info-mac@uw-beaver (01/25/85)
From: Wang Zeep <G.ZEEP%MIT-EECS@MIT-MC.ARPA> If one remembers my message of a few months ago, I told INFO-MAC all about the wonderful PostScript protocol, which would give us device-independent typesetting. Luckily, Apple did come through and I also just saw an announcement from Mergenthaler Linotype (Allied L. in this country, but I like the old name) that they would be bringing out a PS typesetter. This means that the Mac can now be the front-end to a typesetter, run a page proofer, take customer-supplied disks and downloads, and play games! With a file server, this system (hypothetical now, unfortunately) could be the complete base for a small publication or technical writing firm, and would offer pretty amazing functionality. [flame off] Also, I heard a rumor that BB&N would be writing a MacMail and other net software for the Mac. Neat! Has anyone bought a double-sided drive yet for their Mac? confused, but elated, wz -------