[net.misc] Request for your version of character names

rcj@burl.UUCP (06/17/83)

Since discussing names for the different characters on the keyboard,
I have received ~12 letters suggesting different names -- particularly
for the (), {}, [], and <> combinations.  If you are interested,
please send me your version of names for any of the characters on the
keyboard and I will post the results as soon as the replies die down.
I know that this has probably been done before, so --
	a) don't flame me for that reason 'cause \I/ ain't never
	   done it before, and
	b) don't put this on the net, send it to me via electronic mail.

Here is what I have so far (If I can remember them all):

!	bang, hey!! (yes, that is the exclamation "hey!!" -- see '?' below)
@	at
#	number [sign], pound, hash, octothorp
$	dollar, ding
%	percent
^	up-arrow, hat, caret
&	ampersand, and
*	asterisk, star, splat
(	left/open [paren], left/open round-bracket
)	right/close SAME
_	underline, underscore
-	dash, minus [sign]
+	plus [sign], add
=	equals [sign]
~	tilde, squiggle, twiddle
`	grave accent, back-quote, left/open single-quote, left/open-quote
{	left/open [curly-]brace, left/open curly-bracket, leftit
}	right/close SAME, rytit
[	left/open [square-]bracket
]	right/close SAME
:	colon
;	semi-colon
"	quote, double-quote
'	quote, single-quote, close [single-]quote
|	pipe, bar
\	back-slash
<	left/open angle[-bracket], less[-than], in
>	right/close angle[-bracket], greater[-than], out
,	comma
.	dot, period
?	question[-mark], what[-mark], huh??  (See '!' above)
/	slash

My apologies to anyone who has already sent me mail and whose stuff
did not get in here -- I did not expect the deluge of replies or
to do a survey, so I was only saving them in my mind.

The MAD Programmer -- 919-228-3814 (Cornet 291)
alias: Curtis Jackson	...![ floyd sb1 mhuxv ]!burl!rcj