[ed.general] Robotics Seminar at Dept of AI, Edinburgh on July 1st

kristian@aifh.ed.ac.uk (06/24/91)

AI Departmental Seminar at 2pm, Monday 1st July in F10, 80 South Bridge, 
Edinburgh, Scotland.

                    **** PLEASE NOTE UNUSUAL DAY ****

    "Perception of Shape and Material for Robots in Natural Terrain"

                              Eric Krotkov, 
                           Robotics Institute, 
                       Carnegie Mellon University

Robotic perception of natural, unstructured terrain poses unique problems
that cause established machine perception techniques to fail.  In this
seminar, I will present recent progress toward a comprehensive approach to
these problems that considers both shape and material properties.

The first part of the talk will present a method to construct geometric
terrain maps of rough terrain from range imagery, and demonstrate its
effectiveness in allowing a six-legged planetary rover prototype to
traverse a boulder field.

The second part of the talk will elaborate an "active perception" approach
to identify material (non-geometric) properties of the terrain.  This
approach treats every step as an experiment, whose results inform the
robot about its environment.

       Suggestions for Dept of AI Seminar speakers are always
                welcome.   Please e-mail suggestions to
                    Toby Walsh <Toby_Walsh@ed.ac.uk>