davet@oakhill.UUCP (Dave Trissel) (01/31/86)
Topher Cooper has mentioned previously how many in the 'standard' sciences use various means to reject the findings of parapsychology. To that end: [Reprinted without permission from PERSPECTIVE Vol 7., Number 5, Feb., 1986] ESP In Dreams: Psychologist Criticizes Psychology's Neglect of the Facts The prejudice of the scientific community against the factual evidence for the existence of psi has been receiving increased attention in recent years. There is growing awareness that scientist reject the psi hypothesis for reasons other than simply the lack of valid data. Psychologist themselves are perhaps the most guilty of this negative prejudice. Some concrete evidence of this not-so-scientific attitude, as manifested in the distorted reporting and reviewing of previously published factual results, has now been presented for attention to the psychologists' own professional organization. Yale University psychologist Irvin Child, reporting in the official flag- ship publication of the American Psychological Association, the quite prestigious AMERICAN PSYCHOLOGIST, has demonstrated how psycholigists have tended to distort the facts concerning the evidence for ESP in dreams ("Psychology and Anomalous Observations: The Qustion of ESP in Dreams," November, 1985, Vol. 40, No. 11, 1219-1230). The bulk of his indictment concerns how psychologists, who claim to be presenting in their books an objective overview of research in parapsychology, have misled readers about the true facts and results of the influential dream telepathy studies con- ducted at Maimonides Hospital by Montague Ulman and his associates, Stanley Krippner and Charles Honorton (confer Ullman's book, DREAM TELEPATHY). These experiments involved attempts to telepathically influence the dream content of a subject asleep in a dream lab by having another person-the "sending" agent-concentrate on a picture all night, as if trying to "impress" the contents of that picture upon the mind of the sleeping subject. Dr. Child takes some pains to set the record straight about how these experiments were conducted and how the results were analyzed. The experiments provided generally favorable statistical results, which Dr. Child confirms, even after modifying the statistical analysis along more stringent lines. Whether or not the significant number of "hits" is truly indicative of telepathy or subject to different interpretations, Dr. Child believes that the results of these experiments represent a genuine "anomaly" that requires some sort of explanation. If this research had concerned a more conventional topic, Dr. Child argues, then the positive results of the experiments, have such important scientific implications, would have received wide attention and careful evaluation. The Maimonides studies, however, as the author demonstrates, have been presented in a distorted fashion, having their procedures and results portrayed in a manner that gives an erroneous impression of the true nature of the research. The author chooses five books written by psychologists on the topic of parapsychology and scrutinizes their presentation of the Maimonides research. Here are some of the types of misrepresentations and distortions he found in these books: devoting more coverage to a negative finding than to the overall positive results, exaggerating the apparent possibilities for "sensory leakage" (whereby the information can be transmitted by some sensory means other than ESP), and offering spurious criticisms of the research methodology that are not relevant to the experiments as they were actually conducted (saying, for example, that no control group was used when, in fact, controls were used). In at least one case analyzed by Dr. Child, the reviewer implies that the reader should infer that the results are fraudulent. The author does not speculate about any possible reasons or motivations the reviewers might have had for distorting the facts. He does, however, point out how often the reviewers are committing the very sins they accuse the Maimonides researchers of committing. For example, the researchers are accused of "shoe fitting" or twisting the facts to fit the interpretation that is desired. Dr. Child asserts that the Maimonides researchers are innocent of this charge, but that the reviewers are quite quilty of it themselves. The Maimonides experiments do pose a legitimate and formidable challenge to psychologists who are disbelievers in ESP, Dr. Child insists, and are worthy of better treatment than they have received. He believes that the reviews that this work has received mislead other psychologists who read them. He concludes his article by encouraging the psychology community to read the original reports of the research themselves. Although little of Dr. Child's criticisms is new to parapsychologists, it is nevertheless a significant event in the history of this field when a psychologist of such prominence and academic standing documents this problem so forcefully within the hallowed pages of psychology's principal professional publication. Author's address: Dr. Irvin L. Child, Department of Psychology, Yale University, P.O. Box 11A, New Haven, CT 06520-7447. -- Dave Trissel Motorola Semiconductor, Austin, Texas {seismo,ihnp4}!ut-sally!im4u!oakhill!davet [Sorry, our mailer will not usually work replying to BITNET, ARPANET etc.]