[fa.info-mac] MacTerminal 1.1 bug with insert/delete commands

info-mac@uw-beaver (01/30/85)


Earlier someone posted the following commands for MacTerminal

Insert Line  esc [ pn L     Insert pn lines at the cursor
Delete Line  esc [ pn M     Deletes pn lines starting with the cursor
Insert Char  esc [ pn @     Insert pn blank characters at the cursor
Delete Char  esc [ pn P     Deletes pn characters starting at the cursor

These work.  BUT they gobble the next characters and interpret them as
commands too.  To see this, go into local mode and type:

abcde <ret> <esc> [ 3 LLLMMM@@@PPP

You will see that each L causes 3 lines to be inserted, each M causes 3
lines to be deleted etc.  Surely this is a bug.  (This is with
MacTerminal 1.1.)
                        ---Charles Karney