[net.math.stat] S bug fix

hubert@entropy.UUCP (Steve Hubert) (06/07/84)

I submitted this to net.stat but since everyone was killing net.stat
it didn't make it some places.
Here is a fix to print (in S) from Rick Becker.  Berkeley did not
have the fix and I did not have the fix so maybe you don't either.
				Steve Hubert
				Dept. of Stat., U. of Wash, Seattle

This is from alice!rab (Rick Becker).
	Now I understand.  It sounds as if you do not have the fix that
	I made to print (although it was done in Jan).
	In $S/prtvec.r, I was missing a few lines at the end
	and it should read
	if( cut<LENGTH(ptr) ) call prtvc2(ptr,quotes)	# very long
	else if(pdim!=NULL) call prtars(ptr,pdim,quotes)	# array
	else if(ptsp!=NULL) call prttss(ptr,ptsp,quotes)	# time series
	else {	# print vector-structure as vector
		call prtvc2(ptr,quotes)