info-mac@uw-beaver (01/25/85)
From: edmoy%ucbopal.CC@UCB-VAX Here is a modified version of the sleep desk accessory. Many thanks to Walter Smith, who submitted it first (Walter, if you're out there, I've held off submitting the source code until I OK it with you). For those who missed it the first time, sleep is a desk accessory that blacks out the screen, so that you can leave it on all the time and instantly start where you left off. Unlike turning down the brightness control, an apple is constantly moved around the screen to remind you that it is still on. The major change is that the desk accessory has been restructured so that clicking the mouse button causes SystemClick to call CloseDeskAcc so that memory for it is no longer locked. Also, it uses my dynamic relocation scheme (another letter from me to info-mac talked about this), so that it doesn't cause the Mac to bomb when it is restarted after another desk accessory has been opened. An added feature (actual hiding a bug) is that if you hold the mouse button down and release it in the area where the menu bar is normally, sleep continues. Unfortunately, if the cursor is already in the menu bar area and you click the mouse, nothing happens ( you just have to move the mouse down). I change the cursor to be a hilited close box with an arrow in it when you hold the mouse button down. Moving it into the menu bar area will cause the cursor to disappear. Like the note from Lonnie R. Abelbeck, I prefer a smoothly moving apple to the jumping apple, so this version has that implemented. The file is in binhex format and uses the standard desk application to preview and install it. Again, many thanks to Walter. Edward Moy Computing Services University of California Berkeley, CA 94720 edmoy@ucbopal ucbvax!ucbopal!edmoy ----- cut here --------------------------------------------- cut here ----- (This file must be converted with BinHex.Hex) #APPLCCOM$0000 ***COMPRESSED ***RESOURCE FORK ( 0 ", B (( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( P / !1 +0!KP$ 554 !> ( %H "@!N ( !0! )/2P 6@$. &X!5 0&0V%N8V5L * ( \ $8!7H@J4F5P;&%C92!S>7-T96T@<F5S;W5R8V4@ (%XP('1Y<&4]7C$@:60]7C(_ #F0D " 4( !H ( !L ' = !X!@!3;&5E< ( 8#0 W( V #.P ( ' (& .< 1@"G (8 9P#& "<!!(YS_\1?K_X$?Z_WPB"P*! ( #___^2DF=*TY)'^O^>TY,H6].3)%O3DAX< H< #_ (&8&TY,D6V#N#(< #_9P;CG]7'8. 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info-mac@uw-beaver (01/30/85)
From: Seymour <JOSEPH@RU-BLUE.ARPA> Ed, Thanks for the new sleep Desk Accessory. It seems to have a few minor problems though. On the second and every subsequent startup, the Sleeper leaves a copy of the apple in the initial position while a second copy continues to bounce about. Also, on my Lisa 2/5 which I use only to run MacWorks, Sleeper fails to redraw the right side of the lisa screen when it exits. That is, it redraws the area equivalent to the Mac screen but leaves all the area to the right (including my HARD DISK icon and trash can) completely black. It would be nice if it updated the whole desktop even if it was running on a Macintosh XL- ... (sigh) Thanks, Seymour Joseph -------
info-mac@uw-beaver (02/04/85)
From: edmoy%ucbopal.CC@Berkeley Thanks for notifying me of the sitting apple bug. I thought I fixed it, but it reappeared. A new version is being posted to net.sources.mac and info-mac. As for the Lisa bug, we don't have a lisa here to play with yet, so I've held off on doing anything. When I do, I'll let you know. Edward Moy Computing Services University of California Berkeley, CA 94720 edmoy@ucbopal.APRA ucbvax!ucbopal!edmoy Return-Path: <edmoy%ucbopal.CC@Berkeley> Received: from UCB-VAX.ARPA by SUMEX-AIM.ARPA with TCP; Sat 2 Feb 85 14:40:24-PST Received: from ucbjade.CC.Berkeley.ARPA (ucbjade.ARPA) by UCB-VAX.ARPA (4.24/4.41) id AA02268; Wed, 30 Jan 85 19:13:50 pst Received: from ucbopal.CC.Berkeley.ARPA (ucbopal.ARPA) by ucbjade.CC.Berkeley.ARPA (4.19/4.31.3) id AA28926; Wed, 30 Jan 85 17:42:33 pst Received: by ucbopal.CC.Berkeley.ARPA (4.19/4.31.3) id AA03388; Wed, 30 Jan 85 17:42:05 pst Date: Wed, 30 Jan 85 17:42:05 pst From: edmoy%ucbopal.CC@Berkeley Message-Id: <8501310142.AA03388@ucbopal.CC.Berkeley.ARPA> To: info-mac@sumex-aim.ARPA Subject: Fixed sleep DA Many thanks for all those of you out there who used my modified sleep desk accessory and noticed the bug. I thought I'd fixed it once, but it reappeared. I think this new version no longer leaves an apple motionless on the screen. I've submitted it to net.sources.mac and to info-mac in compressed binhex format and it uses the standard "desk" application to preview and install it. For those who missed it the first time, here is part of the original text I sent. Again, many thanks to Walter Smith, who submitted it first. Sleep is a desk accessory that blacks out the screen, so that you can leave it on all the time and instantly start where you left off. Unlike turning down the brightness control, an apple is constantly moved around the screen to remind you that it is still on. The major change is that the desk accessory has been restructured so that clicking the mouse button causes SystemClick to call CloseDeskAcc so that memory for it is no longer locked. Also, it uses my dynamic relocation scheme, so that it doesn't cause the Mac to bomb when it is restarted after another desk accessory has been opened. An added feature (actual hiding a bug) is that if you hold the mouse button down and release it in the area where the menu bar is normally, sleep continues. Unfortunately, if the cursor is already in the menu bar area and you click the mouse, nothing happens (you just have to move the mouse down). I changed the cursor to be a hilited close box with an arrow in it when you hold the mouse button down. Moving it into the menu bar area will cause the cursor to disappear. Edward Moy Computing Services University of California Berkeley, CA 94720 edmoy@ucbopal ucbvax!ucbopal!edmoy [ <info-mac>Sleep2.hcx is replaced with this fixed version. -jma ] (This file must be converted with BinHex.Hex)