[fa.info-mac] ExperLogo

info-mac@uw-beaver (01/28/85)


I just borrowed a copy of Experlogo and I'm posting a microreview

Good Points:
This Logo has most of the meaty functions from a real Lisp. It includes
lots of array stuff, properties and even FUNCALL.

The user interface is fairly nice, with an editor window and a listener
window.  Applications may make multiple graphics windows.

There is support for the quickdraw graphics part of the tool box.

Bunny graphics support is a faster version of the turtle in most LOGOS,
but these bunnies can be 3d and mapped to a sphere.  (Good for maps and

Code runs very fast.

Bad Points:

Error messages are cryptic

Apparently 128K macs can get GC problems.

Math Routines are not bullet-proof (Try incrementing an integer past 

The compilation phase is slow (the first time you run some code).

Overall:  I really like it so far, except for some speed issues.
(The program does take an extra chunk of time to run the first time --
it's building a memory map of some sort.)  The true LISP part is pretty
nice, but I wish they had simply ignored MACLISP syntax when they borrowed
functions.(RPLACA should have been set-first, or somesuch).  The price is
right and they encourage you to make (2) copies for your own use.
Copy protection is a "validate-once" scheme!

I'll try to put some real code in this weekend, but for $129 (list)
this could be a real bargain (for a 512K Mac -- 128K Macs do have \
memory problems.)  This program doesn't compile final applications (no
menu bars, etc.) but it is pretty spiffy.

			Wait 'til I can beat on it,