[net.misc] An experience with music and the unborn and the formula

reza@ihuxb.UUCP (07/05/83)

   On the night of June 17th my wife and I and a bunch of friends went to a
concert.  Now this was not no heavy rock.  They had a few singers from my
home country of Iran ( Flame on! ) in a dinner/music arrangement, i.e.
neither the music nor the audience was supposed to be loud.  Well, as it
turned out people got so home sick that they made the singers sing way
past midnight for a total of 6 hours and my friends and I got a little drunk
and rowdy and ..., so it got louder than expected but still nothing out
of the ordinary.

   We got home at 3:00 am and I hit the sack.  At 4:00 am my wife woke
me up and said "get the bag, we're going to the hospital!."  All of a
sudden the bag of water broke and she started getting contractions.  And
at 10:57 pm June 18th Kiana was born.  The doctor had said that the due date
would be June 27, at the earliest!  Now, I don't know for sure whether
she really was born 10 days early or not, but if she was not, then her
birth right after the concert was a real freakish coincidence.

   If she was early because of the concert then it better be because she
liked the music rather than being disturbed by it, or she is in deep trouble!

   On another note.  All this talk about the Formula in third world countries
takes away the attention that should be given to their practices of formula
manufacturers and the medical profession here.  Free formula is not given
exclusively to mothers in third world countries.  We were given the freebies,
too.  And what's worse my wife was encouraged by the pediatrician to give
formula to our daughter if her milk did not seem to appease her hunger.
Now this really sucks!  I don't know if the doctor kept saying that because
of laziness, or because the medical profession has something going on with
formula manufacturers or what.  But no nurse and doctor that we came in
contact with warned us against the problems of starting the baby off with
formula and hoping for the mother's milk to come later.  If we had not
talked to other people, and if not for a few pamphlet put out by some decent
people, now after two weeks we would have HAD to feed the baby with formula.

						  H. Reza Taheri

silver@csu-cs.UUCP (07/08/83)

In our case, it was a large Chinese  dinner that did the trick.  And, by
the way, there's nothing  unusual about  delivering as much as two weeks
early or late, even if you know the exact time of conception!