info-mac@uw-beaver (02/06/85)
From: Dick Kalagher <kalagher@mitre> There seem to be two versions of ImageWriter 15 floating around. There is a version that is on the release version of Macproject and I believe some other recent software. This has a September date and is approx 15-17K. There is also a later version dated December 10 and is approx 22K. This later version is labled a prerelease and has some nice new features. The earlier version, however, has a very serious bug(remember it came with software that Apple is selling). If you print something that is in bold or italics and 14 or 18 point Geneva (and probably others-this is what I have tried) the printed output distorts and overlaps letters making the printed output useless. If you substitute the later version and put it on your Macproject disk, this particular problem goes away.