[fa.info-mac] INFO-MAC Digest V3 #48

info-mac@cca.UUCP (10/16/85)

From: Moderator Richard M. Alderson <INFO-MAC-REQUEST@SUMEX-AIM.ARPA>

INFO-MAC Digest         Wednesday, 16 Oct 1985     Volume 3 : Issue 48

Today's Topics:
                             Extra Obese Mac
         Database service available for back issues of Info-Mac
                                 New BBS
                           FEdit version 3.05
                                Maze Wars
                      Using MacTalk with Megamax C
                            Lisps for the Mac
                        UNIX server for Appletalk
                           Imagewriter sharing
               Request for info--MIDI software developers
                     Using > 24 pt fonts in MacWrite
         OpenPicture-DrawPicture  calls of the quickdraw [query]
                Correction to Problem with desk top fonts
                     Strange System Fonts in Finder
                      Problem with desk top fonts.
             Freeware-Who Buys It?  [a survey questionnaire]


Date: 11 Oct 85 18:12 PDT
From: kwhite.pasa@Xerox.ARPA
Subject: Extra Obese Mac

I went down to San Diego to visit Levco Enterprises on Sunday, October 6th,
and saw a powerful extension of the Levco Monster Mac (a Mac with 2MB of
internal RAM).  What I saw was Levco's prototype Monster Mac with a 20MB
internal hard disk unit.  This extra obese Mac is quite a fascinating
machine, especially for those of us who have been torn between getting a
2MB memory upgrade or an internal hard disk.  The question was a difficult
one, because I have not seen such a demonstration until this weekend.  My
own personal preference when it comes to new technologies is not to buy
what I haven't seen, and up until this weekend I hadn't seen a Mac with an
internal hard disk and more than 512K of Ram.  My problem has been solved.

The obese Mac (my own term) is quite fast.  Imagine being able to run Jazz,
Crunch, Draw, Write, and PageMaker all at the same time in switcher and
switch partitions quicker than you can blink your eyes.  Using the 20MB
hard disk and taking full advantage of the 2MB memory the Macintosh becomes
a very powerfull workstation for the engineer, the scientist, or business

Levco has made their system completely compatible with the new Apple file
system.  Stas Lewak (who was giving the demo) tested the robustness of the
new Apple hierarchical file system by copying a folder which had a copy of
itself recurusively.  He was able to have over 200 levels of folders!
Amazing! Once he made the initial 26 folders (naming them alphabetically),
he copied that structure to make 52, and so on.  The copying of the
structure was surprisingly fast.  Daune Maxwell made the comment that any
changes to the Apple file system would not affect their drive because the
system uses the Apple file system.  They only wrote drivers to talk to
their disk.  He said it would be senseless to write a new file system from
scratch when the existing one is supported and compatible with the rest of
the Macintosh software.

We couldn't compare the performance of the Hyperdrive with the new Levco
system, because their HyperMac (a 10MB Hyperdrive in a 512K Mac) was sick.
They claimed that their system was faster.  I have not used a HyperMac
enough to know that this is so.  They did show me the prototype of their
drive controller board.  It was very compact (4" x 5").  Needless to say, I
was quite impressed with their machine.

Duane Maxwell stated that the price of their disk controller will cost
under $1000 (disk not included).  It will handle up to 4 ST506 compatible
disk drives of any capacity.  This can be accomplished by running a flat
cable out the back of your Mac a la MacSCSI.  This way you are not
constrained to a mere 20MB drive.  Different drives will probably be
configured under menu control.  Some drives may be pre-defined in the menu
and all you would have to do is select it.  Needless to say, only the 3
1/2" half hieght drive will fit into the Macintosh unit.  Levco doesn't
plan to get into the business of selling disk drives and the exact
packaging and pricing of their units is not yet finalized (keep in mind I
saw their PROTOTYPE).  They do plan to have pointers to drive manufacturers
whose drives are packaged to play with their system.

According to Maxwell, they should begin selling their unit around the end
of the year (maybe sooner I hope).

All things considered, I like the idea of being able to have 2MBs of RAM
and a 20MB hard disk in a package that I can carry in a shoulder bag.

Disclaimer:  I am not in any way affiliated with Levco Enterprises.  The
views I have stated are my own.  I have known Duane for a 6 years when we
were both at USC.


Date: Thu, 10 Oct 85 12:05 EDT
Subject: Database service available for back issues of Info-Mac

This is to announce that some new services have been added to the inter-
network server running at Bitnic.  Certain selected Arpanet digests are now
being loaded into a Spires database and are therefore searchable from
anywhere as long as you can send RFC822 mail.

If you are interested in using this service, send a piece of mail to:

and have as the first 3 lines of your file (case does not matter):
help arpanet
help design

The server will send back to you 3 help files describing how to use the
internet server, how to search Arpanet digests and how the whole thing was
designed.  Read over the section on "Signup" carefully before making
further use of the Database server.

Presently, the following 5 Arpanet forums are being loaded into the

Name           Retention Period
=============  ================
Ai-List        2 months
Info-Ibmpc     2 months
Info-Mac       2 months
Info-Graphics  3 months
Info-Nets      3 months

The retention period is set for a short duration in order to see if Bitnic
can handle the volume of data that needs to be stored in Spires.  This
service was initialized on October 4th, 1985 so currently there are just a
few items available in the Database.

Example of search command:


would find all entries in Info-Ibmpc that contain the word UNIX.  An entry
is just the section within a "digested" digest that makes reference to the
word UNIX.  For further details read over the help files.

Henry Nussbacher (Hank@Bitnic.Bitnet)
Bitnet Development and Operations Center


From: kangaro!milo@Purdue.EDU
Subject: New BBS
Date: Wed Oct  9 22:59:31 1985

Well...it's not really a new BBS, I have been running it for two years, but
you probably haven't heard of it before.  My system is called The
Connection and is a multi-line BBS that runs on a UNIX system.  Being near
Notre Dame university (a consortium school) we have a fair number of Mac
users and Mac downloads.  If you don't have regular access to INFO-MAC you
might find my BBS a nice substitute.  I don't have a large following of MAC
software developers yet, but I am working on that.

Users of my system don't have access to usenet mail or "digests" yet but
that may soon change.  I am working on interfacing my software to net mail
and on getting a news feed so I can put things like INFO-MAC up on the

The system has been designed to be very friendly to the computer novice so
it is ideal for new users of computers.  We have a lot of different special
interest groups besides Macintosh, including many groups on non-computer

The BBS costs $5 per month to subscribe to (most of which goes toward
paying phone and hardware bills) and currently has 5 phone lines with 1200
baud modems available to users.

The eventual object of the system (other than just basic communications) is
to be a "test-bed" for experimentation in telecommunications.  I expect to
be experimenting with a number of different things (such as real time
multi-player games) as the system progresses.  I hope to eventually get the
system hooked up to Telenet or Tymnet (to end long distance charges) if I
can ever find anyone who wants to invest money in my ideas.

If you would like to try my BBS you can get a free demo by calling
(219) 277-5825 300 or 1200 baud, 24 hours a day.

P.S. Please don't shoot me for putting up a message that is somewhat
commercial.  I realize that's not "too cool" to do but I thought knowledge
of our BBS might be helpful to people who don't have NET access.

Greg Corson
UUCP: {ihnp4 | ucbvax}!pur-ee!kangaro!milo
ARPA: kangaro!milo@ee.Purdue.EDU  or kangaro!milo@ecn@Purdue.ARPA
Voice Phone: (219) 277-5306 weekdays or 272-2136 evenings & weekends


Date: Thu, 10 Oct 85 7:27:50 EDT
From: Robert E. Yellen (IMD-SEAD) <ryellen@Ardc.ARPA>
Subject: JoyPaint

JoyPaint is a free program that displays MacPaint documents and gives you
the means for scrolling in any direction using a simulated joy stick. It
was written by John Stogdell Stokes III.  After running through BinHex use
PackIt to seperate the application and documentation.




Date: Mon, 14 Oct 85 12:31 MST
From: Platt@HIS-LA-CP6.ARPA
Subject: FEdit version 3.05

The two messages which follow this one contain the latest (I think)
versions of the FEdit utility (file and volume editor, analyzer, and file-
recovery tool) and documentation for same.  This is version 3.05; I believe
it's rather more recent than the latest version available on the software

FEdit is a shareware utility (send $30 to the author if you like and use
it).  It works with hard disks, ramdisks, etc., and can be used to search
for & salvage the contents of a file that has been accidentally deleted, or
has been partially trashed by a disk I/O error.

[The two files are archived as [SUMEX]<INFO-MAC]UTILITY-FEDIT305.HQX and
UTILITY-FEDIT305.DQC respectively.  --RMA]


Date: Mon, 14 Oct 85 09:22 pst
From: "pugh jon%b.mfenet"@LLL-MFE.ARPA
Subject: Maze Wars

I have been playing some Maze Wars and was very pleased by how easily it
has run.  I and a friend have invested in some Appletalk cables and not
regretted it.  Everything went as smootch as glass.  We even booted off the
same disk.  The only problem has been getting more than two people together
to play.

I was wondering if anyone has found a limit for Maze Wars. I hope it is
near the 32 Mac limit on Appletalk.  I forget which version of Maze War I
have, but can check at home.  It is not the one off the net though.  I
think it came through BMUG.

So my next idea was to organize a San Francisco Bay area Maze War Tourney.
It would include a small entry fee to get a large enough room(s) and some
refreshments (i.e. Beer & Pizza or somesuch) and a prize for the winner.
The location would be dependant on the number of responses I get.  I want
it in the East Bay or maybe the South, but I will try to accomodate the
largest group.  We are talking mid November or later.  Let me know when is
bad for you.  I am tossing Thanksgiving out right away.

Respond to me if you are interested.

Jon Pugh


Magnetic Fusion Energy Computer Center
Lawrence Livermore National Lab
PO Box 5509 L-561
Livermore, CA 94550
(415) 423-4239

May the best Mac win...


From: kangaro!milo@Purdue.EDU
Subject: Using MacTalk with Megamax C
Date: Thu Oct 10 12:03:10 1985

If you want to use Megamax C with the MacTalk speach synthizer there is now
a library available from Megamax to let you do it.  You just write up calls
to MacTalk as documented in the MacTalk manual, then link your program with
this library (you have to have the MacTalk driver on the disk too).

We tried the demo program over at Notre Dame and it worked fine.

This new library is going out with all the updates and new purchases of
Megamax C.

If you have the old (2.0) version of Megamax you should send in for an
update.  The update costs $15 (you send in your old disks).  You get a new
manual, printed on a laser-writer, and the new compiler and libraries.  The
new version of Megamax has some nice new features including a better
editor, better compatibility with Switcher and a number of bug fixes.

Also there is an automatic chaining feature in the editor and compiler, you
can set it up so when you transfer from editor to compiler it automatically
compiles the file you were editing.  If you get a compile error it will
transfer back to the editor and open the source and errors files for you

Some pretty nice improvements if you ask me, you get a lot for just $15

Greg Corson
UUCP: {ihnp4 | ucbvax}!pur-ee!kangaro!milo
ARPA: kangaro!milo@ee.Purdue.EDU   or   kangaro!milo@ecn@Purdue.ARPA


Date: Sun, 13 Oct 85 17:55 EDT
From: Phillip Anton Sohn <SOHN@MIT-MC.ARPA>
Subject: Lisps for the Mac

Does anybody know anything about MacScheme?  I have been using ExperLisp
and am very disappointed with it, esp.  the debugger.  (What debugger?)
The error messages are often very erroneous, not just vague.



Date: Mon, 14 Oct 85 20:06:39 cdt
From: Harvard Townsend <harv%kansas-state.csnet@CSNET-RELAY.ARPA>
Subject: UNIX server for Appletalk

Does anyone know of a working implementation of a UNIX beast acting as a
server for an Appletalk network of Macs?  I know Mt. Xinu is working on
one, but it is not supposed to be ready until next year.  We are
particularly interested in having the Macs as workstations in faculty
offices, served by a VAX running 4.2BSD.  However, we would be interested
in hearing of other configurations, too.  Thanks in advance.  Please reply
directly to me since I do not suscribe to this news group.

Harvard Townsend, Systems Administrator
Kansas State University
Dept. of Computer Science
Manhattan, KS 66506   (913)532-6350
CSNET/ARPANET:	harv%kansas-state@csnet-relay


Date: Thu, 10 Oct 85 21:37:30 EDT
From: Richard Crane <CRANER%YALEVMX.BITNET@UCB-VAX.Berkeley.EDU>
Subject: Imagewriter sharing

We are interested in methods being used to share Imagewriters in labs. We
will shortly have Macs in more than a dozen locations (anywhere from 3 to
20 in each), and would very much like to be able to share Imagewriters.  In
some locations we can afford to dedicate a Mac as a printer server, but in
others this wouldn't be pratical.  Currently it's being done with disk
swapping or cable swapping, but we're looking for something better.
Spooling is not a requirement.

Any reponse would be appreciated, either to the net or directly to me on

Richard S. Crane
     "Eat Dessert First, Life is Uncertain"

[Note that the official Internet/BITNET gateway is WISCVM.ARPA, so the
reply address from Internet sites would be


From: kangaro!milo@Purdue.EDU
Subject: Request for info--MIDI software developers
Date: Thu Oct 10 12:38:36 1985

I have been thinking about writing a Mac software package that uses the
MIDI Interface to talk to professional music synthizers.  The object of the
project is to produce a MIDI system with record-playback-multitrack
features that would be useful in a studio recording system.

I have looked at information on the MIDI Conductor from Assimilation, but
the technical information they supply is kind of thin.  They don't supply a
driver, just some assembly-code fragments that demonstrate the operation of
the interface.  You have to write your own code to install timers,
interrupt routines...etc.

Does anyone know of a MIDI interface that has a more completely specified
driver?  Preferably a driver I could just install in the system file and
read and write with system calls.

I would like to corrospond with anyone who is currently writing software
for MIDI and would like to talk about it.  Particularly if you are writing
the software in Megamax C.

Greg Corson
UUCP:{ihnp4 | ucbvax}!pur-ee!kangaro!milo
ARPA: kangaro!milo@ee.Purdue.EDU  or  kangaro!milo@ecn@Purdue.ARPA


Date: 11 Oct 1985 00:53-EDT
Subject: Using > 24 pt fonts in MacWrite

Is it possible/practical to load fonts > 24 pts.  into MacWrite?  I believe
I am using the most recent version (came with a FatMac purchase a couple of
mos. ago) of MacWrite; the font-mover utility doesn't give an error, it
just doesn't move fonts > 24 pts.

Is this an inherent MacWrite limitation?  Any kludge/workaround?

Thanks.  ck


Subject: OpenPicture-DrawPicture  calls of the quickdraw [query]
Date: 09 Oct 85 23:19:36 EDT (Wed)
From: Gurudatta Parulkar <parulkar@dewey.udel.EDU>

Could somebody let me know what should be the destination rectangle in the
DrawPicture() function call if I want the picture to appear on the screen
immediately ?

I tried using thePort->portRect and thePort->portBits.bounds and none of
them worked. And it seems that the picture gets stored in memory some
where, and if I do it in a loop, stack seems to over flow.

Thanks in advance.


PS: One more question, is it necessary to call ClosePicture before
DrawPicture ?

:Gurudatta M. Parulkar
:University of Delaware
:Department of Computer and Information Sciences
:Newark, DE  19716

:ARPA: parulkar@udel-dewey.EDU
:CSNET: parulkar%udel-dewey@csnet-relay
:UUCP: ...!harvard!parulkar@udel-dewey


Date: 11-Oct-85 09:28 PDT
Subject: Correction to Problem with desk top fonts
Sender: Capt Personius, OIS Architecture Mgr, SISS/4085 

My fonts are fixed!!!!  I was reading my Oct 85 copy of MacTutor (arrived
yesterday) and discovered someone was having very strange problems (not
really like mine, however) which were solved by removing the battery in the
Mac.  I just tried the same and it cleared my problem.  I appreciate all
efforts and responses which may be crossing in the mail.  I'd still like to
know what it is in the non-volatile RAM that has to do with fonts.  ????
If anyone else has had this problem, I hope this information helps.

-- jay personius

-- sisoe.afcc@afcc-3.arpa


Date: Thu, 10 Oct 85 00:20:14 PDT
From: chavez@ucbcory.Berkeley.EDU (Thomas M. Chavez)
Subject: Strange System Fonts in Finder

Some utilities (like RamDisk) sometimes play with things that they aren't
supposed to.  The most common sign of this is the loss of the Geneva font
in the Finder.  Having recently had this problem, here is my solution.

The problem is NOT with your disks.  There is no way that the software
could affect each and every disk that you put in (unless it broke the
drive...) so the problem must be in the mac.  The mac maintains some low-
memory with the battery (yes, it also keeps the clock going).  Information
about things such as Appletalk, Control Panel settings, clock, etc., are
kept here so that you don't lose them when the power is turned off.

Well, like I said, sometimes things go wrong.  The solution, take out your
battery for about a minute or two.  This will kill the low-memory.  You
will lose the time and your Control Panel settings, but you will probably
also lose whatever bug caused the font substitution.

Hope this helps...

Tom Chavez


Date: Fri, 11 Oct 85 21:51 EDT
Subject: Problem with desk top fonts.

Yes, I had the same trouble with desktop font for file folders and stuff
changing once--it sort of looked like Times Roman for me, though...  I
started using the beast and it took me almost five minutes to place just
what was wrong, because everything else seemed to function perfectly!  In
disbelief, I tried several system disks and it affected them all!  Ohboy.
Finally figured it out and unplugged the system and then popped the battery
out.  That fixed it.

I put the same battery in again and all was well, so I'm not sure quite
what was going on there.  Perhaps this is a symptom of a worn battery
losing the Mac's NVR mind?



Date: Tue, 8 Oct 85 03:37:04 PDT
From: hamachi@ucbkim.Berkeley.EDU (Gordon Hamachi)
Subject: Freeware-Who Buys It?  [a survey questionnaire]

Please take the time to answer the following questions about freeware.
Choose as many responses as are appropriate.  Also, feel free to make other
comments.  I will summarize the results.

Reply to hamachi@berkeley.edu or ucbvax!hamachi

1.  How many freeware programs/files do you have?
        a. None
	b. Few (1-3)
	c. Moderate (4-10)
	d. Many (11+)

2.  What percentage of these have you paid for?
        a. 0
	b. 25% - 49%
	c. 50% - 74%
	d. 75% - 100%

3.  If you have not paid for freeware in your posession, why not?
        a. Poor software quality
	b. Seldom use the program-not generally useful
	c. No incentive to pay-get nothing (else) in return
	d. Don't have enough money
	e. Software priced too high
	f. Software should be free/I never pay for anything
	g. Other (specify)

4.  If you do pay for freeware, why?
	a. Developers deserve payment for good programs
	b. Encourage more freeware
	c. Promise of free updates or documentation
	d. Reasonable prices
	e. It is the "right" thing to do
	f. Other (specify)

5.  What advice do you have for developers contemplating distributing their
    software via freeware?

The next three questions are for freeware developers

6.  What freeware products do you distribute?

7.  What kind of response have you received?
	a. Poor-no money
	b. Disappointing
	c. Moderate-I'm not getting rich but it paid for my Macintosh
	d. Great-Tomorrow I buy my Ferrari

8.  Will you distribute freeware in the future?
	a. No, never again.  I'm giving up on software development
	b. No, next time I'll go through regular commercial channels
	c. Maybe-The results still aren't in
	d. Yes.  Definitely


End of INFO-MAC Digest

info-mac@uw-beaver (10/16/85)

From: Moderator Richard M. Alderson <INFO-MAC-REQUEST@SUMEX-AIM.arpa>

INFO-MAC Digest         Wednesday, 16 Oct 1985     Volume 3 : Issue 48

Today's Topics:
                             Extra Obese Mac
         Database service available for back issues of Info-Mac
                                 New BBS
                           FEdit version 3.05
                                Maze Wars
                      Using MacTalk with Megamax C
                            Lisps for the Mac
                        UNIX server for Appletalk
                           Imagewriter sharing
               Request for info--MIDI software developers
                     Using > 24 pt fonts in MacWrite
         OpenPicture-DrawPicture  calls of the quickdraw [query]
                Correction to Problem with desk top fonts
                     Strange System Fonts in Finder
                      Problem with desk top fonts.
             Freeware-Who Buys It?  [a survey questionnaire]


Date: 11 Oct 85 18:12 PDT
From: kwhite.pasa@Xerox.ARPA
Subject: Extra Obese Mac

I went down to San Diego to visit Levco Enterprises on Sunday, October 6th,
and saw a powerful extension of the Levco Monster Mac (a Mac with 2MB of
internal RAM).  What I saw was Levco's prototype Monster Mac with a 20MB
internal hard disk unit.  This extra obese Mac is quite a fascinating
machine, especially for those of us who have been torn between getting a
2MB memory upgrade or an internal hard disk.  The question was a difficult
one, because I have not seen such a demonstration until this weekend.  My
own personal preference when it comes to new technologies is not to buy
what I haven't seen, and up until this weekend I hadn't seen a Mac with an
internal hard disk and more than 512K of Ram.  My problem has been solved.

The obese Mac (my own term) is quite fast.  Imagine being able to run Jazz,
Crunch, Draw, Write, and PageMaker all at the same time in switcher and
switch partitions quicker than you can blink your eyes.  Using the 20MB
hard disk and taking full advantage of the 2MB memory the Macintosh becomes
a very powerfull workstation for the engineer, the scientist, or business

Levco has made their system completely compatible with the new Apple file
system.  Stas Lewak (who was giving the demo) tested the robustness of the
new Apple hierarchical file system by copying a folder which had a copy of
itself recurusively.  He was able to have over 200 levels of folders!
Amazing! Once he made the initial 26 folders (naming them alphabetically),
he copied that structure to make 52, and so on.  The copying of the
structure was surprisingly fast.  Daune Maxwell made the comment that any
changes to the Apple file system would not affect their drive because the
system uses the Apple file system.  They only wrote drivers to talk to
their disk.  He said it would be senseless to write a new file system from
scratch when the existing one is supported and compatible with the rest of
the Macintosh software.

We couldn't compare the performance of the Hyperdrive with the new Levco
system, because their HyperMac (a 10MB Hyperdrive in a 512K Mac) was sick.
They claimed that their system was faster.  I have not used a HyperMac
enough to know that this is so.  They did show me the prototype of their
drive controller board.  It was very compact (4" x 5").  Needless to say, I
was quite impressed with their machine.

Duane Maxwell stated that the price of their disk controller will cost
under $1000 (disk not included).  It will handle up to 4 ST506 compatible
disk drives of any capacity.  This can be accomplished by running a flat
cable out the back of your Mac a la MacSCSI.  This way you are not
constrained to a mere 20MB drive.  Different drives will probably be
configured under menu control.  Some drives may be pre-defined in the menu
and all you would have to do is select it.  Needless to say, only the 3
1/2" half hieght drive will fit into the Macintosh unit.  Levco doesn't
plan to get into the business of selling disk drives and the exact
packaging and pricing of their units is not yet finalized (keep in mind I
saw their PROTOTYPE).  They do plan to have pointers to drive manufacturers
whose drives are packaged to play with their system.

According to Maxwell, they should begin selling their unit around the end
of the year (maybe sooner I hope).

All things considered, I like the idea of being able to have 2MBs of RAM
and a 20MB hard disk in a package that I can carry in a shoulder bag.

Disclaimer:  I am not in any way affiliated with Levco Enterprises.  The
views I have stated are my own.  I have known Duane for a 6 years when we
were both at USC.


Date: Thu, 10 Oct 85 12:05 EDT
Subject: Database service available for back issues of Info-Mac

This is to announce that some new services have been added to the inter-
network server running at Bitnic.  Certain selected Arpanet digests are now
being loaded into a Spires database and are therefore searchable from
anywhere as long as you can send RFC822 mail.

If you are interested in using this service, send a piece of mail to:

and have as the first 3 lines of your file (case does not matter):
help arpanet
help design

The server will send back to you 3 help files describing how to use the
internet server, how to search Arpanet digests and how the whole thing was
designed.  Read over the section on "Signup" carefully before making
further use of the Database server.

Presently, the following 5 Arpanet forums are being loaded into the

Name           Retention Period
=============  ================
Ai-List        2 months
Info-Ibmpc     2 months
Info-Mac       2 months
Info-Graphics  3 months
Info-Nets      3 months

The retention period is set for a short duration in order to see if Bitnic
can handle the volume of data that needs to be stored in Spires.  This
service was initialized on October 4th, 1985 so currently there are just a
few items available in the Database.

Example of search command:


would find all entries in Info-Ibmpc that contain the word UNIX.  An entry
is just the section within a "digested" digest that makes reference to the
word UNIX.  For further details read over the help files.

Henry Nussbacher (Hank@Bitnic.Bitnet)
Bitnet Development and Operations Center


From: kangaro!milo@Purdue.EDU
Subject: New BBS
Date: Wed Oct  9 22:59:31 1985

Well...it's not really a new BBS, I have been running it for two years, but
you probably haven't heard of it before.  My system is called The
Connection and is a multi-line BBS that runs on a UNIX system.  Being near
Notre Dame university (a consortium school) we have a fair number of Mac
users and Mac downloads.  If you don't have regular access to INFO-MAC you
might find my BBS a nice substitute.  I don't have a large following of MAC
software developers yet, but I am working on that.

Users of my system don't have access to usenet mail or "digests" yet but
that may soon change.  I am working on interfacing my software to net mail
and on getting a news feed so I can put things like INFO-MAC up on the

The system has been designed to be very friendly to the computer novice so
it is ideal for new users of computers.  We have a lot of different special
interest groups besides Macintosh, including many groups on non-computer

The BBS costs $5 per month to subscribe to (most of which goes toward
paying phone and hardware bills) and currently has 5 phone lines with 1200
baud modems available to users.

The eventual object of the system (other than just basic communications) is
to be a "test-bed" for experimentation in telecommunications.  I expect to
be experimenting with a number of different things (such as real time
multi-player games) as the system progresses.  I hope to eventually get the
system hooked up to Telenet or Tymnet (to end long distance charges) if I
can ever find anyone who wants to invest money in my ideas.

If you would like to try my BBS you can get a free demo by calling
(219) 277-5825 300 or 1200 baud, 24 hours a day.

P.S. Please don't shoot me for putting up a message that is somewhat
commercial.  I realize that's not "too cool" to do but I thought knowledge
of our BBS might be helpful to people who don't have NET access.

Greg Corson
UUCP: {ihnp4 | ucbvax}!pur-ee!kangaro!milo
ARPA: kangaro!milo@ee.Purdue.EDU  or kangaro!milo@ecn@Purdue.ARPA
Voice Phone: (219) 277-5306 weekdays or 272-2136 evenings & weekends


Date: Thu, 10 Oct 85 7:27:50 EDT
From: Robert E. Yellen (IMD-SEAD) <ryellen@Ardc.ARPA>
Subject: JoyPaint

JoyPaint is a free program that displays MacPaint documents and gives you
the means for scrolling in any direction using a simulated joy stick. It
was written by John Stogdell Stokes III.  After running through BinHex use
PackIt to seperate the application and documentation.




Date: Mon, 14 Oct 85 12:31 MST
From: Platt@HIS-LA-CP6.ARPA
Subject: FEdit version 3.05

The two messages which follow this one contain the latest (I think)
versions of the FEdit utility (file and volume editor, analyzer, and file-
recovery tool) and documentation for same.  This is version 3.05; I believe
it's rather more recent than the latest version available on the software

FEdit is a shareware utility (send $30 to the author if you like and use
it).  It works with hard disks, ramdisks, etc., and can be used to search
for & salvage the contents of a file that has been accidentally deleted, or
has been partially trashed by a disk I/O error.

[The two files are archived as [SUMEX]<INFO-MAC]UTILITY-FEDIT305.HQX and
UTILITY-FEDIT305.DQC respectively.  --RMA]


Date: Mon, 14 Oct 85 09:22 pst
From: "pugh jon%b.mfenet"@LLL-MFE.ARPA
Subject: Maze Wars

I have been playing some Maze Wars and was very pleased by how easily it
has run.  I and a friend have invested in some Appletalk cables and not
regretted it.  Everything went as smootch as glass.  We even booted off the
same disk.  The only problem has been getting more than two people together
to play.

I was wondering if anyone has found a limit for Maze Wars. I hope it is
near the 32 Mac limit on Appletalk.  I forget which version of Maze War I
have, but can check at home.  It is not the one off the net though.  I
think it came through BMUG.

So my next idea was to organize a San Francisco Bay area Maze War Tourney.
It would include a small entry fee to get a large enough room(s) and some
refreshments (i.e. Beer & Pizza or somesuch) and a prize for the winner.
The location would be dependant on the number of responses I get.  I want
it in the East Bay or maybe the South, but I will try to accomodate the
largest group.  We are talking mid November or later.  Let me know when is
bad for you.  I am tossing Thanksgiving out right away.

Respond to me if you are interested.

Jon Pugh


Magnetic Fusion Energy Computer Center
Lawrence Livermore National Lab
PO Box 5509 L-561
Livermore, CA 94550
(415) 423-4239

May the best Mac win...


From: kangaro!milo@Purdue.EDU
Subject: Using MacTalk with Megamax C
Date: Thu Oct 10 12:03:10 1985

If you want to use Megamax C with the MacTalk speach synthizer there is now
a library available from Megamax to let you do it.  You just write up calls
to MacTalk as documented in the MacTalk manual, then link your program with
this library (you have to have the MacTalk driver on the disk too).

We tried the demo program over at Notre Dame and it worked fine.

This new library is going out with all the updates and new purchases of
Megamax C.

If you have the old (2.0) version of Megamax you should send in for an
update.  The update costs $15 (you send in your old disks).  You get a new
manual, printed on a laser-writer, and the new compiler and libraries.  The
new version of Megamax has some nice new features including a better
editor, better compatibility with Switcher and a number of bug fixes.

Also there is an automatic chaining feature in the editor and compiler, you
can set it up so when you transfer from editor to compiler it automatically
compiles the file you were editing.  If you get a compile error it will
transfer back to the editor and open the source and errors files for you

Some pretty nice improvements if you ask me, you get a lot for just $15

Greg Corson
UUCP: {ihnp4 | ucbvax}!pur-ee!kangaro!milo
ARPA: kangaro!milo@ee.Purdue.EDU   or   kangaro!milo@ecn@Purdue.ARPA


Date: Sun, 13 Oct 85 17:55 EDT
From: Phillip Anton Sohn <SOHN@MIT-MC.ARPA>
Subject: Lisps for the Mac

Does anybody know anything about MacScheme?  I have been using ExperLisp
and am very disappointed with it, esp.  the debugger.  (What debugger?)
The error messages are often very erroneous, not just vague.



Date: Mon, 14 Oct 85 20:06:39 cdt
From: Harvard Townsend <harv%kansas-state.csnet@CSNET-RELAY.ARPA>
Subject: UNIX server for Appletalk

Does anyone know of a working implementation of a UNIX beast acting as a
server for an Appletalk network of Macs?  I know Mt. Xinu is working on
one, but it is not supposed to be ready until next year.  We are
particularly interested in having the Macs as workstations in faculty
offices, served by a VAX running 4.2BSD.  However, we would be interested
in hearing of other configurations, too.  Thanks in advance.  Please reply
directly to me since I do not suscribe to this news group.

Harvard Townsend, Systems Administrator
Kansas State University
Dept. of Computer Science
Manhattan, KS 66506   (913)532-6350
CSNET/ARPANET:	harv%kansas-state@csnet-relay


Date: Thu, 10 Oct 85 21:37:30 EDT
From: Richard Crane <CRANER%YALEVMX.BITNET@UCB-VAX.Berkeley.EDU>
Subject: Imagewriter sharing

We are interested in methods being used to share Imagewriters in labs. We
will shortly have Macs in more than a dozen locations (anywhere from 3 to
20 in each), and would very much like to be able to share Imagewriters.  In
some locations we can afford to dedicate a Mac as a printer server, but in
others this wouldn't be pratical.  Currently it's being done with disk
swapping or cable swapping, but we're looking for something better.
Spooling is not a requirement.

Any reponse would be appreciated, either to the net or directly to me on

Richard S. Crane
     "Eat Dessert First, Life is Uncertain"

[Note that the official Internet/BITNET gateway is WISCVM.ARPA, so the
reply address from Internet sites would be


From: kangaro!milo@Purdue.EDU
Subject: Request for info--MIDI software developers
Date: Thu Oct 10 12:38:36 1985

I have been thinking about writing a Mac software package that uses the
MIDI Interface to talk to professional music synthizers.  The object of the
project is to produce a MIDI system with record-playback-multitrack
features that would be useful in a studio recording system.

I have looked at information on the MIDI Conductor from Assimilation, but
the technical information they supply is kind of thin.  They don't supply a
driver, just some assembly-code fragments that demonstrate the operation of
the interface.  You have to write your own code to install timers,
interrupt routines...etc.

Does anyone know of a MIDI interface that has a more completely specified
driver?  Preferably a driver I could just install in the system file and
read and write with system calls.

I would like to corrospond with anyone who is currently writing software
for MIDI and would like to talk about it.  Particularly if you are writing
the software in Megamax C.

Greg Corson
UUCP:{ihnp4 | ucbvax}!pur-ee!kangaro!milo
ARPA: kangaro!milo@ee.Purdue.EDU  or  kangaro!milo@ecn@Purdue.ARPA


Date: 11 Oct 1985 00:53-EDT
Subject: Using > 24 pt fonts in MacWrite

Is it possible/practical to load fonts > 24 pts.  into MacWrite?  I believe
I am using the most recent version (came with a FatMac purchase a couple of
mos. ago) of MacWrite; the font-mover utility doesn't give an error, it
just doesn't move fonts > 24 pts.

Is this an inherent MacWrite limitation?  Any kludge/workaround?

Thanks.  ck


Subject: OpenPicture-DrawPicture  calls of the quickdraw [query]
Date: 09 Oct 85 23:19:36 EDT (Wed)
From: Gurudatta Parulkar <parulkar@dewey.udel.EDU>

Could somebody let me know what should be the destination rectangle in the
DrawPicture() function call if I want the picture to appear on the screen
immediately ?

I tried using thePort->portRect and thePort->portBits.bounds and none of
them worked. And it seems that the picture gets stored in memory some
where, and if I do it in a loop, stack seems to over flow.

Thanks in advance.


PS: One more question, is it necessary to call ClosePicture before
DrawPicture ?

:Gurudatta M. Parulkar
:University of Delaware
:Department of Computer and Information Sciences
:Newark, DE  19716

:ARPA: parulkar@udel-dewey.EDU
:CSNET: parulkar%udel-dewey@csnet-relay
:UUCP: ...!harvard!parulkar@udel-dewey


Date: 11-Oct-85 09:28 PDT
Subject: Correction to Problem with desk top fonts
Sender: Capt Personius, OIS Architecture Mgr, SISS/4085 

My fonts are fixed!!!!  I was reading my Oct 85 copy of MacTutor (arrived
yesterday) and discovered someone was having very strange problems (not
really like mine, however) which were solved by removing the battery in the
Mac.  I just tried the same and it cleared my problem.  I appreciate all
efforts and responses which may be crossing in the mail.  I'd still like to
know what it is in the non-volatile RAM that has to do with fonts.  ????
If anyone else has had this problem, I hope this information helps.

-- jay personius

-- sisoe.afcc@afcc-3.arpa


Date: Thu, 10 Oct 85 00:20:14 PDT
From: chavez@ucbcory.Berkeley.EDU (Thomas M. Chavez)
Subject: Strange System Fonts in Finder

Some utilities (like RamDisk) sometimes play with things that they aren't
supposed to.  The most common sign of this is the loss of the Geneva font
in the Finder.  Having recently had this problem, here is my solution.

The problem is NOT with your disks.  There is no way that the software
could affect each and every disk that you put in (unless it broke the
drive...) so the problem must be in the mac.  The mac maintains some low-
memory with the battery (yes, it also keeps the clock going).  Information
about things such as Appletalk, Control Panel settings, clock, etc., are
kept here so that you don't lose them when the power is turned off.

Well, like I said, sometimes things go wrong.  The solution, take out your
battery for about a minute or two.  This will kill the low-memory.  You
will lose the time and your Control Panel settings, but you will probably
also lose whatever bug caused the font substitution.

Hope this helps...

Tom Chavez


Date: Fri, 11 Oct 85 21:51 EDT
Subject: Problem with desk top fonts.

Yes, I had the same trouble with desktop font for file folders and stuff
changing once--it sort of looked like Times Roman for me, though...  I
started using the beast and it took me almost five minutes to place just
what was wrong, because everything else seemed to function perfectly!  In
disbelief, I tried several system disks and it affected them all!  Ohboy.
Finally figured it out and unplugged the system and then popped the battery
out.  That fixed it.

I put the same battery in again and all was well, so I'm not sure quite
what was going on there.  Perhaps this is a symptom of a worn battery
losing the Mac's NVR mind?



Date: Tue, 8 Oct 85 03:37:04 PDT
From: hamachi@ucbkim.Berkeley.EDU (Gordon Hamachi)
Subject: Freeware-Who Buys It?  [a survey questionnaire]

Please take the time to answer the following questions about freeware.
Choose as many responses as are appropriate.  Also, feel free to make other
comments.  I will summarize the results.

Reply to hamachi@berkeley.edu or ucbvax!hamachi

1.  How many freeware programs/files do you have?
        a. None
	b. Few (1-3)
	c. Moderate (4-10)
	d. Many (11+)

2.  What percentage of these have you paid for?
        a. 0
	b. 25% - 49%
	c. 50% - 74%
	d. 75% - 100%

3.  If you have not paid for freeware in your posession, why not?
        a. Poor software quality
	b. Seldom use the program-not generally useful
	c. No incentive to pay-get nothing (else) in return
	d. Don't have enough money
	e. Software priced too high
	f. Software should be free/I never pay for anything
	g. Other (specify)

4.  If you do pay for freeware, why?
	a. Developers deserve payment for good programs
	b. Encourage more freeware
	c. Promise of free updates or documentation
	d. Reasonable prices
	e. It is the "right" thing to do
	f. Other (specify)

5.  What advice do you have for developers contemplating distributing their
    software via freeware?

The next three questions are for freeware developers

6.  What freeware products do you distribute?

7.  What kind of response have you received?
	a. Poor-no money
	b. Disappointing
	c. Moderate-I'm not getting rich but it paid for my Macintosh
	d. Great-Tomorrow I buy my Ferrari

8.  Will you distribute freeware in the future?
	a. No, never again.  I'm giving up on software development
	b. No, next time I'll go through regular commercial channels
	c. Maybe-The results still aren't in
	d. Yes.  Definitely


End of INFO-MAC Digest