[fa.info-mac] MacPaint suggestion...

info-mac@uw-beaver (02/11/85)


If Apple reads this bboard, I have a suggestion for MacPaint...

Since Apple is supporting the 15-inch imagewriter, it would
be nice if there was a version of MacPaint that would allow you to
draw on the entire page of the large paper that can fit into a
15-inch imagewriter....

Keith Sproul

info-mac@uw-beaver (02/13/85)

From: Steven B. Munson <sbm@Purdue.ARPA>

     As long as we are on the subject of MacPaint, it would REALLY be
nice if MacPaint allowed selection of large pictures.  Barring that,
maybe someone could write a desk accessory that would do nothing but
copy a large (selectable) rectangle from a MacPaint file to the
clipboard.  Making a small selection and expanding it with shift-click
springs immediately to mind....  Of course, the whole MacPaint
interface is pretty annoying, that nonstandard window that can't be
moved or changed in size and won't overlap any other window, and why
does the background change to grey whenever MacPaint starts up?

					Steve Munson