file, and bss. */ for (rcpp = &rescomp[0] ; rcpp < rcp ; rcpp++) { lendata = htonl(rcpp->rc_length); fwrite(&lendata, sizeof lendata, 1, fout); if ((cp = rcpp->rc_data)) for (i = rcpp->rc_datalen ; i > 0 ; i--) putc(*cp++, fout); if (rcpp->rc_file) for (i = rcpp->rc_filelen ; i > 0 ; i--) putc(getc(rcpp->rc_file), fout); for (i = rcpp->rc_bss ; i > 0 ; i--) putc(0, fout); if ((cp = rcpp->rc_rel)) for (i = rcpp->rc_rellen ; i > 0 ; i--) putc(*cp++, fout); } for (i = roundtomap ; i > 0 ; i--) putc(0, fout); /* * Write the resource map. */ rm.rm_offtype = htons(sizeof rm); rm.rm_offname = htons(sizemap - (rnp - rn)); fwrite(&rm, sizeof rm, 1, fout); numtypes--; numtypes = htons(numtypes); fwrite(&numtypes,sizeof numtypes, 1, fout); fwrite(&rt[0], sizeof *rtp, rtp - &rt[0], fout); fwrite(&ri[0], sizeof *rip, rip - &ri[0], fout); fwrite(rn, rnp - rn, 1, fout); } /* * Get next command line. * Returns 0 if end of block, 1 if normal line. */ getline() { register i; again: if ((fgets(line, sizeof line, fin)) == NULL) { fineof++; return (0); } linenum++; if ((i = strlen(line)) <= 0) return (0); if (line[i-1] == '\n') line[i-1] = 0; lp = line; if (*lp == 0) return (0); if (*lp == '*') goto again; return (1); } /* * Abort with message. */ abort(s,a,b) char *s; { fprintf(stderr, "rmaker: "); fprintf(stderr, s, a, b); if (linenum) fprintf(stderr, "; line number %d", linenum); fprintf(stderr, "\n"); exit(1); } /* * Check for legal length type. Fix "STR ". */ checktype(s) char *s; { register len; len = strlen(s); if (len < 3 || len > 4) abort("bad type"); if (len == 3) { s[3] = ' '; s[4] = 0; } } /* * Copy bytes. */ bcopy(a, b, n) register n; register char *a, *b; { if (n <= 0) return; do { *b++ = *a++; } while (--n); } /* * Store a short into the data area. */ datashort(i) { *(unsigned short *)datap = htons(i); datap += sizeof (short); } /* * Store a long into the data area. */ datalong(i) { *(unsigned long *)datap = htonl(i); datap += sizeof (long); } /* * Store string into data area. If "round" is set, round up length. * Returns length of data. */ datastring(sp,round) char *sp; { char *cp = datap; /* remember old value to store length */ int len; for (datap++, len = 0 ; *sp ; len++) *datap++ = *sp++; *cp = len; len++; if (round && (len & 1)) { len++; *datap++ = 0; } return (len); } /* * Scan next number from line and return it. */ scanfn(fmt) char *fmt; { int val; if (skipsp() == 0 || sscanf(lp,fmt,&val) != 1) abort("no number found"); do { lp++; } while (*lp != ' ' && *lp != '/0'); /* skip to next number */ return (val); } /* * Scan next string from "line" into "token"; return 0 if none left. */ scanft() { char *cp; if (skipsp() == 0) return (0); cp = token; while (*lp != ' ' && *lp != 0) *cp++ = *lp++; *cp = 0; return (1); } /* * Skip spaces. Return 0 if end of line. */ skipsp() { while (*lp == ' ' && *lp != 0) lp++; return(*lp); } /* * Print the data portion of the current rcp record. */ printrcp() { char *cp; int i; unsigned int j; printf("Type %s, ID %d, length %d, datalen %d\n", rcp->rc_type, rcp->rc_id, rcp->rc_length, rcp->rc_datalen); cp = rcp->rc_data; /* pick up the data pointer */ for (i=0 ; i < rcp->rc_datalen ; i++) { j = *cp++ & 0xFF; if ((i % 16) == 15) printf("%02X\n",j); else printf("%02X ",j); } printf("\n"); } #define VAX #define nohtonl #ifdef nohtonl /* if not in library */ #ifdef VAX /* * "Host" to "net" byte order swappers. */ unsigned short htons(a) unsigned short a; { unsigned short result; register char *sp = (char *)&a; register char *dp = (char *)&result; dp[1] = *sp++; dp[0] = *sp; return (result); } unsigned long htonl(a) unsigned long a; { unsigned long result; register char *sp = (char *)&a; register char *dp = (char *)&result; dp[3] = *sp++; dp[2] = *sp++; dp[1] = *sp++; dp[0] = *sp; return (result); } #else /* if running on a native 68K, don't need byte swapping */ unsigned short htons(a) unsigned short a; { return (a); } unsigned long htonl(a) unsigned long a; { return (a); } #endif VAX #endif nohtonl /* * T Y P E H A N D L E R S */ /* * Handle string format data. */ handstr() { if (getline() == 0) abort("missing string"); datastring(lp,1); } /* * Handle hexadecimal format data. */ handhexa() { char hex[4]; int val, items, len; hex[2] = 0; while (getline() != 0) { for (len = strlen(lp) ; len > 0 ; ) { if (*lp == ' ') { lp++; len--; continue; } strncpy(hex, lp, 2); items = sscanf(hex, "%x", &val); if (items != 1) abort("bad digits"); *datap++ = val; lp += 2; len -= 2; if ((datap - data) >= sizeof data) abort("too much data"); } } len = datap - data; if (len & 1) { len++; *datap++ = 0; } } /* * Handle program (code) data. */ handcode() { register i; struct reloc rl; /* * setup CODE, id=0 (jumptable) */ if (rcp->rc_id == 0) { rcp[1] = rcp[0]; /* duplicate rescomp entry */ rcp->rc_att = ATT_PURGEABLE; rcp->rc_datalen = rcp->rc_length = sizeof seg0; rcp->rc_data = seg0; rcp->rc_file = (FILE *)0; rcp->rc_bss = 0; rcp++; } /* * setup CODE, id=1 (text/data) */ if (fread(&bh, sizeof bh, 1, rcp->rc_file) != 1 || bh.fmagic != FMAGIC) abort("bad b.out header"); if ((rcp->rc_data = malloc(rcp->rc_datalen = bh.tsize + bh.dsize + sizeof seg1)) == 0) abort("code malloc"); rcp->rc_id++; /* normally id is now 1 */ seg1[3] = rcp->rc_id; /* put id in jump table */ bcopy(seg1, rcp->rc_data, sizeof seg1); rcp->rc_data += sizeof seg1; if (fread(rcp->rc_data, rcp->rc_datalen - sizeof seg1, 1, rcp->rc_file) != 1) abort("code readerror"); rcp->rc_bss = bh.bsize; rcp->rc_length = rcp->rc_datalen + rcp->rc_bss; if (!rcp->rc_att) /* set default attributes if none supplied */ rcp->rc_att = ATT_PURGEABLE | ATT_LOCKED | ATT_PRELOAD; if ((bh.rtsize + bh.rdsize) <= 0) abort("b.out must have reloc info"); fseek(rcp->rc_file, RTEXTPOS, 0); if (*(short *)rcp->rc_data != htons(CRTMAGIC)) abort("no crtmac.s prefix"); relpnt = rcp->rc_data + 2; /* start of longrun table */ rellen = CRTLEN; /* length of longrun table */ reloff = 0; readrel(0, bh.rtsize/sizeof rl); /* reloc text */ readrel(bh.tsize, bh.rdsize/sizeof rl); /* reloc data */ *(rcp->rc_data+reloff) = 0377; /* signals end of reloc data */ rcp->rc_data -= sizeof seg1; fclose(rcp->rc_file); rcp->rc_file = 0; fprintf(stderr, " text %d, data %d, bss %d, longruns %d\n", bh.tsize, bh.dsize, bh.bsize, CRTLEN - rellen); } /* * Read relocation data and run length encode it. */ readrel(off, nrel) { struct reloc rl; register char *cp; int run, newoff; for ( ; nrel > 0 ; nrel--) { if (fread(&rl, sizeof rl, 1, rcp->rc_file) != 1) abort("error reading reloc"); if (rl.rsize != RLONG || (rl.rpos & 1) || rl.rsymbol || rl.rsegment == REXT) abort("impossible relocation"); newoff = (rl.rpos + off); run = (newoff - reloff) >> 1; if (reloff == 0 || run >= 0377) { *(long *)relpnt = htonl(newoff); relpnt += sizeof (long); if (--rellen <= 0) abort("too many longruns"); } else { *(rcp->rc_data+reloff) = run; } reloff = newoff; } } /* * Handle device driver (or desk accessory.). */ #define DRVROFF 50 /* offset of longruns in DRVR resource */ #define DRVRMAGIC handdrvr() { register i; struct reloc rl; if (fread(&bh, sizeof bh, 1, rcp->rc_file) != 1 || bh.fmagic != FMAGIC) abort("bad b.out header"); if((rcp->rc_rellen = (bh.rtsize + bh.rdsize) / sizeof(rl)) & 1) rcp->rc_rellen++; if ((rcp->rc_data = malloc((rcp->rc_datalen = bh.tsize + bh.dsize) + rcp->rc_rellen)) == 0) abort("drvr malloc"); rcp->rc_rel = rcp->rc_data + rcp->rc_datalen; if (fread(rcp->rc_data, rcp->rc_datalen, 1, rcp->rc_file) != 1) abort("drvr readerror"); rcp->rc_bss = bh.bsize; rcp->rc_length = rcp->rc_datalen + rcp->rc_bss + rcp->rc_rellen; if ((bh.rtsize + bh.rdsize) <= 0) abort("b.out must have reloc info"); fseek(rcp->rc_file, RTEXTPOS, 0); if (*(short *)(rcp->rc_data+DRVROFF) != htons(RELMAGIC)) abort("no crtdrvr.s prefix"); relpnt = rcp->rc_data + DRVROFF + 2; /* start of longrun table */ rellen = RELLEN; /* length of longrun table */ *(long *)relpnt = htonl(rcp->rc_length - rcp->rc_rellen); /* offset to reloc table */ relpnt += sizeof(long); relrel = rcp->rc_rel; /* start of reloc table */ reloff = 0; rdreloc(0, bh.rtsize/sizeof rl); /* reloc text */ rdreloc(bh.tsize, bh.rdsize/sizeof rl); /* reloc data */ *relrel = 0377; /* signals end of reloc data */ fclose(rcp->rc_file); rcp->rc_file = 0; fprintf(stderr, " drvr text %d, data %d, bss %d, reloc %d, longruns %d\n", bh.tsize, bh.dsize, bh.bsize, rcp->rc_rellen, RELLEN - rellen); } /* * Read relocation data and run length encode it in a dynamically relocatable * form. */ rdreloc(off, nrel) { struct reloc rl; register char *cp; int run, newoff; for ( ; nrel > 0 ; nrel--) { if (fread(&rl, sizeof rl, 1, rcp->rc_file) != 1) abort("error reading reloc"); if (rl.rsize != RLONG || (rl.rpos & 1) || rl.rsymbol || rl.rsegment == REXT) abort("impossible relocation"); newoff = (rl.rpos + off); run = (newoff - reloff) >> 1; if (reloff == 0 || run >= 0377) { *(long *)relpnt = htonl(newoff); relpnt += sizeof (long); if (--rellen <= 0) abort("too many longruns"); if(reloff) *relrel++ = 0; } else { *relrel++ = run; } reloff = newoff; } } /* * Handle control, menu and window definition procedures. */ handxdef() { register i; struct reloc rl; if (fread(&bh, sizeof bh, 1, rcp->rc_file) != 1 || bh.fmagic != FMAGIC) abort("bad b.out header"); if((rcp->rc_rellen = (bh.rtsize + bh.rdsize) / sizeof(rl)) & 1) rcp->rc_rellen++; if ((rcp->rc_data = malloc((rcp->rc_datalen = bh.tsize + bh.dsize) + rcp->rc_rellen)) == 0) abort("[cmw]def malloc"); rcp->rc_rel = rcp->rc_data + rcp->rc_datalen; if (fread(rcp->rc_data, rcp->rc_datalen, 1, rcp->rc_file) != 1) abort("[cmw]def readerror"); rcp->rc_bss = bh.bsize; rcp->rc_length = rcp->rc_datalen + rcp->rc_bss + rcp->rc_rellen; if ((bh.rtsize + bh.rdsize) <= 0) abort("b.out must have reloc info"); fseek(rcp->rc_file, RTEXTPOS, 0); if (*(short *)(rcp->rc_data) != htons(RELMAGIC)) abort("no crt[cmw]def.s prefix"); relpnt = rcp->rc_data + 2; /* start of longrun table */ rellen = RELLEN; /* length of longrun table */ *(long *)relpnt = htonl(rcp->rc_length - rcp->rc_rellen); /* offset to reloc table */ relpnt += sizeof(long); relrel = rcp->rc_rel; /* start of reloc table */ reloff = 0; rdreloc(0, bh.rtsize/sizeof rl); /* reloc text */ rdreloc(bh.tsize, bh.rdsize/sizeof rl); /* reloc data */ *relrel = 0377; /* signals end of reloc data */ fclose(rcp->rc_file); rcp->rc_file = 0; fprintf(stderr, " [cmw]def text %d, data %d, bss %d, reloc %d, longruns %d\n", bh.tsize, bh.dsize, bh.bsize, rcp->rc_rellen, RELLEN - rellen); } /* * Handle dialog template (DLOG). */ /* * This structure is defined in toolintf.h, but to avoid byte swap * and alignment problems, we fill it "by hand". * * typedef struct { * Rect boundsRect; * short procID; * char visible; * char filler1; * char goAwayFlag; * char filler2; * long refCon; * short itemsID; * Str255 title; * } DialogTemplate; */ handdlog() { int vis,go,pid,ref; register i; if (getline() == 0) abort("no dlog rectangle"); for (i=0 ; i<4 ; i++) /* parse 4 ints - rectangle */ datashort(scanfn("%d")); if (getline() == 0) abort("no dlog vis/proc"); scanft(); vis = (token[0] == 'V' ? 1 : 0); pid = scanfn("%d"); scanft(); go = (token[0] == 'G' ? 1 : 0); ref = scanfn("%d"); datashort(pid); *datap++ = vis; *datap++ = 0; *datap++ = go; *datap++ = 0; datalong(ref); if (getline() == 0) abort("missing Item list ID"); datashort(scanfn("%d")); if (getline() != 0) datastring(lp,1); else datashort(0); } /* * Handle alert template. */ /* * This structure is defined in toolintf.h, but to avoid byte swap * and alignment problems, we fill it "by hand". * * typedef struct { * Rect boundsRect; * short itemsID; * short stages; * } AlertTemplate; */ handalrt() { int i; getline(); for (i=0 ; i<4 ; i++) /* parse 4 ints - rectangle */ datashort(scanfn("%d")); getline(); datashort(scanfn("%d")); getline(); datashort(scanfn("%x")); } /* * Handle Dialog and Alert Item Lists (Type DITL) * */ /* * Structure of an item list. * * struct { * long zero; placeholder for handle * Rect itemrect; * char itemtype; * char itemlength; * ... followed by variable length data * } */ struct ditlkeys { char *ditl_name; int ditl_value; } ditlkeys[] = { "CtrlItem",ctrlItem, /* used in conjunction with: */ "BtnCtrl",btnCtrl, /* a button control */ "ChkCtrl",chkCtrl, /* checkbox */ "RadCtrl",radCtrl, /* etc... */ "ResCtrl",resCtrl, "RadioItem",radCtrl+ctrlItem, "ChkItem",chkCtrl+ctrlItem, "StatText",statText, "EditText",editText, "IconItem",iconItem, "PicItem",picItem, "UserItem",userItem, "ItemDisable",itemDisable, "BtnItem",btnCtrl+ctrlItem, /* abbreviation */ "Enabled",0, "Disabled",itemDisable, /* synonym */ "Disable",itemDisable, /* synonym */ "ItemDisabled",itemDisable, /* synonym */ 0,0 }; handditl() { char *lenp; int i,len; int val,types; register struct ditlkeys *dk; /* first line is item count, drop in count-1 */ if (getline() == 0 || (val = scanfn("%d")) < 1) abort("bad DITL item count"); datashort(val-1); /* for each item */ for ( ; val > 0 ; val--) { datalong(0); if (getline() == 0) /* line with item types */ abort("Missing DITL item type"); types = 0; while (scanft()) { for (dk = &ditlkeys[0] ; dk->ditl_name ; dk++) if (strcmp(dk->ditl_name,token) == 0) goto found; abort("bad DITL item type %s",token); found: types += dk->ditl_value; } if (getline() == 0) abort("Missing DITL rectangle"); for ( i=0 ; i < 4 ; i++) datashort(scanfn("%d")); *datap++ = types; if ((getline() == 0) && (types&(~itemDisable) != editText)) abort("Missing DITL data"); skipsp(); lenp = datap++; /* remember spot for length */ types &= ~itemDisable; /* don't care about this bit */ switch (types) { case iconItem: /* 2 byte resource ID */ case picItem: case ctrlItem+resCtrl: datashort(scanfn("%d")); *lenp = sizeof (short); break; case userItem: *lenp = 0; /* is nothing */ break; case ctrlItem+btnCtrl: case ctrlItem+chkCtrl: case ctrlItem+radCtrl: case statText: case editText: len = strlen(lp); strcpy(datap,lp); datap += len; if (len & 1) { len++; *datap++ = 0; } *lenp = len; break; } if (getline() != 0) abort("Expected blank line in DITL"); } } /* * Handle window template (WIND). */ /* * typedef struct { * Rect boundsRect; * short procID; * char visible; * char filler1; * char goAwayFlag; * char filler2; * long refCon; * Str255 title; * } WindowTemplate; */ handwind() { int vis,go,pid,ref; char title[128]; register i; getline(); skipsp(); strcpy(title,lp); getline(); for (i=0 ; i<4 ; i++) /* parse 4 ints - rectangle */ datashort(scanfn("%d")); getline(); scanft(); vis = (token[0] == 'V' ? 1 : 0); scanft(); go = (token[0] == 'G' ? 1 : 0); getline(); pid = scanfn("%d"); getline(); ref = scanfn("%d"); datashort(pid); *datap++ = vis; *datap++ = 0; *datap++ = go; *datap++ = 0; datalong(ref); datastring(title,1); } /* * Handle control template (CNTL). */ /* * typedef struct { * Rect boundsRect; * short value; * char visible; * char filler1; * short max; * short min; * short procID; * long refCon; * Str255 title; * } ControlTemplate; */ handcntl() { int vis,min,max,pid,ref; char title[128]; register i; getline(); skipsp(); strcpy(title,lp); getline(); for (i=0 ; i<4 ; i++) /* parse 4 ints - rectangle */ datashort(scanfn("%d")); getline(); scanft(); vis = (token[0] == 'V' ? 1 : 0); getline(); pid = scanfn("%d"); getline(); ref = scanfn("%d"); getline(); datashort(scanfn("%d")); *datap++ = vis; *datap++ = 0; min = scanfn("%d"); max = scanfn("%d"); datashort(max); datashort(min); datashort(pid); datalong(ref); datastring(title,1); } /* * Handle menu template (MENU). */ /* * typedef struct { * short menuID; * long fill1,fill2; placeholder * long enableFlags; * Str255 title; * for each menu item: * Str255 text; * char icon#; * char keyboardequiv; * char mark; * char textstyle; * finally: * char zero; end of items. * } */ handmenu() { int iconid, styleid, cmdid, markid; int *flagsp, flags, item; register char *cp,*dp,*sp; char itext[128]; static char styles[] = "BIUOS"; datashort(rcp->rc_id); datalong(0); datalong(0); flagsp = (long *)datap; /* remember where the flags were */ flags = -1; /* enable all items */ datalong(-1); /* placeholder */ getline(); scanft(); datastring(token,0); for (item = 1 ; getline() && item < 32 ; item++) { skipsp(); iconid = styleid = cmdid = markid = 0; for (cp = lp, dp = itext ; *cp ; cp++) { switch (*cp) { default: *dp++ = *cp; break; case '(': flags &= ~(1<<item); break; case '^': cp++; iconid = *cp; break; case '/': cp++; cmdid = *cp; break; case '!': cp++; markid = *cp; break; case '<': cp++; sp = index(styles, *cp); if (sp == 0) abort("BIUOS expected after <"); styleid |= (1 << (sp-styles)); break; } } *dp++ = 0; datastring(itext,0); *datap++ = iconid; *datap++ = cmdid; *datap++ = markid; *datap++ = styleid; } /* end of items */ *datap++ = 0; *flagsp = htonl(flags); } 28336!Funky!Stuff! echo x - crtdrvr.s cat > crtdrvr.s << '28336!Funky!Stuff!' | | crtdrvr.s - dynamically relocating C runtime startoff for Mac desk accessory | | Copyright (C) 1984, Stanford Univ. SUMEX project | May be used but not sold without permission. | | history | 07/20/84 Croft Created. | 10/24/84 Smith Customize for test | 01/10/85 Moy Add dynamic rellocation | Open = 0 Prime = 4 Ctl = 8 Status = 12 Close = 16 .data .text .globl _savea5 .globl drvr .globl drvrOpen,drvrPrime,drvrCtl,drvrStatus,drvrClose | driver header drvr: .word 0x2400 | enable control, need time .word 2 | 30 times a second .word 0x0142 | mouseDown, update, activate events .word 0 | no menu doffset: .word dopen-drvr .word dprime-drvr .word dctl-drvr .word dstatus-drvr .word dclose-drvr .byte 6 | .ascii "\0Sleep" .byte 0 .ascii "Sleep" .blkb 25 | 32 bytes total for name jra dopen | magic number reloff: .long 0 .long 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 | longruns from rmaker reladdr:.long 0 _savea5:.long 0 | | driver entry points | dopen: moveq #Open,d0 bras .L21 dprime: moveq #Prime,d0 bras .L21 dctl: moveq #Ctl,d0 bras .L21 dstatus: moveq #Status,d0 bras .L21 dclose: moveq #Close,d0 .L21: moveml #0x3ffc,sp@- lea pc@([reladdr-.-2]),a2 | reloc addr lea pc@([drvr-.-2]),a3 | reloc factor movl a3,d1 andl #0xffffff,d1 | clear out trash in high byte subl a2@,d1 | have we moved? beqs call addl d1,a2@ | adjust reladdr lea pc@([reloff-.-2]),a3 addl d1,a3@ | adjust addr of reloc table movl a3@+,a4 | get addr of reloc table addl d1,a3@ | adjust 1st relocation movl a3@+,a2 | pickup 1st relocation | | a2 = current reloc address | a3 = next longrun address | a4 = next reloc table address | d1 = relocation factor | | for(;;) { | *(u_long *)a2 += (u_long)d1; | if ((i = (*a4++ & 0377)) == 0) { | *a3 += d1; | a2 = *a3++; | continue; | } | if (i == 0377) | goto start; | a2 += (i << 1); | } .L16: addl d1,a2@ movb a4@+,d7 andl #255,d7 bnes .L19 addl d1,a3@ movl a3@+,a2 bras .L16 .L19: cmpl #255,d7 beqs .L18 roll #1,d7 addl d7,a2 bras .L16 | | if shift button is pressed on entry, beep and hang around for an NMI. | .L18: btst #0,0x17b beqs .L31 | if not pressed movw #1,sp@- | sysbeep, duration 1 .word /A9C8 moveq #1,d2 .L22: tstl d2 bnes .L22 | hang, waiting for NMI .L31: movl a5,_savea5 call: movl a1,sp@- movl a0,sp@- movl #jmptab,a0 addl d0,a0 movl a0@,a0 jsr a0@ addql #8,sp moveml sp@+,#0x3ffc cmpl #0x40000000,d0 bnes done clrl d0 rts jiodone = 0x8fc done: movl jiodone,sp@- rts jmptab: .long drvrOpen .long drvrPrime .long drvrCtl .long drvrStatus .long drvrClose 28336!Funky!Stuff! echo x - crtwdef.s cat > crtwdef.s << '28336!Funky!Stuff!' | | crtwdef.s - dynamically relocating C runtime startoff for window | definition procedures | | Copyright (C) 1984, Stanford Univ. SUMEX project | May be used but not sold without permission. | | history | 01/10/85 Moy Created | .data .text .globl _savea5 .globl wdef .globl MyWindow wdef: jra .L21 | magic number reloff: .long 0 .long 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 | longruns from rmaker reladdr:.long 0 _savea5:.long 0 .L21: moveml #0x3ffc,sp@- lea pc@([reladdr-.-2]),a2 | reloc addr lea pc@([wdef-.-2]),a3 | reloc factor movl a3,d1 andl #0xffffff,d1 | clear out trash in high byte subl a2@,d1 | have we moved? beqs call addl d1,a2@ | adjust reladdr lea pc@([reloff-.-2]),a3 addl d1,a3@ | adjust addr of reloc table movl a3@+,a4 | get addr of reloc table addl d1,a3@ | adjust 1st relocation movl a3@+,a2 | pickup 1st relocation | | a2 = current reloc address | a3 = next longrun address | a4 = next reloc table address | d1 = relocation factor | | for(;;) { | *(u_long *)a2 += (u_long)d1; | if ((i = (*a4++ & 0377)) == 0) { | *a3 += d1; | a2 = *a3++; | continue; | } | if (i == 0377) | goto start; | a2 += (i << 1); | } .L16: addl d1,a2@ movb a4@+,d7 andl #255,d7 bnes .L19 addl d1,a3@ movl a3@+,a2 bras .L16 .L19: cmpl #255,d7 beqs .L20 roll #1,d7 addl d7,a2 bras .L16 .L20: movl a5,_savea5 call: moveml sp@+,#0x3ffc jmp MyWindow 28336!Funky!Stuff!