perlman@wanginst.UUCP (Gary Perlman) (02/07/86)
What follows is an announcement of a new version (5.2) of my UNIX|STAT package of data manipulation and analysis programs for UNIX and MSDOS. The UNIX version is finished, and the MSDOS version will be ready as soon as we get around to compiling them, certainly by March 1, 1986. UNIX|STAT continues to be distributed on tape for $20 and floppies for $15, and you can make free copies for non-profit use. If you do data analysis on UNIX or MSDOS, its worth reading on. For People Who Are Familiar With UNIX|STAT: So what's new from the old version? To me the main changes are: a. contab (new program) for contingency tables and chi-square b. probdist (new and replacement program) for random number generation, and probability to/from statistic conversion for uniform, normal, chi-square, t, and F distributions. c. on-line help built into most programs: -L print program limits -O print program options -V print program version number d. ranksort (new program) to rank order data within columns e. on-line manual entries will be available on MSDOS, so: g. I am no longer distributing free printed documentation. f. there is brand new documentation (a big handbook) for 5.2 There are several new features added to old programs, to take up slack for programs I am no longer distributing (io, vincent, trans, dataplot). I hope to rid myself of this compulsion to write new UNIX|STAT programs, so I intend to avoid adding to the package for at least six months. This should be the best version around for a while. The long description follows, and it includes ordering information. Due to the number of calls I have received, and had to return, I will no longer be returning calls about the package. If you must call, leave your name and address and I'll send you a paper copy of exactly what follows. And don't forget, send me your addresses in the form they will appear on a mailing label, or I will let your request gather dust for weeks rather than try to decipher letter-head. Foreign requesters: please tell me what country you are writing from; I am still wondering where Flatzen-Hozen is. UNIX|STAT 5.2 DATA MANIPULATION & ANALYSIS PROGRAMS FOR UNIX and MSDOS UNIX|STAT is a set of over 20 data manipulation and analysis programs developed at the University of California, San Diego and at the Wang Institute of Graduate Studies by Gary Perlman. The programs are designed with the UNIX philosophy that individual programs should be designed as tools that do one task well and produce output suitable for input via pipes to other programs. Interactive use is supported in the command line interpreter which also provides a programming language for complex analyses. Typical usage involves a pipeline of transformations of data followed by input to an analysis program, summarized schematically by: INPUT DATA | TRANSFORM | ANALYSIS | OUTPUT RESULTS Functionality often built into statistical packages (e.g., graphics and sorting) is not re-invented in UNIX|STAT which delegates such responsibility to standard tools. DATA MANIPULATION PROGRAMS: abut join data files colex column extraction dm column oriented data manipulator maketrix create matrix type file from free-form file perm randomly permute lines in a file probdist probability distribution functions ranksort rank order columns repeat repeat a pattern or file reverse reverse lines, columns, and characters series print a series of numbers transpose transpose matrix type file validata verify data file consistency DATA ANALYSIS PROGRAMS: anova multi-factor analysis of variance calc interactive algebraic modeling calculator contab contingency tables and chi-square desc descriptions histograms, frequency tables dprime signal detection d' and beta calculations oneway one-way anova and t-test and error-bar plots pair paired data statistics, regression, plots regress multivariate linear regression stats report summary statistics ts time series analysis and plots FEATURES: easy to use (negligible training period) simple input formats (free format field oriented) used in pipelines with other UNIX or MSDOS utilities (sort, print) flexible data manipulation data validation (range and type checking) full documentation (manual entries, tutorials) extensible (many modular C functions) efficient (less than a few seconds per analysis) small enough for micros runs on any UNIX System (V6, V7, 2.8BSD, 4BSD, System V, etc.) runs on MSDOS 2.0 and 3.0 with 96K (IBM PC, Wang PC, AT&T PC, etc.) liberal copyright (can't be distributed for gain) in use at more than 400 UNIX sites for six years CHANGES FOR RELEASE 5.0 (March 1985): reworked to increase portability, reliability, usability most commands now use a standard option parser (getopt) all calculations now done in double precision improved error messages regress now does a partial correlation analysis colex and trans added as alternative to dm better approximations to F-ratios efficiency of I/O improved most programs ported to MSDOS improved random number seeding on UNIX standard exit status (0) on successful runs version control added CHANGES FOR RELEASE 5.1 (November 1985): several minor bugs removed the full package was ported to MSDOS CHANGES FOR RELEASE 5.2 (January 1986): 5 probability distributions with random number generation crosstabs and chi-square program on-line help in most programs plotting options added to paired data program anova program more robust error bar plots, unweighted means solution in oneway program better support for residual plotting in regress UNIX|STAT Handbook and new manual entries on-line manuals on MSDOS AVAILABILITY AND ORDERING INFORMATION: The programs are distributed under a liberal copyright. The software (program code, executable code, and on-line documentation) can be distributed freely, provided there is no material gain. All rights are reserved on the printed documentation. All prices include delivery and should be prepaid US funds to G. Perlman. UNIX Version of UNIX|STAT: Price: $20 Contents: Program (C language) & Manual (troff) Source Files Format: 600 foot half inch 9 track mag tape, 1600 bpi tar format MSDOS Version of UNIX|STAT: Price: $15 Contents: Preformatted Manuals and Executables Format: 2S/2D MSDOS 5.25 inch floppy diskettes Handbook: Price: $10 Contents: Examples, Conventions, Reference Materials, CALC & DM Manuals Format: Printed Manual (~70 pages) Printed Manual Entries: Price: $5 Contents: Typeset Versions of Manual Entries, Reference Sheets Format: Printed Manual (~30 pages) CONTACT: Gary Perlman Wang Institute of Graduate Studies Tyng Road Tyngsboro, MA 01879 USA (617) 649-9731 UUCP: decvax!wanginst!perlman CSNET: perlman@wanginst NOTES: UNIX|STAT is unsupported, though known bugs have been removed. UNIX|STAT may not be distributed for profit. UNIX is a trademark of AT&T Bell Laboratories. UNIX|STAT is NOT a product of any company or organization. -- Gary Perlman Wang Institute Tyngsboro, MA 01879 (617) 649-9731 UUCP: decvax!wanginst!perlman CSNET: perlman@wanginst