[net.misc] GREAT STEREO!

murray@sbcs.UUCP (06/13/83)

             ALthough Rubber Soul (The Beatles) was the first stereo album
I remember hearing with both great stereo effects AND great production, the
one album I remember as having really blown my mind (!) for its stereo
effectas is ELHendrix' AXIS: BOLD aAS LOVE, especially the first track, side
one (I have the English version, American versions often seem to leave
out some of the best tracks, which are then released later, on a compilation
album, with ten tracks you already have on other albums, and one or two
new ones - very frustarting if you're trying to make a complete collection 
of some particular artist, like I have with The Stones - but to retutrn to the
original point..) - callletitled "esp - up from the skies". Also notable: "if the
6 were nonine". Of course, these external stereo wonders are greatly
enhanced through the use of internal sense-enhancemanenters.
             I had some problems recently with a new song by, I think, Depeche Modep-Mode. I work as a mobile DJ, and recently, after setting up, iI put this song
on, and then thought thertee was something wrong with one of the channels
on the amp - or is it the turntable - or the mixer - in the wiring??? I
There's nothing like trying to debug your sound system when you have only five or ten minutes to go before start time. Oh, yes, the name of the song:
       "Get the Balance Right."
             Anyone out there had similar interesting expereinces in 
listening to this number?
                          Magic Murray.