info-mac@uw-beaver (09/18/85)
From: Moderator Richard M. Alderson <> INFO-MAC Digest Wednesday, 18 Sep 1985 Volume 3 : Issue 41 Today's Topics: MacC library code (2 msgs) FontDisplay 2.0 Re: PageMaker review Commordore's Amiga Doing a Launch with SUMacC? This fall's disk drive upgrade? How to make MacTerm shut up about ImageWriter??? Large Fonts morse code on mac MOCKCHART Help Looking for a printer driver for Lexitron How do you move the print head on an imagewriter? Writing Print Managaers on the Macintosh (long) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Mon, 9 Sep 85 16:56:09 PDT From: shebanow%ucbernie@Berkeley (Mike Shebanow) Subject: more library code The next message contains a massive quantity of library code, for use with MacC and MDS. A large percentage of the [ Pascal Only ] calls from Inside Mac are implemented, and nearly all of the ToolBox level calls have been implemented. There is a new version of the code for accessing finder information and all sorts of other things. Would you please post this to net.sources.mac as well? Our poster seems to be busted. This code may be given away, but it may not be sold. Andrew Shebanow c/o [Done. --RMA] ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 9 Sep 85 16:56:37 PDT From: shebanow%ucbernie@Berkeley (Mike Shebanow) Subject: MacC library code A Modest proposal: This is the list of functions that are not implemented as traps in the current Mac ROMs. Apple provides most of these routines in the Lisa Pascal environment only. I have implemented quite a few of these routines for my own purposes. Many of them are extremely useful. Some of them simply return the contents of global variables. I am submitting this with the hope that somebody (or somebodies) out there will implement the remaining functions and post them. I will probably implement the routines from the 'OS Event Manager' and Text Edit' sections sometime soon. I have no plans to do the driver level calls. If I can't figure out a way to use Apple's Print Manager routines for MDS effectively, I will rewrite those as well. All of the code is written for Consulair C, and take register based arguments. All the code was written by me, with the exception of the File Manager code, which was written by Russ Whetmore. I am reposting these, since I have added some routines and made some unnecessary changes. I don't have the author's mail address, so I hope he doesn't object to the reposting. I greatly appreciated his code, since it cut the size of my application by about 1.5K (I had implemented the calls in C). I hope more people will submit general purpose library code for MacC and other compilers. A few of these routines have been posted to info-mac previously. These versions supersede the previous versions. Most of the routines have been very well tested by a make program I am in the final phases of. The only exception to this is the code in Packages.asm, of which I have used only the string comparison functions of the International Utils package, and the SFGetFile routine from the Standard File package. The other routines should work, since the code is pretty straightforward, but bugs are a distinct possibility. A special note: the routines in FinderParms.c contain not only the listed routines from the Segment Loader, but also some routines for creating NEW argument lists, which can be used to open documents when launching. The first step is to call ZeroAppFiles(), which wipes the slate clean. The second step is to call SetAppMessage(appPrint) if you want to set the message to appPrint. Finally, call AddAppFile() once for each filename you wish to add, in order. AddAppFile() accepts a pointer to a structure of type AppFile as its argument. This is the same structure filled in by GetAppFiles(), as described in the Segment loader docs. Hope this stuff is useful... Andrew Shebanow c/o shebanow@ucbernie.ARPA [Archived as [SUMEX]<INFO-MAC>UTILITY-MACC-LIBRARY.CODE. Must be operated on with a text editor to separate the various routines, as indicated by instructions in the file. --RMA] ------------------------------ Date: 14 Sep 85 12:46:53 EDT From: Jeffrey Shulman <SHULMAN@RED.RUTGERS.EDU> Subject: FontDisplay 2.0 Below is a PackIt file containing FontDisplay 2.0 and documentation. The major differences from version 1.0 are that 2.0: 1) handles kerning and zero width characters better; 2) has the ability to open a disk to Print Catalog all font files on a disk; 3) adds a Style menu for the sample window; 4) has the ability to print a style sheet; 5) uses the standard printing package. Enjoy! Jeff uucp: ...{harvard, seismo, ut-sally, sri-iu, ihnp4!packard}!topaz!shulman arpa: SHULMAN@RUTGERS [This has been posted to net.sources.mac] [And archived as [SUMEX]<INFO-MAC>UTILITY-FONTDISPLAY.HQX. --RMA] ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 16 Sep 85 00:34:16 MDT From: (Spencer W. Thomas) Subject: Re: PageMaker review In article <1552@uw-beaver> you write: >PageMaker seems to work pretty well with both Word and MacWrite. I had >wome weird translation problems with a lot of special symbols, though: I >used "...", apostrophe, and printers em-dash in Times Roman font. They >looked OK on the screen in PageMaker, but came out in some (!!??!) >printings as U's, Q's, and the like. I gave up on figuring it out and >took them out of the text, replacing with old-fashioned 's and double- >hyphens and such. These characters have values >128 (i.e., the 8th bit is turned on). This may be your problem (if somehow only 7 bits are being sent to the LW or if it is ignoring parity). This might explain why it only happens sometimes. -- =Spencer ({ihnp4,decvax}!utah-cs!thomas, thomas@utah-cs.ARPA) "The difference between reality and unreality is that reality has so little to recommend it." -- Allan Sherman ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 12 Sep 85 21:24 ??? From: Rich Muller <muller%umass-ece.csnet@CSNET-RELAY.ARPA> Subject: Commordore's Amiga Can someone point me to a net group discussing the Amiga? Commodore's supposedly shipping now, and the machines should be available soon. Thanks. ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 16 Sep 85 18:22:50 EDT From: Mark H. Nodine <mnodine@BBNH.ARPA> Subject: Doing a Launch with SUMacC? Has anybody successfully used SUMacC to write a program which launches another? If so, how do you call the Launch procedure and how do you pass the Finder information so it can open the right documents? Thanks in advance. --Mark ------------------------------ Date: 17 Sep 85 10:56:53 EDT (Tuesday) Subject: This fall's disk drive upgrade? From: Steve <Haehn.Wbst@Xerox.ARPA> I have been wondering about the hardware upgrade that Apple is supposed to release this fall for the Macintosh, particularly the 800k disk drive replacement for the internal 400k drive. Does anyone know if we will get to keep the old drive? If we do get to keep it, is there a relatively easy way to make that drive be an external drive to be plugged into the back of the Mac? ~~ Steve Haehn <Haehn.Wbst>@Xerox.ARPA ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 17 Sep 85 16:22:19 pdt From: adobe!greid@glacier (Glenn Reid) Subject: How to make MacTerm shut up about ImageWriter??? Is there some way to keep MacTerminal from checking to see that you don't have an ImageWriter file in your system disk and putting that irritating dialog box on the screen every time I start up MacTerminal? I know full well I don't have an ImageWriter, and I don't see why I should have to keep the ImageWriter file on my disk just to pacify MacTerminal. Grrrrrrrr Glenn Reid ..greid@Glacier.ARPA ------------------------------ Date: 9 Sep 1985 1545-EDT From: DEUFEL at DEC-MARLBORO.ARPA Reply-to: Deufel at DEC-MARLBORO.ARPA Subject: Large Fonts Has anyone developed large versions of the Geneva and/or New York fonts? Specifically, I am looking for a 36 pt, 48 pt, and 72 pt version of each. Before I go font editing I thought I'd ask if anyone else knows of the availability (hopefully free) of any of these sizes. Cheers, -Abdul- ------------------------------ Date: 10 Sep 85 02:27 EDT From: Crawford @ DCA-EMS Subject: morse code on mac does anyone out ther have any programs or good algorithms for sending and receivng morse code with a mac connected to a radio? jerry ------------------------------ Date: Tue 10 Sep 85 08:57:27-PDT From: Steve Dennett <DENNETT@SRI-NIC.ARPA> Subject: MOCKCHART Help I hate to appear dumb, but could someone please send me some instructions on how to use Mockchart? Or is there some documentation that I missed (I didn't get any). Thanks. Steve Dennett ------------------------------ Date: Sun 15 Sep 85 20:19:29-PDT From: Jyh-Jye (Juoming) Yeh <YEH@SU-SIERRA.ARPA> Subject: Looking for a printer driver for Lexitron Does any one know of a printer driver for a Lexitron printer?? We are looking into the possibility of linking our Mac to the Lexitron printer and make use of its high quality printing as well as its capability of printing special characters. I would appreciate very much for any informatin. J.J yeh@su-sierra ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 14 Sep 85 15:47:19 pdt From: oster%ucblapis.CC@Berkeley Subject: How do you move the print head on an imagewriter? Anybody know the sequences of escape characters you send to an imagewriter (or a C.Itoh) to position the print head? Ordinarily, the head only moves when there are some dots to print, but Thunderscan makes the head move without printing anything. I hunted through the ImageWriter manual, but I didn't happen to come across it. I know its possible. How is it done? -- David Oster ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 14 Sep 85 15:44:43 pdt From: oster%ucblapis.CC@Berkeley Subject: Writing Print Managaers on the Macintosh Creating a Macintosh Printer Manager (All of this information was in Inside Mac, but much of it is omitted in the current version, and unless you've written print managers, the info is difficult to understand. Here it is in condensed form.) A Macintosh Print Manager is a file containing 68000 machine language procedures that are called by application programs. These procedures are expected to: 1.) modify fields in a 120 byte print record that the application looks in to find the resolution of the printer, the size of the paper, the number of copies, and the page range to print. 2. Provide a grafPort for the application to do its drawing on. This grafPort has special procedures in its QDProcs field that customize quickdraw appropriately for the printer. A Macintosh Printer Driver may print bitmaps and/or it may print characters and do carriage returns and line feeds. Access to the printer driver is controlled by the Print Manager, so you can provide what ever capabilities you want and still use existing application programs. Applications print by a.) Setup the page by calling PrintDefault or PrStylDialog. b.) define the job (quality, page range, and no. of copies) by calling PrJobDialog c.) call PrOpenDoc d.) for each page, "i" e.) call PrOpenPage f.) do their own code to draw page(i) g.) call PrClosePage h.) call PrCloseDoc i.) if the print manager has told it to, the application calls PrPicFile to playback any printer spool file to the printer. Your Print Manager gets control on every one of those Pr... calls. It can tell the user (by the dialogs) what capabilities are available, and it can pick and choose which quickdraw calls to interpret and which not. Examples: When the Imagewriter is spooling, it just uses the Picture mechanism of QuickDraw to buffer up a page of QuickDraw calls into a picture structure that it writes to disk. When the application is done drawing data it calls PrPicFile, which as defined in the file ImageWriter, allocates a bitmap representing a band of the page and calls DrawPicture. It sends the bitmap to the Printer Driver. Then it reallocates the bitmap to represent the next band of the page and calls drawPicture again. It repeats this until it has drawn the entire page. When it is not spooling, i.e. when it is in draft mode, the ImageWriter printer manager overrides most of the QDprocs, and interprets attempts to draw text by telling the printer driver to move to a particular spot on the paper and draw the characters in one of the printer's built in fonts. The print manager is where all the work happens. Very few things call the print driver directly. The shift-command-4 screen printing is all I can think of. Now, writing your own printer manager: The Choose Printer desk accessory looks for files on the startup Disk whose type is 'PRES', so you should create 'PRES' file to hold your printer code. Create a file whose type is 'PRES' and whose creator field is some 4 characters of your own, but for compatability with the rest of the universe, should be a mix of upper and lower case, not contflicting with anyone else's: 'Dave' for example. (all entirely lower case names and many upper case names are alreay in use or reserved by apple) Summary: A printer manager is a file with: Type: 'PRES' Creator: up to you: ('Dave' for example) containing resources: type id 'BNDL' 128 - so you manager will have an icon on the desktop 'ICN#' - so you manager will have an icon on the desktop 'FREF' - so you manager will have an icon on the desktop 'Dave' - (for example) ditto 'DRVR' $E000 - device manager for this printer 'PREC' $E000 - (optional) private storage for this printer 'PREC' $0000 - 120 byte default print record for this printer 'STR ' $E001 - default spool file name (like "Print File") 'DLOG' $E000 - Page Setup Dialog 'DITL' $E000 - Page Setup Dialog Item List 'DLOG' $E001 - Job Dialog 'DITL' $E001 - Job Dialog Item List Lastly, you will need 6 resources whose contents contain pure 68000 machine language. These are: 'PDEF' $0000 - Called to do draft printing 'PDEF' $0001 - Called to do spool printing (high and standard quality) 'PDEF' $0002 - (Optional) print method A 'PDEF' $0003 - (Optional) print method B Each of these 4 resources starts with the following code: BRA.W MyPrOpenDocProc BRA.W MyPrCloseDocProc BRA.W MyPrOpenPageProc BRA.W MyPrClosePagePrc ... the actual code This code is used as a jump table to actually dispatch to a particular procedure. 'PDEF' $0004 - The dialogs This resource starts with the following code: BRA.W MyPrintDefaultProc BRA.W MyPrStlDialogProc BRA.W MyPrJobDialogProc BRA.W MyPrStlInitProc BRA.W MyPrJobInitProc BRA.W MyPrDlgMainProc BRA.W MyPrValidateProc BRA.W MyPrJobMergeProc 'PDEF' $0005 - The printer spool file interpreter This resource starts with the code to do MyPrPicFileProc. All of the code obeys the pascal calling conventions: Registers A2-A6, D1-D7 must be preserved, parameters are on the stack, first parameter farthest from the top of stack, and the called routine must pop the parameters before it returns. The individual calling sequences of the Pr...procs are given in IM, so I won't repeat them here. Macintosh applications call the correct one of 'PDEF's 0-3 by looking in the .bjDocLoop field of the print record. The print record is set by the procedures MyPrStlDialog and MyPrJobDialog which the application calls to present the pageSetup and Printing dialogs, respectively, to the user, So the writer of the print manager has a lot of flexibility. I hope this inspires somebody to write some new print managers I would like to see one for the standard imagewriter that calls the standard manager to do most of the work, but gives me control over the margins. It would also be possible to write one manager that drove many different kinds of plotters and dot matrix printers. -- David Oster [This message is archived in its entirety as [SUMEX]<INFO-MAC>PRINT-DRIVERS.TXT. --RMA] ------------------------------ End of INFO-MAC Digest **********************