info-mac@uw-beaver (05/26/85)
From: Moderator John Mark Agosta <INFO-MAC-REQUEST@SUMEX-AIM.ARPA> INFO-MAC Digest Sunday, 26 May 1985 Volume 2 : Issue 51 Today's Topics: faster text output for terminal emulators RamDisk Technical Query Data space access from Lisa assembly MDS128 limitations Signature bytes for the rest of us? Re: Switcher RE: a switcher question Bug still in new system Macwrite 4.5 Bug MacWrite 4.5 Imagewriter compatability New Finder and Disk Mounting laserwriter fonts Truth in Advertising ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Fri, 24 May 85 15:33:02 pdt From: Bill Croft <croft@safe> Subject: faster text output for terminal emulators A friend building a text output application notices that he can get a tremendous speedup in the text output rate by using a simple trick. If you use the 'normal' method and just call Quickdraw to do your text output, it seems that the effective 'baud rate' to the screen is limited to around 4800 (even when using the efficient Quickdraw DrawText routine). What you can do instead is build an array of pre-setup little blocks of bits containing your font, and call CopyBits to stuff this directly onto the screen. He claims the speedup after this mod gives him an effective rate of 19K baud. I guess Quickdraw has to do a lot of ORing, bounds, and font calculations (for the general case) that you can bypass if you are building a terminal emulator. Even CopyBits might be more complexity than you need for this simple case, and he estimates further improvements would result if a special purpose routine were written. ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 24 May 85 12:35:26 edt From: Ephraim Vishniac <> Subject: RamDisk Technical Query I'm trying to understand what makes a Mac ramdisk "eject-proof." I had originally been told that ramdisks that the finder thought were on Appletalk (aka Applebus) would not be ejected. Comparing the Assimilation process ramdisk to the Aztec C ramdisk, however, I see that the finder believes both to be on AppleTalk. The Assimilation ramdisk will not be ejected; the Aztec one will. I'm also told that the finder ignores close errors from disk drivers; i.e., a driver cannot simply refuse to eject a disk. Is this really the case? I've examined the drive queue and the volume control block queue in some detail and been unable to find any useful difference between these two ramdisks. I've also examined the ramdisk drivers somewhat; I have to rely on disassembly to look at the Assimilation driver, of course. The purpose of this exercise to make sure that a ramdisk driver I'm writing for a Mac with megabyte memory will be difficult to dispose of accidentally. Can anyone shed some light, or point me to an especially enlightening passage in Inside Mac (loose-leaf edition)? Ephraim Vishniac [apollo, bbncca, cadmus, decvax, harvard, linus,masscomp]!wanginst!vishniac vishniac%Wang-Inst@Csnet-Relay ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 24 May 85 21:42:52 cdt From: brian@ut-sally.ARPA (Brian H. Powell) Subject: Data space access from Lisa assembly Okay, I asked this several months ago and got no response. Now *I* need to use the information, not my friend, who needed the information before. Has anybody perfected the task of writing pure assembly language code for the Macintosh using the Lisa's assembler? (pure = not declaring all of your variables in Pascal and passing their address(es) to an assembly routine.) For those of you without Lisa's, the problem is that the assembler only believes in the program space. ***FLAME ON*** The Pascal compiler is the only program endowed with knowledge of the data space. ***FLAME OFF*** Apple recommends (in "Putting together a Macintosh Application") having a dummy Pascal program declare an array of however many words you need and passing the address of it to your assembly routine. So how have you other people solved this problem? What we need is MDS-XL. I think the MDS is excellent (except for the "Code Optimization", but that's another flame.) Brian H. Powell brian@ut-sally.{ARPA,UUCP} U.S. Mail: Southwestern Bell P.O. Box 5899 451-0739 Austin, TX 78763 AT&T (512) 451-0739 ------------------------------ Date: 24 May 1985 0840-PST From: Contr04 <CONTR04 at NOSC-TECR> Subject: MDS128 limitations Reply-to: CONTR04 at NOSC-TECR Can anyone tell me what the practical size limits are for assembly files on a 128 ? How can I gauge my files so I don't exceed the symbol table size. I realize that I can break code up into several files, but as a novice at assembly, how much space in the symbol table gets eaten up by including files ? How much help do I buy by placing my equates in a separate file ? How much space do I buy by packing files, and what are the limitations on packed files ? Gosh, so many questions...but suggestions would be appreciated... Actively holding out on upgrading, Steve Hyland <CONTR04 at NOSC-TECR> ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 24 May 85 21:43:38 cdt From: brian@ut-sally.ARPA (Brian H. Powell) Subject: Signature bytes for the rest of us? How many of you amateur developers out there have had your application's signature bytes approved by Apple Technical Support? From the MDS manual: (and probably all over Inside Mac) >(By the Way) > Application signature bytes, and type bytes for other > files, must be assigned (or approved) by Apple Technical > Support. Makes sense to me; we don't normally want a document to think it was created by two separate applications. The question is (hello, Apple?) are the rest of us (non-certified, non-registered developers) supposed to do this also? What number do we call, and who pays for the phone call? Or who do we write? Brian H. Powell brian@ut-sally.{ARPA,UUCP} U.S. Mail: Southwestern Bell P.O. Box 5899 451-0739 Austin, TX 78763 AT&T (512) 451-0739 ------------------------------ Date: Sat 25 May 85 17:18:51-PDT From: John Mark Agosta <INFO-MAC-REQUEST@SUMEX-AIM.ARPA> Subject: Re: Switcher I had a chance to speak with Andy Hertzfeld about the suggestion of building "switcher" with one large dynamic heap instead of the present method of fragmenting the heap ( and everything else) into a piece for each application. In short he said that the idea has been raised, but it looks too complicated to do in a manner that could run *existing* applications. If someone wants to try this he wishes them the best, since it might be possible, if a set of thorny questions could be ironed out. For instance, if all applications shared the same heap, you would not want one application to purge another's blocks, and you'd have to find a way where one program could relocate the blocks created by another program - perhaps by shifting them out of the way when the first got control and shifting them back to the same place when the second had control returned to it. If an application just left all other application's blocks alone, then the heap would be too fragmented. The present ROM is just not designed as a multi-task memory manager. Also Andy announced a new feature future applications could be designed to take advantage of: He anticipates supporting backround tasks like printing for applications run in the switcher. This idea brings the switcher current version number up to 2.97. -jma ------------------------------ Date: 22 May 1985 09:32-EDT From: David.Anderson@CMU-CS-K.ARPA Subject: RE: a switcher question Dan Tappan asks: Does anyone know why memory management in the applicationswitcher was done the way it is (that is, with a fixed allocation for each application) instead of something more dynamic, say a minimum size for each application with the leftover passed around as needed? I agree that this is rather unfortunate. My own feeling is that this is an inevitable consequence of Apple's original one application at a time operating system design -- and by now there are probably many applications that were designed with this naive world view (that they own the whole machine). It wouldn't surprise me if such applications allocate almost all of the available memory at startup, and then never look again for more. They may also not be very disciplined about releasing memory that they no longer need. Some programs may want a huge contiguous space that they then manage themselves internally. If Apple ever comes out with a real multi-tasking OS for the Macintosh family, it may have to go a fair distance to undo this design damage. --david ------------------------------ Date: 22 May 85 07:57:03 EDT From: Hans.Moravec@CMU-RI-ROVER Subject: Bug still in new system I was hoping the new system (that came with Finder 4.1) would fix the keyboard settings initialization bug that I reported a few months ago: alas - the bug remains unchanged: I don't like autorepeat, especially fast autorepeat. Being a slow moving kind of guy, I sometimes rest my finger for a moment on the last key while choosing the next one, and don't apreciate seeing the typed line quickly fill up with infinite copies of said last character. So, no problem, you say - just set your control panel heavy handedness parameter to 4, and, even better, set the turtle-bunny repeat speed parameter to 0, turtle, to turn off autorepeat altogether. I do that. Nevertheless, each time I boot up, autorepeat is fully enabled (in the Finder and any application). Peeking at the control panel shows the keyboard parameters as I set them, despite the behavior. I can fix the behavior by simply mousing to the turtle slider in the panel and clicking (I don't actually have to move anything). After that, autorepeat stays gone until the next boot. Having to deal with the control panel every boot (usually after backspacing over a long string of replicated characters) is a drag. Hasn't anyone else on the list been bothered by this bug? Or is no one else as slow as me? I think the problem shows up for other keyboard parameter settings - i.e. it boots to some standard configuration that doesn't correspond to the control panel settings - but the difference between your settings and this standard is subtle if you want autorepeat anyway. The problem exists on all of the several Macs I've checked, so it's not something broken. ------ Hansssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss ------------------------------ Date: 22 May 85 12:07:30 EDT From: Phillip.McKerrow@CMU-CS-H Subject: Macwrite 4.5 Bug The following bug, which was not in the original Macwrite, but was in Macwrite 4.2, has not been fixed in Macwrite 4.5. It is a very annoying bug particularly when entering mathematical equations which require frequent style and font changes. I am using a 128k Mac. When you first open the document, the style change works, but once you move far enough away from the initial cursor position to require a disc access to change memory contents a request for a style change results in a dialog box. The dialog box states that there is not enough memory to undo the change. After you answer OK it will execute that command, as long as it is a command for a new style, not an undo request by toggling the current style selection. Closing, saving, and reopening the file clears the fault for a while. One way around the problem is to cut and paste special characters, but paste often adds white space before and after single characters. ------------------------------ Date: Fri 24 May 85 09:10:46-CDT From: CMP.BARC@UTEXAS-20.ARPA Subject: MacWrite 4.5 I have been using an official version of MacWrite 4.5 for a week now, and I thought I would pass along my reactions. Hopefully Apple is out there listening. Capsule Review: Don't waste your time. So far I have found at least two major bugs which conspire with the 500/2000 paragraph limit to make 4.5 almost useless. Bug #1 In some documents, whenever you try to change the style (e.g. italic, bold etc.) of text you get an out of memory, can't be undone error. Sometimes it will make the change, sometimes not. This happens on both fat and skinny Macs and does not seem to be related to document size. It has not yet happened on the Lisa running MacWorks. Bug #2 Trying to insert returns in the footer causes a too many paragraphs error. I haven't played with this one very much but it happens in small documents on a skinny Mac. I don't know how often it happens. Paragraph Limit The 500 paragraph limit that I complained about in 4.2 still exists in 4.5. It is mentioned in the documentation Apple provides and I also verified it myself. What it amounts to is that you can only have 500 rulers and return characters in a file. There is some discussion of this in the Get Info section of June's MacWorld. Fat Macs have a 2000 paragraph limit. This is not likely to be a big problem, but aas long as Apple is going to gouge people on the price of the Fat Mac upgrade, they had better continue to support the skinny Mac. Conclusion: My wife and I pitched all of our copies of 4.X (except for ones kept for historical interest) and converted back to 2.2 and went out today and bought Word. Finder: The new finder 4.1 is okay. So far no problems with it. As reported by other people here, the DA/font mover will not work with big fonts. What give at Apple? They release a new font on the same disk as the new DA/font mover, and the stupid thing blows up if you try to install the new font. Have they forgotten about quality assurance? My impression is that all of the good programmers have left Apple. Too bad. Douglas Surber ------------------------------ Date: Wed 22 May 85 11:48:32-PDT From: Allan Weber <WEBER@USC-ECLC.ARPA> Subject: Imagewriter compatability I occasionally connect my Imagewriter to a spare serial port on an IBM PC and use it as a plain Ascii printer. Does anybody know if the Imagewriter emulates something like an Epson or Okidata printer when using the escape sequences for doing things like graphics? I would like to use it for stuff like Wordstar output but need to tell Wordstar what type of printer it is. Thanks. Allan Weber Weber@USC-ECLC ------------------------------ Subject: New Finder and Disk Mounting Date: 22 May 85 08:22:26 EST (Wed) From: Steven B. Munson <sbm@Purdue.ARPA> I have noticed that, sometimes, when I eject a disk with the new System and Finder and insert a new one, the Finder requires me to do two disk swaps (four disk insertions) before it will settle down and display the new disk, and then I end up with the startup disk in the drive again and have to do another disk insertion to run a program on the newly mounted disk. Apparently, mounting the new disk requires some code segment or something that isn't in memory yet, so it has to ask for the startup disk again, and, of course, every time disk swapping is involved, the startup disk ends up back in the drive by the time its finished. Since I will not be able to afford a memory upgrade for a while (I have a 128K Mac), I wish Apple had made sure that the Finder NEVER ejected a disk unless it had everything in memory it needed to mount a new one. I also think it was a mistake to require one more insertion just to get the startup disk back when the operation was done. About 50% of the time, the startup disk isn't the one I want in the drive anyway. And while I'm on this subject, the Finder shouldn't dim the desk accessories when the startup disk is out of the drive, either. That just requires more motions to start up a desk accessory -- I have to think about ejecting the disk in the drive and inserting the startup disk, instead of the Finder ejecting the disk for me and asking for the correct one. I wish I had time to put XINU on the Mac; I could teach Apple a few things about writing operating systems. Steve Munson sbm@purdue.ARPA sbm@purdue.CSNET ------------------------------ Date: 23 May 1985 14:27-EDT From: Subject: laserwriter fonts I'm having problems with the Laserwriter Symbol font. Can anyone help? 1. Easy problem first: how do you type the "not sign" (looks like a horizontal line, with a short vertical line hanging off the right end)? What about the "proportional" sign (looks like infinity, but with the right end chopped off). I know these are in the font, but I can't find the keyboard combination! 2. Hard problem: the Symbol font SHOULD be ideal for doing symbolic logic... except that they left out the "turnstile" and "double-turnstile" symbols (usually used for "is derivable" and "entails" respectively)! Is there anyway to construct these symbols from any of the laserwriter fonts? (I'd really like to get these symbols with a slash through them, too!) If not, any other ideas about how to get these symbols printed? ---- Henry Kautz :uucp: {seismo|allegra}!rochester!henry :arpa: henry@rochester :mail: Dept. of Comp. Sci., U. of Rochester, NY 14627 :phone: (716) 275-5766 ------------------------------ Date: Mon 20 May 85 14:28:56-CDT From: CMP.BARC@UTEXAS-20.ARPA Subject: Truth in Advertising In the June issue of Mac World there is an add from Logic-Soft, a mail order vendor that promises to beat any price by $10. Upon reading the fine print I found that this applies only when their price is higher than the price advertised by someone else and the order totals over $100. They also offer overnight delivery at no extra charge. Sounds wonderful. They offered Brand A disks for $30 a box, another company advertised Brand A at $28 a box, so I thought I would call them up and buy 6 boxes at $18 a box. I fished out the old VISA card and gave them a call. Imagine my surprise when I was told that they no longer followed that policy. It is the first of May and the issue is dated June. I got some long song and dance about lead times and trying to change the add, but so what. When they advertised this policy in inch tall letters and then refused to honor it even before the offical publication date of the magazine, it has to be an intentional effort to trick the consumer, a classic bait-and-switch. I would like to recommend that everyone avoid doing business with these people and stick with more honorable vendors. (Note: the above opinions are my own and ...) Douglas Surber ------------------------------ End of INFO-MAC Digest **********************