[net.math.stat] netlib - network math/stat libraries

yandell@uwstat.UUCP (Brian Yandell) (03/12/86)

There is a network facility for acquiring subroutines from
standard mathematical and statistical libraries run by one
of the national labs.  Here is our help-file on the beast:
[Note that use should be restricted to getting subroutines
rather than whole libraries, to keep network traffic manageable!]

		I n d e x   f o r   N E T L I B

Many math and stat libraries are available over the network.
A recent index is append to this page.
To access routines in these libraries, simply

        mail netlib

(netlib is aliased to netlib@anl-mcs) with the mail message
being commands as follows (up to #, of course):

send index                      # send current index
send name from lib              # name is subroutine in library lib 
                                # include called subroutines
send n1 n2 from lib             # send n1 and n2, plus called subs
send only name from lib         # send only name, no called subs
send n1 but not n2 from lib     # do not send n2 and routines called by it
send name from lib core         # include core library

The netlib command can be part of the "Subject:" or part of the message.
Requests should be processed as fast as the ARPA net can handle them,
that is, 5 to 10 minutes.  This should not be used to get entire libraries.
Consult Computer Committee if you need a complete library not in residence.

The following is the latest index from netlib:

From netlibd@anl-mcs.ARPA Fri Jan 24 15:53:31 1986
Subject: index
Caveat receptor.  (Jack) dongarra@anl-mcs, (Eric Grosse) research!ehg
Compliments of netlib   Fri Jan 24 15:43:39 CST 1986

I n d e x   f o r   N E T L I B

To examine the full index for any library send a request
to netlib of the form: 
  Send index from eispack

The default precision for the libraries will be double precision. 
If you would like the single precision version of the package, 
prefix the library name with an 's'. However, if the library 
only comes in only one precision that's what you will be sent.

To search for somebody in Gene Golub's address list:
  Who is Joan Doe?
displays entries containing "Joan" and "Doe".  (no spelling correction!)

EISPACK  A collection of Fortran subroutines that compute the eigenvalues 
         and eigenvectors of nine classes of matrices.  The package can 
         determine the eigensystems of complex general, complex Hermitian, 
         real general, real symmetric, real symmetric band, real symmetric 
         tridiagonal, special real tridiagonal, generalized real, and 
         generalized real symmetric matrices. In addition, there are two 
         routines which use the singular value decomposition to solve 
         certain least squares problems.
         Developed by the NATS Project at Argonne National Laboratory.
         (d.p. refer to eispack, s.p. refer to seispack)

FMM      Routines from the book Computer Methods for Mathematical
         Computations, by Forsythe, Malcolm, and Moler.
         Developed by George Forsythe, Mike Malcolm, and Cleve Moler.
         (d.p. refer to fmm, s.p. refer to sfmm)

FNLIB    Fullerton's special function library.
         Developed by Wayne Fullerton.
         (all precisions contained here)

LINPACK  A collection of Fortran subroutines that analyze and solve linear 
         equations and linear least squares problems.  The package solves 
         linear systems whose matrices are general, banded, symmetric 
         indefinite, symmetric positive definite, triangular, and tridiagonal 
         square.  In addition, the package computes the QR and singular value 
         decompositions of rectangular matrices and applies them to least 
         squares problems.
         Developed by Jack Dongarra, Jim Bunch, Cleve Moler and Pete Stewart.
         (all precisions contained here)

MINPACK	 A package of Fortran programs for the solution of systems of 
         nonlinear equations and nonlinear least squares problems.
	 Five algorithmic paths each include a core subroutine and an 
         easy-to-use driver.  The algorithms proceed either from an analytic 
         specification of the Jacobian matrix or directly from the problem 
         functions.  The paths include facilities for systems of equations 
         with a banded Jacobian matrix, for least squares problems with a 
         large amount of data, and for checking the consistency of the 
	 Jacobian matrix with the functions.
	 Developed by Jorge More', Burt Garbow, and Ken Hillstrom at 
         Argonne National Laboratory.
         (d.p. refer to minpack, s.p. refer to sminpack)

FFTPACK  A package of Fortran subprograms for the Fast Fourier
         Transform of periodic and other symmetric sequences
         This package consists of programs which perform Fast Fourier
         Transforms for both complex and real periodic sequences and
         certian other symmetric sequences.
         Developed by Paul Swarztrauber, at NCAR.

FISHPACK A package of Fortran subprograms providing finite difference
         approximations for elliptic boundary value problems.
         Developed by Paul Swarztrauber and Roland Sweet.

QUADPACK A package for numerical computation of definite 
         one-dimensional integrals.
         Developed by Piessens, Robert(Appl. Math. and Progr. Div.- K.U.Leuven)
         de Donker, Elise(Appl. Math. and Progr. Div.- K.U.Leuven
         Kahaner, David(National Bureau of Standards)

TOEPLITZ A package of Fortran subprograms for the solution of systems 
         of linear equations with coefficient matrices of Toeplitz or
         circulant form, and for orthogonal factorization of column-
         circulant matrices.
	 Developed by Burt Garbow at Argonne National Laboratory,
         as a culmination of Soviet-American collaborative effort.
         (d.p. refer to toeplitz, s.p. refer to stoeplitz)

GO       Golden Oldies:  routines that have been widely used, 
         but aren't available through the standard libraries.
         Nominations welcome!

PPPACK   Subroutines from: Carl de Boor, A Practical Guide to Splines, 
         Springer Verlag.
         Caution.  This is an old version, from around the time the book 
         was first published.  We will install a newer version as soon 
         as we can.

ITPACK   Iterative Linear System Solver based on a number of methods:
         Jacobi method, SOR, SSOR with conjugate gradient acceleration 
         or with Chebyshev (semi-iteration - SI) acceleration.
         Developed by Young and Kincaid and the group at U of Texas.

BIHAR    Biharmonic solver in rectangular geometry
         Biharmonic solver in polar coordinates 
         These routines were obtained from Petter Bjorstad, 
         Veritas Research, Oslo Norway in July 1984.  

MISC     Contains various pieces of software collected over time.

TOMS     Collected algorithms of the ACM. When requesting a specific
         item, please refer to be Algorithm number.

LASO     A package computing a few eigenvalues of a large (sparse) 
         symmetric matrix.   
         Developed by David Scott University of Texas, Austin.

SCPACK   contains routines to solve the "parameter problem"
         associated with the Schwarz-Christoffel map (subroutine SCSOLV),
         to evaluate the resulting S-C map (WSC), and to evaluate its inverse
         Developed by Llyod N. Trefethen, Courant Inst.
         (d.p. refer to scpack, s.p. refer to sscpack)

FITPACK  A package for splines under tension.
         This is an early version of some fitpack routines.  
         For a current copy and for other routines, contact:
         Alan Kaylor Cline 
         8603 Altus Cove, Austin, Texas 78759, USA

HARWELL  Currently contains on the sparse matrix routine MA28 from the
         Harwell library. contact:
         Iain Duff
         Computer Science & Systems Division
         AERE Harwell
         Didcot, Oxford OX11 ORA England

BENCHMARK contains various benchmark programs.

PORT  ===== public subset of the PORT library =====
         In general, contents of the PORT3 library are available by license.

CORE     Machine constants, blas

MACHINES contains information on high performance computers that
         are or soon to be made available

Y12M  calculation of the solution of systems of linear systems of
      linear algebra equations whose matrices are large and sparse.
      authors: Zahari Zlatev, Jerzy Wasniewski and Kjeld Schaumburg
      Prof. Zahari Zlatev
      Computer Science Department
      Mathematical Institute
      University of Aarhus
      Ny Munkegade
      DK 8000 Aarhus C

PCHIP is a fortran package for piecewise cubic hermite inter-
     polation of data.  It features software to produce a monotone and
     "visually pleasing" interpolant to monotone data.  As is demon-
     strated in reference 1, such an interpolant may be more reasonable
     than a cubic spline if the data contains both "steep" and "flat"
     sections.  Interpolation of cumulative probability distribution
     functions is another application.
     Fred N. Fritsch
     Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory

LP      Linear Programming - At present, this consists of one subdirectory,
        data    a set of test problems in MPS format.
        For more information, try a request of the form
            send index for lp/data

ODEPACK The ODE package from Alan Hindmarch and others.
        This is the single precision verison to get dp refer to dodepack.
        Alan Hindmarch
        Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory

ELEFUNT is a collection of transportable Fortran programs for testing
        the elementary function programs provided with Fortran compilers.  The
        programs are described in detail in the book "Software Manual for the 
        Elementary Functions" by W. J. Cody and W. Waite, Prentice Hall, 1980.

SPECFUN is an incomplete, but growing, collection of transportable
        Fortran programs for special functions, and of accompanying test
        programs similar in concept to those in ELEFUNT.  Both single-
        and double-precision versions can be extracted from the supplied
        source code with simple editing changes.  NOTE: at least one
        version MUST be extracted before the source will compile.
        W.J. Cody, Argonne National Laboratory
Coming soon:

SLATEC library

brian yandell	statistics and horticulture, uw-madison
		messages @ (608) 262-1009 w/ candy smith

EASY ARPA:	yandell@statistics
CORRECT ARPA:	yandell@stat.wisc.edu
OLD ARPA:	yandell@uwisc
UUCP:	...!{allegra,heurikon,ihnp4,seismo,sfwin,ucbvax,uwm-evax}!uwvax!yandell