[net.sci] James Randi receives MacArthur Foundation fellowship

mrh@cybvax0.UUCP (Mike Huybensz) (07/17/86)


Skeptics of the paranormal will be please to hear that James Randi has been
awarded a fellowship ("genius grant") by the MacArthur foundation in
recognition of his public service in exposing supernatural and psychic hoaxes.

The no-strings attached fellowship will provide him $52,800/yr for five years.
The grants are intended to remove financial constraints and provide creative
freedom to exceptionally gifted individuals.

It's fascinating to speculate what use Randi will put the money to.  For
about 20 years now, he's offered a $10,000 reward to anyone who can demonstrate
paranormal phenomina to him under mutually agreed upon controlled conditions.
Dozens have tried, leaving some impressive documentation of failures.
Recently, Randi has been exposing faith healers.  One of the more interesting
revellations has been that one healer's "messages from god" were actually
from his wife over a radio....

Mike Huybensz		...decvax!genrad!mit-eddie!cybvax0!mrh