info-mac@uw-beaver (06/15/85)
From: Moderator John Mark Agosta <> INFO-MAC Digest Saturday, 15 Jun 1985 Volume 3 : Issue 9 Today's Topics: Info-Mac tape dumps are available. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Mon 27 May 85 17:36:21-PDT From: John Mark Agosta <INFO-MAC-REQUEST@SUMEX-AIM.ARPA> Subject: Info-Mac tape dumps are available. Here is the order information and contents for the tape distribution of Info-Mac. Attached at the end is a copy of file <info-mac>00dir, the list of files that were archived onto the distribution tape. This is mainly for the benefit of readers not on the arpa net who may want a copy of the tape. -jma ::::::: 00order ::::::: INFO-MAC ORDERING INFORMATION June 13,1985 WHAT YOU GET The tapes are a copy of the entire info-mac directory at Sumex, without the SUMACC C compiler distribution. Included are the bulletin board archives, downloadable versions of Macintosh software, utilities that run on unix, TOPS-20 and VMS machines, and an updated release of the SEAGATE either-net to AppleTalk distribution. The SUMACC distribution is available on another tape also from Maria Code, for the same price. WHAT YOU NEED The tapes are recorded at 1600bpi on a 1200 foot reel. You may order the tape in either of two formats, UNIX tar or TOPS-20 dumper. The executable files on both should be identical. To download files you will need a copy of MacTerminal or Kermit and a terminal link to your mainframe. The included MACPUT and MACGET files will download Mac binary files directly. To download hex versions you will have to either convert them before downloading with XBIN or after with BINHEX. The hex encoding scheme was developed by Compuserve MAUG to allow software transfer over 7 bit paths. Downloading is still in part a black art and lacks good documentation. CAVEAT EMPTOR There is software in this distribution from many sources. Much of it is under copyright which must be retained on all copies of this software. Authors are usually jealous about being the first to know of any fixes or enhancements made to their work: You should take seriously the responsibility to report these back to them, for incorporation into future releases. Be advised that no warrantee is expressed or implied in this tape distribution. You are basically on your own. TO ORDER A MAGNETIC TAPE The tape duplication company below charges $65 to send you a tape . This includes the new reel of tape and surface (book rate) postage. They will accept prepaid checks or money orders. Maria Code Data Processing Services Info-Mac distribution tape 1371 Sydney Drive Sunnyvale, CA 94087 (408) 735 8006 You may wish to include more money for postage to get faster delivery: Additional postage rates. US only: $2.50 airmail outside US: $2.50 surface (2 months to Europe!) $4.00 airmail North America (Canada/Mexico) $7.00 airmail Europe $10.00 airmail elsewhere (Africa, Asia, etc.) :::::::: 00dir Commented directory listing of the info-mac distribution tape. :::::::: PS:<INFO-MAC> 00DIR..9 20480(7) 24-May-85 This file. 00README..4 1653(7) 7-Apr-85 INFO-MAC bulletin board introduction and policies. ALTFINDER.DL.2 112961(7) 2-Oct-84 .TXT.1 953(7) 2-Oct-84 A finder version thats 8K larger, but interesting(?) APPLEDIT.HCX.2 80824(7) 31-Jan-85 Bill Duvall's Editor, written for the MDS-128 development system. ARCHIVE.APR84.1 346325(7) 5-Nov-84 .APR85.1 44937(7) 8-Apr-85 .AUG84.1 288147(7) 5-Nov-84 .DEC84.1 438692(7) 18-Jan-85 .FEB84.1 391628(7) 25-Jul-84 .FEB85.1 353051(7) 12-Mar-85 .JAN85.1 585202(7) 2-Feb-85 .JUL84.1 449255(7) 5-Nov-84 .JUN84.1 230827(7) 20-Jul-84 .MAR84.1 403577(7) 21-Aug-84 .MAR85.2 216670(7) 1-Apr-85 .MAY84.1 268058(7) 30-May-84 .NOV84.1 430848(7) 1-Apr-85 .OCT84.1 467364(7) 5-Nov-84 .SEP84.1 248847(7) 5-Nov-84 MM mail reader format files of previous info-mac bboard postings. BACKG.HCX.2 44974(7) 13-Jan-85 Backgammon. BINHEX.BAS.2 19804(7) 27-Aug-84 Original Basic version. .DL.1 11457(7) 31-Oct-84 Early version of binhex utility, in the Sumacc downloadable format. Convert to binary with fromhex. .HCX.2 10060(7) 14-Feb-85 .HEX.4 15693(7) 23-Feb-85 Version 4.0 of h*x to binary utility that runs on the Mac. .RSRC.1 5555(8) 31-Oct-84 Another early version in binary format - download with macput. BINHEXV21.HEX.1 13079(7) 16-Jan-85 One of the intermediate binhex versions. BLOCKCOPY.BAS.1 4258(7) 26-Sep-84 CATDSK.BAS.1 5389(7) 26-Sep-84 Maintains a disk-based catalog of other disks. This is the startup program. .DOC.2 6378(7) 26-Sep-84 CATLST.BAS.1 10083(7) 26-Sep-84 The file list program. CATUPD.BAS.1 15341(7) 26-Sep-84 The catalog update program. CHGBOOT.HQX.1 1042(7) 27-Apr-85 Toggles the default boot drive each time its run. COLOR.BAS.1 2913(7) 14-May-84 DA-ACLOCK.HCX.1 10429(7) 29-Nov-84 A simple analogue clock. DA-CALENDAR.C.1 48079(7) 13-Aug-84 .DL.1 48285(7) 16-Aug-84 .RSRC.1 23428(8) 16-Aug-84 Mike Schuster (mikes@cit-20) A full featured calendar; in SUMACC C. DA-CCHECK.HQX.2 5582(7) 3-Apr-85 Thomas.Newton@cmu-cs-spice.ARPA Checks a C program syntax DA-CORVUS-CALENDAR.HCX.12773(7) 12-Jan-85 An earlier(?), smaller calendar. DA-DELETE.HCX.1 4740(7) 12-Jan-85 Allows you to delete files by putting up a mini- finder while in an application. DA-DISKINFO.DCC.1 10970(7) 16-Jan-85 MacWrite format documentation of DISKINFO. .HCX.1 14971(7) 7-Feb-85 Shows current disk space, free memory, file directory, and lets you use scrapbooks on other system disks! DA-EXPLOR.C.1 38394(7) 16-Jan-85 Jim Goodnow, comes as part of the Manx C compiler. A memory browser. DA-EXTRAS.HCX.1 9805(7) 7-Feb-85 DA-EXTRAS.HQX 13146(7) 17-Apr-85 .DOC 7400(7) 17-Apr-85 DA-EXTRAS-FKEY.HQX 740(7) 17-Apr-85 (Compuserve) DA-MOCKPRINT.HCX.1 4615(7) 21-Jan-85 DA-MOCKPRINT.HQX 3597(7) 15-May-85 A print spooler. DA-MOCKPTERMINAL.HCX.1 14799(7) 15-Jan-85 DA-MOCKPTERMINAL.HQX 10706(7) 15-May-85 Like mockterminal, but uses the printer port. DA-MOCKTERMINAL.HCX.1 14703(7) 15-Jan-85 DA-MOCKTERMINAL.HQX 10566(7) 15-May-85 A terminal window desk accessory for Hayes-type modems DA-MOCKWRITE.HCX.1 12659(7) 21-Jan-85 DA-MOCKWRITE.HQX 10988(7) 15-May-85 A one window editor. DA-PAINTGRABBER.HQX.1 4529(7) 16-Mar-85 Lets you copy not quite a full screen from a macpaint document. DA-PRINT.C.1 15851(7) 21-Aug-84 Mike Schuster (mikes@cit-20) Backround print spooler, in SUMACC C. (not the mockprint version) DA-SADDLE.C.1 5623(7) 29-Mar-85 .HQX.1 4045(7) 29-Mar-85 Thomas.Newton@cmu-cs-spice.ARPA Displays "saddle like" images in its window. DA-SCREENSAVER.DQC 5325(7) 17-Apr-85 .HQX 1825(7) 17-Apr-85 (compuserve) Blanks the screen if more than a specified amount of time has passed. DA-SETFILE.HQX.1 7656(7) 16-Mar-85 DA-SKIPFINDER.HCX.1 6507(7) 2-Mar-85 .HQX.1 5826(7) 16-Mar-85 When installed this takes the place of the finder automatically, when leaving an application. DA-SLEEP.HCX.1 5514(7) 21-Dec-84 .SHAR.1 6864(7) 21-Dec-84 DA-SLEEP2.HCX.1 13148(7) 3-Feb-85 DA-SLEEP3.DOC.1 1889(7) 7-Feb-85 .HCX.1 1439(7) 7-Feb-85 Larry Rosenstein @Apple Blanks the screen so you can leave the Mac on when it is idle. DA-SLEEP4.DOC.1 4941(7) 19-May-85 .HCX 1571(7) 19-May-85 .RESOURCE.1 928(7) 19-May-85 Larry Rosenstein @Apple A new version. Some bugs fixed, also lets you customize icons. DA-URIAH.HCX.1 3914(7) 12-Jan-85 Shows a map of the application memory heap, indicating which blocks are locked, relocatable, and purgeable. This version has a legend explaining the display. DA-WATCH.C 5533(7) 26-Apr-85 .HCX 6485(7) 26-Apr-85 Erik Kilk erik%ucbssl.CC@Berkeley An analogue clock that appears under the Apple menu. DA-WC.HQX 4801(7) 17-Apr-85 (Compuserve) Line/Word/Character count, like the unix utility DAM.HCX.2 27249(7) 4-Mar-85 DAM.HQX 26429(7) 15-May-85 Desk Accesory Mover version 1.4 DAS.DOC.1 1946(7) 6-Dec-84 .HEX.1 14137(7) 6-Dec-84 .RSRC.2 9746(8) 14-Dec-84 Example D.a.s that came with the Desk Accesory Mover. DATAFLOW.DCC.1 35426(7) 15-Jan-85 .HCX.1 30857(7) 15-Jan-85 Gustavo Fernandez, Fernandez@score A Dataflow language demonstration. DEMO-BANANA-DESKTOP.HQX.3 5654(7) 20-Mar-85 DEMO-BANANA-DOC2.TXT.1 1176(7) 8-Apr-85 DEMO-BANANA-DOCUMENTS.TXT.1 2206(7) 28-Mar-85 See this file for installation instructions. DEMO-BANANA-FINDER.HQX.1 68641(7) 18-Mar-85 DEMO-BANANA-STARTUP.HQX.1 6897(7) 18-Mar-85 DEMO-BANANA-SYSTEM.HQX.1 112877(7) 18-Mar-85 An irreverent travesty of the system. DEMO-FMSOUND.HCX.1 6274(7) 29-Nov-84 A frequency modulation sound demo. DEMO-MACMELODY.DL.1 12143(7) 13-Jul-84 .HLP.1 3147(7) 13-Jul-84 Jeff Miller @ Harvard. Simple score capture and playback; SUMACC C. DIDLER.HCX.1 23936(7) 7-Feb-85 Cleans up text files by adding or stripping line feeds removing control characters, cleaning up high bytes... DISKTEST.HCX.1 29565(7) 16-Jan-85 DISRESOURCE.HQX.1 15790(7) 28-Feb-85 DOWNLOAD.DOC.5 7858(7) 6-Feb-85 Explains downloading rsrc and dl format files, and how to convert between them with TOHEX and FROMHEX. DOWNLOAD2.DOC.1 4928(7) 28-Mar-85 ED-DARTMOUTH.TXT.2 971(7) 28-Oct-84 The message header to I2D, V2, VASYM and VSYM - "life" -like voter behavior simulations. ED-HANDSON.DL.1 90745(7) 28-Oct-84 .TXT.1 961(7) 28-Oct-84 Builds and manipulates binary trees. ED-I2D.DL.1 26385(7) 28-Oct-84 ED-V2.DL.1 23221(7) 28-Oct-84 ED-VASYM.DL.1 20055(7) 28-Oct-84 ED-VSYM.DL.1 20055(7) 28-Oct-84 FEDIT.DOC.1 2135(7) 28-Feb-85 .HCX.1 50049(7) 16-Jan-85 .LINK.1 435(7) 26-Oct-84 A Hex editor and "setfile" utility, for the brave. FEDIT1.ASM.1 69980(7) 26-Oct-84 FEDIT2.ASM.1 12197(7) 26-Oct-84 FEDITR.ASM.1 11211(7) 26-Oct-84 FILE.DL.1 40101(7) 23-Jul-84 .HLP.1 5560(7) 23-Jul-84 .RSRC.1 19456(8) 23-Jul-84 .SHAR.1 105977(7) 23-Jul-84 A multi-file text editor, one of the Apple example programs. FONT-DOUBLER.HCX.1 8329(7) 12-Jan-85 Doubles the size of a font and smoothes diagonal and curved lines. FONTDOUBLER.HQX.1 7480(7) 28-Feb-85 FONTEDIT.DOC.1 9636(7) 16-Dec-84 FONTEDITOR.HINTS.1 4547(7) 11-Apr-84 FROMHEX.C.1 2046(7) 18-Sep-84 Dl to binary utility, for a Mac c compiler with stdio. [See UNIX-FROMHEX.C below for UNIX version]. .DL.1 5285(7) 3-Aug-84 You need a working copy of fromhex to convert this! .P.1 2672(7) 25-Oct-84 Lisa workshop version. .RSRC.1 2560(8) 3-Aug-84 Binary version - macput this to the mac. GETPARGS.SHAR.1 4851(7) 17-Jan-85 Help getting Pascal args for Summac C. GRAPHICS-PROTOCOL.TXT 11560(7) 15-Apr-85 Scott Watson (CompuServe 73176,61) The (proposed) Macintosh Standard Graphics Protocol for real time graphics communication. GROW.C.1 9066(7) 9-Jul-84 .RC.1 1643(7) 9-Jul-84 An example used in the Workshop and Sumacc C HANGMAN.DL.1 31789(7) 27-Jun-84 Ken Arnold & Dan Winkler (winkler@harvard). The well-known word guessing game; SUMACC C. .RSRC.1 15422(8) 27-Jun-84 .SH.1 13013(7) 27-Jun-84 .WORDS.1 140044(7) 27-Jun-84 Dictionary used by Hangman. HEADERS.APR84.1 15617(7) 20-Aug-84 .AUG84.1 10848(7) 24-May-85 .FEB84.1 19335(7) 20-Aug-84 .JUL84.1 21245(7) 20-Aug-84 .JUN84.1 8395(7) 20-Aug-84 .MAR84.1 18896(7) 20-Aug-84 .MAY84.1 10846(7) 20-Aug-84 .NOV84.1 15945(7) 24-May-85 .OCT84.1 13471(7) 24-May-85 .SEP84.1 9596(7) 24-May-85 .V2N20.1 4861(7) 24-May-85 .V2N30.1 5414(7) 24-May-85 .V2N40.1 6043(7) 24-May-85 cmp.werner@utexas-20 Photos of the info-mac header files. Digests headers are also included, in groups of ten. HEADERS-NET-MICRO-MAC 10577(7) 24-May-85 HEADERS-NET-SOURCES-MAC 13424(7) 24-May-85 cmp.werner@utexas-20 Usenet message list; nice if you can get it! IAGO.DL.1 48541(7) 21-Oct-84 "Reversi" - an Othello type game. INDEX.MACBOOKS.1 3025(7) 1-Oct-84 .MACWORLD.1 12783(7 1-Oct-84 IO.ASM.2 15055(7) 21-Dec-84 A set of macros to implement I/O for assembler programs. KERMIT.DL.2 67339(7) 25-Oct-84 .DOC.2 4524(7) 25-Oct-84 .RSRC.3 32674(8) 25-Oct-84 The old Kermit. LARGE-STANDARD-FILE.DQC 6040(7) 17-Apr-85 (compuserve) Documentation on how to make the standard file dialog long like the one in MS-Word LIFE.RSRC.1 8704(8) 17-Oct-84 .SHAR.1 32167(7) 28-Feb-85 LIFE2.HQX.1 8192(7) 14-Feb-85 Celluar simulation games. LOCALIZER.HQX 21133(7) 15-May-85 A very friendly way to change international resources and textstrings, to translate a program into another language. MACGET.1.3 2698(7) 26-Nov-84 .C.5 9700(7) 23-Mar-85 The original versions, for unix? .EXE.9 5120(36) 22-May-85 .HLP.9 1614(7) 10-Mar-85 .MAC.9 32884(7) 22-May-85 Sweer@sumex TOPS-20 program for getting binaries from a Mac (uploading) in Macterminal's file transfer format. MACHP.PAS.1 8925(7) 10-Jan-85 Charlie C. Kim <US.CCK%CU20B@COLUMBIA.ARPA> A version of MACIMP modified for the HP LaserJet. Works on TOPS-20. MACIMP.C.2 4364(7) 9-Aug-84 .EXE.1 15872(36) 24-Jul-84 .PAS.5 10297(7) 9-Aug-84 Converts macpaint files to IMPRESS format. MACINTOSH.ERROR-CODES.2 5362(7) 10-Apr-84 .FONTS.2 18941(7) 11-Apr-84 .REVIEW.2 21028(7) 11-Apr-84 .RS232.3 4329(7) 24-May-84 How to build a cable for a 25 pinout modem. .SOUND.2 9129(7) 23-Apr-84 .SWPRICES.1 6588(7) 11-Dec-84 .SWVENDORS.1 7856(7) 11-Dec-84 MACPTX.PAS.2 7271(7) 23-Jan-85 Michael Ardai <UI.MIKE%CU20B@COLUMBIA.ARPA> MACIMP modified to drive a Printronix. MACPUT.1.2 3534(7) 26-Nov-84 .C.7 10082(7) 23-Mar-85 The old unix versions? .EXE.2 4608(36) 6-Mar-85 .HLP.2 1830(7) 4-Mar-85 .MAC.7 35990(7) 6-Mar-85 Andy@sweer TOPS-20 programs for sending binaries to a Mac running MacTerminal. (downloading) MACQMS.C.1 6702(7) 13-Aug-84 .L.1 2577(7) 13-Aug-84 .PAS.2 8771(7) 4-Jan-85 Lavitsky@Rutgers TOPS20 MacPaint to QMS laserprinter converter. .PASDOC.1 20390(7) 4-Jan-85 Docments MACQMS.PAS, and gives examples of bitmap formats, and how to put macpaint pictures in Scribe. .SHAR.1 38768(7) 30-Jan-85 MACSEND.SH.1 1067(7) 3-Feb-85 (An old version?) MACTEP.BAS.3 36581(7) 28-Jun-84 .ENHANCEMENTS.1 7275(7) 9-Apr-84 A terminal program. MACWRITE.FORMAT.1 4210(7) 5-Nov-84 MC1KERMIT.SH.1 91051(7) 22-Jan-85 Stephen Engle, as archived at Columbia A rewrite of unix kermit. It emulates a ?terminal and allows "kermit" protocol file transfers between the Mac and a host. MDS128.MAP 5033(7) 26-Apr-85 Darin Adler ihnp4!tmq!darin (UUCP) The MAP file included with the TMon Debugger, created from various INCLUDE files. Look up the globals in the original EQU files. MEMORY.HCX.1 33245(7) 16-Jan-85 MFINDER.C.2 1541(7) 1-Nov-84 .RC.1 1080(7) 9-Jul-84 .RSRC.2 2190(8) 1-Nov-84 The original minifinder; SUMACC C. MISSILE.HCX.2 13149(7) 16-Jan-85 Missile command game. MODIFYFINFO.BAS.1 2534(7) 16-Apr-84 NEWS-ATKINSON.CONF.1 26736(7) 13-Oct-84 NEWS-BCPL.TXT 19931(7) 10-May-85 Jeffrey Shulman Review of a British compiler for the BCPL language. NEWS-BMUG.NWSLTR.1 52053(7) 13-Nov-84 THe first Berkeley Macintosh User's Newsletter NEWS-DONBROWN.CONF.1 32863(7) 10-Dec-84 An compuserve conference with the SIG sysop NEWS-JAN23.CONF.1 33518(7) 23-Jan-85 NEWS-STCKHLDR.TXT.1 37238(7) 23-Jan-85 Apple's Annual meeting press release. PAINTIMP.C.3 8939(7) 9-Aug-84 Prints MacPaint documents on Imagen printers. PHBLOCK.DOC 8006(7) 17-Apr-85 .HQX 6854(7) 17-Apr-85 (compuserve) Phoenix block documentation (Serial port DA communication) PICT-GEISHA.HEX.1 15530(7) 13-Nov-84 PICT-KOALA.HEX.1 22154(7) 13-Nov-84 PICT-ZAPATA.HEX.1 8906(7) 13-Nov-84 Pictures in MacPaint format, from Apple RAMSTART.DATA.1 0(8) 15-May-85 .HQX.2 23457(7) .INFO.1 128(8) .RSRC.1 17455(8) George A. Nelson A ramdisk, variation of Apple's. RAMSTART2.HQX 3488(7) 27-Apr-85 ? REDIT.HQX 96307(7) 15-May-85 Friendly resource editor, with editors for icons, etc., and a resource dis- compiler. Lots of things you can tweek with resedit are unfortunately not touchable by REdit. REMAP.HQX 4063(7) 13-May-85 Jim Budler {ucbvax,decwrl,ihnp4,allegra,intelca}!amdcad!jimb remaps the keyboard to allow entering normally non-enterable characters. REMAP-MTERMDOC.HQX 2656(7) 17-May-85 Michael Peirce <peirce@lll-crg.ARPA> A Macterminal Document with resources modified, to switch backspace and delete, etc. RESEDIT.DOC.2 7055(7) 28-Feb-85 .HCX.1 138151(7) 9-Jan-85 The Resource Editor. RMAKER.SHAR.1 32682(7) 25-Jan-85 ROLODEX.RSRC.1 8704(8) 17-Oct-84 .WARNING.1 795(7) 17-Oct-84 ROLOFILE.DATA.2 703(8) 17-Oct-84 A simple data-base. SCREENMAKER.RSRC.1 6144(8) 3-Jul-84 Changes the startup screen to a macpaint document. SEAGATE.HARD.1 3849(7) 17-May-85 Stanford Ethernet/Appletalk gateway, hardware desc. .MS.1 30679(7) 7-Feb-85 documentation in troff -ms format .SHAR1.1 175270(7) 17-May-85 the seagate sources .SHAR2.1 186295(7) 17-May-85 the seagate sources SEAGATE-EFS.SHAR.1 100830(7) 17-May-85 External File System sources SEAGATE-MAT.SHAR.2 55788(7) 31-Mar-85 Mac ATP Transfer sources SEMINAR.HCX.1 7810(7) 23-Feb-85 SEMINAR-REG.HCX.1 5376(7) 23-Feb-85 SIMUNET.HCX.1 15571(7) 28-Feb-85 SIMUTREE.HCX.3 34082(7) 5-Mar-85 SLIDE.HCX.1 8852(7) 6-Feb-85 .SHAR.2 24249(7) 6-Feb-85 SUMACC source&binary; MacPaint SLIDE projector SLIDEBLANK.HCX.1 5273(7) 6-Feb-85 A 'blank' slide used with SLIDE. SQUEEZE.HCX.2 6706(7) 23-Jan-85 Replaces all single carriage returns by a space. Useful when downloading a text file and converting it to MacWrite format. SUMACC.MS.3 19150(7) 15-Nov-84 Stanford UNIX Mac C cross development system. Documentation in troff -ms format. .ORDER.1 7206(7) 15-Nov-84 Info on how to FTP or get a magtape of SUMACC. .SITES.9 4647(7) 12-Sep-84 Some sites running SUMACC. .TAR.2 2570240(8) 15-Nov-84 The actual SUMACC distribution. SUMACC-WS.TAR.1 993280(8) 19-Nov-84 Workshop example sources to go along with SUMACC. SYSALERTS.ASM.1 12139(7) 3-Mar-85 .HQX.1 2470(7) 3-Mar-85 SWITCHER.SHAR 135308(7) 17-Apr-85 Andy Hertzfeld Beta copy of his multi-program utility UNIX-FROMHEX.C.1 571(7) 18-Sep-84 Sumacc C utility to convert dl to binary files. UNIX-MACLGP.C.1 16280(7) 30-Jul-84 Richard Furuta Furuta@WASHINGTON Prints a MacPaint document on a Symbolics LGP-1. .1.1 2663(7) 30-Jul-84 The unix manual page. UNIX-MPTOPRTRNX.SH.2 15184(7) 16-Jan-85 Steve Johnson <SAJ@ACC> MacPaint to Printronix filter. An adaptation of a previously posted program. UNIX-MACSEND.SH 1216(7) 26-Apr-85 Chris Borton <sdcsvax!sdcc6!ix924> Shellscript for sending groups of files via macput. UNIX-MACSENDV2.SH 2243(7) 29-Apr-85 Barry Eynon (playfair!barry@Score) A version that also understands Macput "r and d" mode. UNIX-MWRESCUE.C 2751(7) 15-May-85 Winkler@Harvard An approximate way to read damaged mw files. UNIX-MW2DVI.SHAR.1 43772(7) 1-Nov-84 Douglas Orr at UMich, EECS .SH.1 38707(7) 30-Dec-84 .TXT.1 886(7) 30-Dec-84 Converts from Macwrite2.2 to TeX dvi format. Also there is some support for interfacing to IMAGEN software on 4.1 and 4.2 UNIX-MWPROF.SCRIPT.1 13108(7) 30-Jan-85 Norman Meyrowitz <nkm%iris%brown.csnet> The script include file for "mwscript". UNIX-MWXLATE.DOC.1 6651(7) 30-Jan-85 .C.2 95338(7) 7-Feb-85 Norman Meyrowitz <nkm%iris%brown.csnet> The c source code for both mwtroff and mwscript, which translator from macwrite 2.2 format. UNIX-MW4X2TROFF.SHAR 54085(7) 23-May-85 Van Jacobson <> A version of write2troff that takes MacWrite 3.x-4.x documents. UNIX-SRCS2XBIN.SHAR 1407(7) 5-May-85 ix924%sdcc6@SDCSVAX.ARPA (Chris Borton) Puts the results of xbining net.sources.mac files into a directory. UNIX-TERMCAP.TXT 1897(7) 15-Apr-85 Steve Munson <sbm@purdue> Termcap entry for Macterminal. UNIX-TOHEX.C.1 1179(7) 18-Sep-84 Converts a binary file into dl format. UNIX-XBIN.DOC.2 3069(7) 17-Mar-85 .SHAR.2 20983(7) 28-Mar-85 Dave Johnson <> Converts between hex,hcx,hqx and binary formats. UNIX-XBINOLD.SHAR.1 9000(7) 20-Dec-84 UNLISA.C.1 294(7) 18-Sep-84 Lisa format to normal format converter. UTILITY-SKEL.EXEC.1 1596(7) 13-Mar-85 .PAS.1 26686(7) 13-Mar-85 .RESDEF.1 7691(7) 13-Mar-85 Steve Maker <maker%dartmouth@csnet-relay> A sample application explaining the Lisa Pascal idiom, which "does nothing but does it well." .SHAR.2 35544(7) 20-Mar-85 SKEL in C. VMS-XMAC.CLD.1 294(7) 7-Mar-85 .DOC.2 7352(7) 7-Mar-85 .MEM.1 479(7) 7-Mar-85 .PAS.2 30381(7) 7-Mar-85 VMSXMAC2.COM 41656(7) 2-May-85 Michael Peirce (peirce@lll-crg) creates various files for xmodem transfer, up to 9600 baud, other bugs also fixed. VMSGETPUT.COM.2 57858(7) 5-Apr-85 will create the files 00README.TXT, DUMPINF.C, FGEN.C, FIXINF.C, GETPUT.C, MACGET.C, MACGET.HLP, MACGETPUT.H, MACPUT.C,MACPUT.HLP, MAKE.COM, RDT.C and TTYIO.MAR. VT52ASSIST4TH.HCX.1 50170(7) 21-Dec-84 VT52MENUS4TH.HCX.1 36922(7) 21-Dec-84 A VT52 emulator written in Forth. XLISP.DOC.3 54718(7) 17-Feb-85 .EXP.1 10232(7) 2-Feb-85 .HCX.1 74175(7) 31-Jan-85 .RSRC.1 48326(8) 17-Feb-85 .SHAR.1 169137(7) 17-Feb-85 Betz@Harvard Experimental Object Lisp, ported to the Mac. V1.4, still no mouse or toolbox interface. XLISPOLD.DL.1 76773(7) 25-Sep-84 .DOC.1 24361(7) 26-Sep-84 Version 1.2? XLISPTINY.HCX.1 67878(7) 31-Jan-85 .RSRC.1 43930(8) 17-Feb-85 XLISP 1.4 without objects, so that it has space on a 128K mac. ------------------------------ End of INFO-MAC Digest **********************