info-mac@uw-beaver (04/09/85)
From: Moderator John Mark Agosta <INFO-MAC-REQUEST@SUMEX-AIM.ARPA> INFO-MAC Digest Tuesday, 9 Apr 1985 Volume 2 : Issue 28 Today's Topics: Re: Bad MacWrite Files Calculating Region Areas Mac C Compilers ExperLogo CompuServing Preserving a Banana [forwarded] Jackintosh mid-May Intro in Canada Math Coprocessor ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Fri 5 Apr 85 13:47:05-CST From: CMP.BARC@UTEXAS-20.ARPA Subject: Re: Bad MacWrite Files I received a number of responses regarding the bad MacWrite files I reported earlier, and thought I'd summarize for the net. It turns out that there are both avoidance and repair mechanisms. The problem is that MacWrite sometimes saves files with MacWrite formatting but labels the files as type TEXT. This situation arises when the file is saved via the SAVE AS and TEXT ONLY options in MacWrite, but is later opened and saved via the normal SAVE command. I tried a variety of controlled experiments, but have been unable to determine any specific sequence that is responsible for the corrupt files. On the other hand, by avoiding mixing TEXT ONLY and normal SAVES, I seem to be able to avoid generating bad files. More importantly, Apple's Larry Rosenstein told me how to salvage any such bad files that might arise. One merely uses SetFile (or FEdit) to change the file type to WORD (instead of TEXT). As a matter of fact, I had tried SetFile, but my documentation on SetFile incorrectly indicated that one needed only to set the creator to MACA (as opposed to CARY). In any case, correcting the worked and my files are back to normal. Dallas Webster CMP.BARC@UTexas-20.ARPA ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 7 Apr 85 14:53:47 pst From: cohn@Berkeley (Ted Cohn) Subject: Calculating Region Areas Distribution: net A simple process-by-illimination technique can be used to find the area of a given region (i.e., the number of pixels the region contains). I remember someone posting their interpretation of the region structure a few months ago, but I lost it. Since I don't know the internal structure of a region, the QuickDraw routine PTINRGN can be use repeatedly. Of course, we do know that: TYPE Region = RECORD rgnSize: INTEGER; rgnBBox: Rect; {Optional region definition data} END; The region is, at most, as big as the enclosing rectangle, rgnBBox. Therefore, the area must be the sum of those pixels that fall within the region where PtInRgn(point,region) is true. Or, conversely, the area is also equal to the differnce of the area of rgnBBox and the sum of pixels not in the region where PtInRgn(point,region) is false. A simple Pascal function is as follows: Function AreaRgn(theRgn: RgnHandle): LongInt; var h, v, x1, x2, y1, y2: INTEGER; thePoint: point; begin x1:=theRgn.rgnBBox.left; x2:=theRgn.rgnBBox.right;; y2:=theRgn.rgnBBox.bottom; AreaRgn:=(x2-x1)*(y2-y1); {Find maximum area} if theRgn.rgnSize > 10 then {If more to region, iterate} for h:=x1 to x2-1 do {One less than x2 so not to overcount} for v:=y1 to y2-1 do {One less than y2 so not to overcount} begin SetPt(thePoint, h, v); {A Pascal frustration} if not PtInRgn(thePoint,theRgn) then AreaRgn:=AreaRgn-1; end; end; If anyone finds a slicker way of finding region areas, I would love to hear about it! Perhaps knowing the internal structure (already decyphered?) might lend a hand. Of course, what applications might this function have? Finding approximate areas of regions on maps in MacPaint maybe? Who knows. - Ted Cohn cohn@ucbvax.BERKELEY.ARPA "I'd rather be driving a Macintosh" ------------------------------ Date: Mon 8 Apr 85 16:33:45-PST From: Gary A. Craig <Gary@USC-ECLC.ARPA> Subject: Mac C Compilers Reply-to: Gary@ECLC There is an article in the April 1985 "Computer Language" magazine describing and benchmarking various C compilers currently available for the Mac. The compilers evaluated are: Consulair C, Manx Aztec C (level c, their top-of-the-line model), Hippo C (level 2), Megamax C, and Softworks C. A few paragraphs are devoted to each, describing the development evvironment, documentation, etc. Tables are also included for compile/link/run timing and code sizing for a Sieve benchmark, a Fibonacci benchmark, a pointer dereferencing benchmark, and a floating point benchmark (for those compilers which support it). They didn't supply the specific benchmarks used, but they did reference some other edition where they could be found. In general, the article should be helpful to those considering a C compiler purchase. Gary Craig Gary@usc-eclc ------------------------------ Date: Thu 4 Apr 85 21:43:44-MST From: Bill Salmon <SALMON@UTAH-20.ARPA> Subject: ExperLogo My experience with ExperLogo has been entirely negative, so it interested me to see the glowing reports here. I tried ExperLogo in the hopes that it would be useful in teaching a course here in "The Intellectual Traditions of Computing", for which we use 128k Macs in the labs. ExperLogo did a number of anomalous things. It sometimes changed the case of characters in lists that were processed with LAST or BUTLAST (I forget which). Its random-number generator kept producing the same numbers over and over. But worst of all, programs with tail-recursion often crashed the machine, as did disk-full conditions, and on one occasion, the system disk was overwritten. (These latter conditions did not occ on a Fat Mac.) Our conclusion was that the package was unusable on a 128k Mac, and that it was so buggy that ExperTelligence must never have bothered to test it on such a machine. We sent in bug reports in January, but have heard nothing from them. Since that time, I have beta-tested Microsoft's forthcoming Logo, which is clearly a more mature product. Bill Salmon (Salmon@Utah-20.ARPA) ------------------------------ Date: 4 Apr 85 19:43:52 PST (Thursday) From: kato.SV@XEROX.ARPA Subject: CompuServing CompuServe offers lots of things. There is stock quotation, electronic mail facilities, CB simulation for multi-person conversation, travel bureau services, etc... The only thing I really use is MAUG, the Micronetworked Apple Users Group. This is a group for users of all Apple computers although the Mac/Lisa group is hoping to become separate sometime this year. MAUG (actually one of many Special Interest Groups) offers a BBoard system organized under headings like Telecommunications, Apple II products, Apple III, Mac/Lisa products, Mac/Lisa Hacking, and Inside Mac. There are also databases holding "threads" of interesting conversations that have appeared on MAUG, reviews of products, data files like MacPaint pictures and music files, and runnable programs like the Red Ryder communications program (excellent!) and various desk accessories. The tools included in the Mac Software Supplement (Icon Editor, Font Editor, Resource Editor) are also in a database. There are also on-line conference "areas" where several people can converse ala CB Simulator. There are also scheduled conferences where a particular guest(s) is featured. Most, if not all, SIGs are organized this way. There are also SIGs for Commodore and Atari machines, there's even a PDP-11 SIG. There is also a general programmer's SIG. There's a LOT! Creative Solutions, makers of MacForth, also have their own SIG. To go about CompuServing, go to your local computer store and look for a CompuServe starter kit. There will be an account ID and password that you can use right away and some prepaid time. Once you've logged in, you can sign up for regular CompuServe service on-line. To access all this good stuff, you should have software to talk over the modem like Red Ryder or MacTerminal (or MacForth). It does not need terminal emulation but should have a data capture facility to save stuff to disk. In order to use the database stuff, you'll need Binhex, the latest is 4.0. It's available in database section 8 (DL8) : Telecommunications on MAUG. First you capture a primitive binhex (there are versions for Basic, Forth, and Pascal). You use it to download the real binhex (called binhex.hex). Voila! You can now download from CompuServe MAUG. - gary - ------------------------------ Date: Fri 5 Apr 85 14:05:38-CST From: CMP.BARC@UTEXAS-20.ARPA Subject: Preserving a Banana I noted a slight anomaly in my Banana PC Jr. 6000, resulting from the posted installation instructions. It seems that when you install the new desktop in Step 3, it generates some "Get Info" notes for the System and Finder. However, when you throw away the System and Finder in Step 4, you also throw away these notes. Moreover, they certainly won't get regenerated in Step 5, when you install the new System and Finder. Of course, there is a simple fix, i.e., just reinstall the Desktop after Step 5. There may be a more elegant way, e.g., interchanging Steps 3 and 4. However, I didn't try this, since Tom Chavez seemed to suggest that the sequencing was critical (and I had already thrown the files away, and had no interest in retransfering the large System and Finder files). Dallas Webster CMP.BARC@UTexas-20.ARPA ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 7 Apr 85 10:08:34 cst From: werner@ut-ngp.ARPA (Werner Uhrig) Subject: [forwarded] Jackintosh mid-May Intro in Canada From jbtubman@water.UUCP Fri Apr 5 13:06:05 1985 Newsgroups: net.micro,net.micro.atari Subject: Jackintosh mid-May Intro in Canada This appeared in the Friday, April 5 edition of the Toronto Globe and Mail. It will be of interest to Canadians and Americans living near the Canadian border. All figures are in Canadian dollars ($1 CDN = $0.73 US, approx). Reprinted without permission. JACKINTOSH TO POP UP IN MID-MAY IN CANADA By Jonathan Chevreau The new general manager of recently formed Atari (Canada) Corp. of Toronto says its 520 ST, or "Jackintosh," personal computer will be available in Canada in mid-May, one month before it is on sale in the United States. The Jackintosh, a colour home computer similar to Apple's Macintosh, is the brainchild of Jack Tramiel, who recently acquired Atari Inc. of Sunnyvale, Calif., after being at the helm of Commodore Interational Ltd. of the Bahamas. Atari Canada, a wholly owned subsidiary, began operations in January under Ian Kennedy, director of sales and marketing and soon to be general manager. He and three other senior executives followed Mr. Tramiel from Commodore to Atari. In the days of the video game boom, Atari video games were distributed in Canada by Irwin Toy Ltd. of Toronto. Irwin still distributes the 2600 game machine, but the new line of personal computers is being handled by Atari Canada. It is currently operating out of downtown sales offices, but plans to move to a showcase and warehouse in the spring. Mr. Kennedy projected sales of $35-million for 1985. Atari Canada plans to spend, initially, about 10 to 12 per cent on advertising, with the figure declining to 7 per cent in later months. No Canadian R and D or manufacturing is expected in the short term. The machines use many North American-made components but are assembled in Taiwan. While the home computer market has been depressed of late, Mr. Kennedy expects next Christmas to be a lively contest between Atari and Commodore. As well as the Atari model, the market will see Commodore's new Amiga. The ST's name stands for Sixteen/Thirty-Two -- the number of bits that can be processed by its Macintosh-like processor. The ST resembles the Macintosh closely, employing icons or images, a mouse and pull-down menus. However, the Jackintosh, and presumably the competitive Amiga, will cost much less than the Macintosh, and will have a colour monitor. The Jackintosh will cost $1,300 in Canada for a configuration that includes the main processor unit with 500 [sic] kilobytes of memory, a monitor, 3.5 inch disc drive and mouse. Atari also plans to introduce a 15-megabyte hard disc drive that will cost less than $500, a printer for about $350, and an integrated software package that costs less than $100. The package has word processing, telecommunications, data base management, a spreadsheet and graphics. ------------------------------ Date: 8 APR 1985 10:00 CST From: C27830AD%WUVMD.BITNET@Berkeley Subject: Math Coprocessor I have seen two references, one in DTACK GROUNDED the other in unknown parts, to Absoft working on a 16081 math coprocessor for the Mac. An engineer from Absoft contacted Hal at DTACK re using Hal's existing circuit for the 16081, which Hal agreed to. Any corroboration? Art Denzau C27830AD@WUVMD.BITNET (314)889-5688 Dept. of Economics Box 1208 Washington Univ. St. Louis, MO 63130 ------------------------------ End of INFO-MAC Digest **********************