[fa.info-mac] Lisp for the Macintosh

info-mac@uw-beaver (01/28/85)

From: Dominique.Carrega@CMU-RI-ISL2

I am, along with other members of ZMF Software in Pittsburgh, now beginning
to write a public domain Common Lisp for the Mac.  I have recieved a lot
of letters concerning my AIPL interpreter, but most people seemed more 
interested in the Lisp aspects of it than anything else.

Our first version will be an interpreter based on Fahlman, et al's Spice
Lisp for the Perq.  I would appreciate hearing from the Macintosh community
about any special requests for our Lisp system.  We hope to also have a
public domain "mini-compiler" that will allow user's to create stand alone 
"double-clickable" applications in a sub-set of Common Lisp.

Please do not write and tell me about ExperTelligence's Lisp compiler, to
be released Real Soon Now.  I have already ordered it, despite its ~$500
price tag.  I am sure that ExperTelligence's compiler will be better than
ours, but I feel that it is far too expensive to become widely used at
Universities (at least legally).  I our Lisp system will become widely used, and maybe even improved, among the various Mac users.

Thanks for your letters in the past, and thabks in advance for letters in the future.

			-Daniel Zigmond (c/o the above user)

P.S. Any suggestions for a good name for our Lisp.  Someone has suggested
Z-Lisp, but I hope someone can do better.